1. Name
2. Constitution
3. Committee Members
4. Current Status
5. Website
6. Facebook Page
7. Facebook Community Group
8. “Where is our Community Centre” Petition
9. Submissions to the Christchurch City Council
10. Events
11. Letters of Support from Local Christchurch MPs
12. “The Future for Shirley Road Central” News Article (May 2021)
13. ‘Study to determine feasibility of Christchurch community centre’ News Article (16 July 2021)
14. ‘Lengthy delay in centre rebuild an ‘injustice’ News Article (4 August 2022)
15. ‘Shirley Community Centre’s future to be decided’ News Article (24 July 2023)
1. Name
– Shirley Road Central Incorporated (50064847)
– Why ‘Shirley Road Central’?
10 Shirley Road is central to connecting communities in Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau.
– Why the suburbs of Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau?
When you draw a 2km radius from 10 Shirley Road, these are the suburbs included in this area.
2. Constitution
To support the development of a community hub including a modern library, and meeting rooms on the site at 10 Shirley Road for the use of the surrounding communities.
The objects of the Group are:
3.1 To encourage the urgent development of public facilities and activities particularly for the residents of the area:
3.2 To encourage any activity that promotes the wellbeing of residents of the area:
3.3 To engage in any charitable activities for the benefit of the locality and residents of the area.
3. Committee Members
Joanna Gould, Don Gould, Jennifer Dalziel, Joanne Byrne, Margaret Stewart, Mark Wilson, Stephen McPaike, Jacqueline Tither, Paul Smith, Tuangane Matangi, Jason Harvey, Alan Liefting, Melinda Biggs, Jennifer McKinnel & Paul McKinnel
4. Current Status
Registered: 11 May 2021 to 28 Oct 2022.
Dissolved: 28 Nov 2022.
Dissolution of Incorporated Societies, 7th November 2024
Shirley Road Central, 50064847
The ‘Shirley Road Central’ (SRC) residents group was setup just before the Christchurch City Council’s Long Term Plan in 2021.
In order to be seen as an official ‘Community Organization’ & not just a ‘Facebook group’ by Council staff, to enable our group to have extra time to speak at the CCC LTP verbal submission hearings.
The group’s constitution shows the aim was to advocate for a new community hub (modern library & meeting rooms) but divisions occurred over:
– ‘new’ community hub vs replacement ‘traditional’ community centre &
– ‘advocating’ for a new building vs ‘activating’ the 10 Shirley Road site.
Currently the SRC Website* is still live, but no longer updated.
SRC Facebook* Page & Community Group are still active & updated.
* I setup a separate SRC website & Facebook to distinguish between the SRC group view & my personal ideas/research as ‘Shirley Centre 10 Shirley Road’.
5. Website
6. Facebook Page
7. Facebook Community Group
8. “Where is our Community Centre” Petition
– LTP 2021-2031 Petition from Shirley Road Central
“This petition was submitted to Council at the Long Term Plan (2021 to 2031) meeting in 2021 from the Shirley Road Central group.
The petition contains signatures in support of a new community facility on the Shirley Community Reserve.
The petition also resulted in Council asking staff to develop an updated feasibility study, looking at what options are appropriate for the reserve.”
– “Where is our Community Centre” Petition
‘Shirley Road Central’ group members collected signatures/comments through an online ‘Change’ petition & in person via door knocking, outside local schools & onsite at ‘activation’ events like ‘Skip Day’, held at 10 Shirley Road.
9. Submissions to the Christchurch City Council
– 12.05.21, Item 3: Jennifer Dalziel & Joanne Burn – Shirley Road Central
– 11.05.22, Item 3: Shirley Rd Central, Jennifer Dalziel
10. Events
In my opinion, the ‘Pop up’ activities to ‘activate’ the 10 Shirley Road site had little success in creating connections: to the 10 Shirley Road site & between local residents.
Events like ‘Skip Day’ & the ‘Car Boot Sale’ organised by the ‘Shirley Road Central’ group:
– required many people to be involved in the planning & running of these events.
– more hours were invested in planning/meetings, than the actual duration of the event.
– Events had to be postponed or cancelled due to the weather.
11. Letters of Support from Local Christchurch MPs
– “The Richmond, Avonside, Dallington and Shirley Locals have a brilliant concept in their application to provide a Library and Education space and this new Community Centre could also provide a range of opportunities for the locals…
A space for after school activities and holiday programmes and possibly a venue for hire.
The Community Centre could also house NGO’s as well as drop in sessions for local organisations who could provide advice and assistance to those in need including Wellbeing/Health and Youth Clinics.
A Community Centre is a place where you are bringing everyone in the community together of all ethnicities and therefore I fully support this application.”
Hon Poto Williams, Member of Parliament for Christchurch East
– “I write in support of further exploration of the community centre concept proposed for 10 Shirley Road.
While this is not in my electorate the area serviced by such a centre would cross into Christchurch Central and benefit my constituents.
I have read the support letter provided by MP for Christchurch East, Hon Poto Williams, and I am happy to add my support to her views and encourage council to consider exploring the idea further, such as commissioning a feasibility study for full review including the future of the current Shirley Library.”
Dr Duncan Webb, Member of Parliament for Christchurch Central
12. “The Future for Shirley Road Central” News Article (May 2021)
Richmond Community News, Page 5
“Following the Christchurch earthquakes the community centre at 10 Shirley Road was demolished.
It was a popular and welcoming community asset situated on multiple bus routes, reaching out to the communities of Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans and Mairehau.
A wide variety of people and groups attended this facility offering classes, courses and community events…
The library at the Palms is outdated and too small, it lacks meeting spaces and is not central to all local schools and bus routes.
Our communities are ethnically and socially diverse.
We have areas of social deprivation, and others of relative well being.
We have increased social housing, and increased high density, infill housing.
As our population grows, the demand for community facilities grows also.
Church facilities can be a barrier for some of our secular community members.
School facilities are often limited in the times they are available…
In 2021 the land remains empty.
Our communities have waited over a decade for a replacement facility, while watching tens of millions of dollars spent on new community facilities in other areas of the city.
The decision to not rebuild ours has disadvantaged our community and continues to do so.
Our vision is a new community hub at Shirley Road Central.
We want a modern future-focused library, with learning/meeting spaces for all ages and stages of life.
We want a centre that is inclusive and accessible for all.”
13. ‘Study to determine feasibility of Christchurch community centre’ News Article (16 July 2021)
An upcoming feasibility study could set the ball rolling on a $3 million community facility in east Christchurch.
Christchurch City Council’s Long Term Plan, approved last month, allocates $3 million towards a centre rebuild in the 2031-2032 financial year.
It also budgets $35,000 for a feasibility study to take place in the 2021-2022 financial year.
Innes Ward city councillor Pauline Cotter said the future of the project is in the hands of the community.
“It’s now with the community, they’re going to have to drive that,” Cotter said.
It is possible the $3 million funding could be brought forward if a building plan was ready and viable, she said.
Joanne Byrne, spokeswoman for the 10 Shirley Road [Shirley Road Central] group, helped organise a petition of over 1200 signatures which was presented to the council in May.
The community was devastated when funding was dropped from the last Long Term Plan and wanted to avoid a repeat of that scenario, she said.
Shirley Recreational Walkers leader Sue Lang said she hoped a new community centre would be built.
The site was currently home to a pump track and playground.
“That’s great, but it won’t meet the needs of the whole community,” Lang said.
However, she did not trust the council to pull through on the project.
“A decade is a long time to wait for when you’ve already waited a decade.”
14. ‘Lengthy delay in centre rebuild an ‘injustice’ News Article (4 August 2022)
An 11-year delay in rebuilding a community facility has been described as an “injustice” to a “forgotten suburb”.
Community group Shirley Road Central chair Jennifer Dalziel has been advocating for a rebuild since the old facility was demolished, and described the whole process as “hugely frustrating”.
“My position is the injustice of it,” she said.
“They call Shirley the forgotten suburb…it’s like Shirley is just left out of everything.”
In May last year, Dalziel, along with Shirley residents passionate about the rebuild of the community centre, created a petition advocating for it.
They gained more than 1200 signatures from the community.
Innes Ward councillor Pauline Cotter said she can understand why Dalziel has described the process as an “injustice”.
“I can empathise with the community for having a community centre that was then gone,” she said.
“I feel like this area is kind of almost last to have areas restored…Shirley, in particular, needs the stability.”
Cotter said she fought alongside Papanui Ward councillor Mike Davidson to get the money for a feasibility study allocated to the city council’s Long Term Plan.
She said the wheels are starting to turn now, and hopes the feasibility study will be presented to the community board by the end of the year.
Dalziel said the whole process has been an “uphill battle against authorities” but has hope that the community facility will be restored.
“They’ve [city council] agreed to do something but what it’s going to be, we don’t know.”
(Front Page & Page 4)
15. ‘Shirley Community Centre’s future to be decided’ News Article (24 July 2023)
Shirley residents are one step closer to a decision on the suburb’s Community Reserve.
The Christchurch City Council is calling for submissions on the future of the contentious site.
Speaking during a deputation to city councillors, Mark Wilson said the Shirley Community Centre had been well used before the quakes.
“There are other areas of the city which have recently had new community centres built, more money and tens of millions of dollars thrown at them.
“And here we are. Shirley is still struggling to get a community centre rebuilt that they lost after the earthquakes.
“It’s inadequate, it’s embarrassing”.
Wilson said the Shirley community had lost a lot and needed its community centre.
“Build it, and they will come”.