Richmond Community Needs Analysis


“The Board and Governance Team see Richmond as a priority area, the research is to look at the strengths, needs and gaps of the area.
Once the research is completed the findings will be presented to the Community Board.
Scope of study: Aims and Objectives
The aim of the research is to develop a profile of the Richmond community and their needs in terms of current and future recreation, sports, arts and health and social service provision
Specifically, the research will fulfil the following objectives:
(a) Provide an accurate demographic profile of Richmond and identify future demographic trends of this community, drawing on 2018 Census data.
(b) Create a profile of existing recreation, sports and arts and social and health agencies in the community.
(c) Profile residents’ existing access to recreation, parks, sports, arts, health and social services and potential future demand for these services, focusing especially on the way residents are interfacing with Council assets and services: what is working well, and what would make this community better.
(d) Develop a document that will assist with future planning for Richmond, taking into account barriers to access, and future patterns of access fort different services.
(e) Gaps and issues in existing provision of services will be identified.
(f) Gather information that can inform future uses of the former Shirley Community Centre site.”
Email from Papanui-Innes Community Board, 2 November 2018.

“15. Waikura/Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board Area Report – November 2018
5. Significant Community Issues, Events and Projects in the Board Area
5.4 Richmond Community Needs Analysis Survey
A contract has been let to independent social researcher, Sarah Wylie, to undertake a Community Needs Analysis for Richmond.
The research will:
– Provide a demographic profile of Richmond using 2018 Census data when it is available
– Profile existing recreation, sports, arts, social service and health agencies in the community and predict future demand, including any barriers to access, gaps in services and how residents are interfacing with Council assets and services
– Gather information to inform decisions on the future use of the Shirley Community Centre site.”
– Link: 14 November 2018

Community Needs: Community Centres

Just a quick update. I finished my feedback for “Draft OARC Regenerate Plan” for Christchurch last night.
Supporting Information:

Since the beginning of this year I have been researching the community needs for Shirley, then Richmond.
But recently I have been researching Dallington & looking into my idea for a community centre at the former Burwood Primary School site, so that the Shirley Library building at The Palms can be sold.
I remembered Bebe Frayle from the Dallington Residents Association LTP presentation:

If you have a look at, my research shows the need for two community centres:
OARC Regeneration Plan Idea for Shirley/Richmond by Joanna Gould
“Shirley/Richmond, new Community Centre at 10 Shirley Road opposite Shirley Primary School, includes Shirley Library, Learning Spaces, Service Centre, sell Shirley Library building at The Palms.”
OARC Regeneration Plan Idea for Dallington/Burwood/Avondale by Joanna Gould
“Dallington/Burwood/Avondale, new Community Centre at 255 New Brighton Road close to All Saints Church, includes Coastal-Burwood Governance Unit more central to their residents, small Meeting/Learning spaces with kitchen, Service Centre, Volunteer Library similar to Redcliffs Village Library, sell Shirley Library building at The Palms.”

It was frustrating to find the Coastal-Burwood Community Board had asked Sarah Wylie to research their Community Needs in 2017.
Pg 69-103 ‘Coastal-Burwood Community Facility Needs Assessment’
Prepared for Community Governance Team, Coastal Burwood By Sarah Wylie
Pg 102 “Strong feedback came through supporting development of a community hub facility serving Burwood, Avondale and Dallington.
The former Burwood School site was identified as the best location for this, close to All Saints Church, another key amenity in the area.
Demand was identified for smaller meeting spaces and accompanying kitchen able to cater for group activities, particularly for older adults.”

The former Burwood Primary School site is now:
Re: former Burwood School Site (255 New Brighton Road) which is currently in the disposal process by Ministry of Education and LINZ.
Attachments: List of disposals as at 30 November 2018
“Pg 5, 3452777, Canterbury, Ministry of Education, 255 New Brighton Road, New Brighton, Christchurch, Disposal Status: Right of First Refusal”

The latest updates from the Coastal-Burwood Community Board are:
“4. Community Board Plan – Update against Outcomes
On 1 October 2018, the Board met to receive and review progress on its Community Board Plan 2017 – 2019, which had been monitored against the Board’s agreed Outcomes and Priorities.
A community facility for Dallington/Burwood was seen as a priority. It was agreed that the Board would next review its Board Plan in June 2019.”
“5. Deputations by Appointment
Burwood/Avondale/Dallington Group – Burwood/Avondale/Dallington Community Hub, Bebe Frayle and David Collins will speak on behalf of the Burwood/Avondale/Dallington Group regarding the Burwood/Avondale/Dallington Community Hub.”
“5.4.1 Burwood, Avondale and Dallington Community Group
The Burwood, Avondale and Dallington community group meetings continue to happen monthly. The group is supported by Coastal-Burwood Community Governance staff and Board members. The group are currently organising three community events, one in each area as well as a combined event to be held in March of 2019.
The group are completing a feasibility study with regards to having a combined Community Hub to collectively service the three suburbs. The Burwood, Avondale and Dallington areas have dramatically reduced community spaces/places as a result of the 2010/2011 earthquakes with approximately over half of the land and housing lost to the red zone.”

Obviously my concern now is, if the Dallington/Burwood/Avondale community were researched by Sarah Wylie in September 2017, and still have no community centre, and have to wait til June 2019 for the Board to review its Board Plan.

What does this mean for the Shirley/Richmond community, that have been researched by Sarah Wylie in October/November 2018, with a report due to be presented to the Papanui-Innes Community Board early next year, when are we likely to see a community centre?

10 Shirley Road Update

I presented the .pdf below, to the Papanui-Innes Community Board re: 10 Shirley Road on 28th September 2018.


Pg 2 of the .pdf explains “what” I have been researching, and the websites I have created, since I made my first presentation to the Papanui-Innes Community Board in April 2018.

Pg 3 of the .pdf explains “why” we need to “Get Creative Christchurch”.
Through my research, I’ve realised the need for more spaces/places in our community, to help our residents with “Identity | Well-being | Learning”.

Think: Christchurch with Hila Oren

Thank you Facebook AI engine for suggesting I go to this event:

Think: Christchurch with Hila Oren
The Piano: Centre for Music and the Arts
Monday, 10th September 2018
“The following guest speakers will be joining our ‘Thinker in Residence’ on the stage to share their thoughts on how Christchurch, a city of explorers, could leverage our unique selling point.
Simon Hunter | KPMG, Nigel Watson | NZ Antarctic Heritage Trust, Jasina Gurung and Thomas Akolo | Linwood College, Lianne Dalziel | Christchurch Mayor and Tim Loftus | ChristchurchNZ

“Are you an explorer? We think most people from Christchurch are. Come along and hear from some talented and passionate people about where they think being a city of explorers could take Christchurch.”

Christchurch on progressive path
“Christchurch’s first ‘thinker in residence’ believes the city is moving in the right direction. Ms Oren, who is the chief executive of the Tel Aviv Foundation, is considered a global leader in creating a city’s narrative, supporting entrepreneurialism and philanthropy.

She has been brought back to the city for two months by the Christchurch Foundation as the first ‘thinker in residence’ to engage with city leaders, charities and social enterprises on several projects. She has shared her infectious enthusiasm for ‘city making’ at this week’s Think Christchurch workshop, delivering a thought-provoking keynote address.

Ms Oren heard about Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton’s expeditions when she was on a leadership programme at Harvard University in the United States.
‘You need to celebrate your links to history and tell the stories of Shackleton, Edmund Hillary, New Zealand’s suffrage leader, Kate Sheppard, and others who have played such a huge part in what your city is today,’ she says.

‘Explorers from all over the world should want to touch Christchurch’s spirit to inspire them.’
‘As to the future, your city is at a crucial stage of considering ‘where to, now’. Even just bringing me from the other side of the world to help you think through ideas demonstrates that you are bold in taking the next step.'”

Elevating the City’s Quality of Life
Education | Arts & Culture | Social Services | Innovation | Environment
Building Knowledge | Speaker Series 2017/18 | Hila Oren

My Story…
For me the “Think: Christchurch” event, was inspiring and encouraging, listening to the guest speakers speaking my language, using words I use, talking about a vision for Christchurch similar to mine.
I am a Christchurch resident ‘thinker’. I went to the above event because I have a creative growth mindset. I’ve been listening/learning/researching and creating ideas to help our community.

During this week I’ve read articles/comments regarding this event and listened to: ‘What does a thinker in residence do?’ Chris Lynch/NewstalkZB asked Christchurch Foundation chief executive Amy Carter.
The irony is that without ‘thinkers’ sharing their thoughts on talkback radio, this radio show wouldn’t exist as it does, the ‘thinkers’ help provide the content.
‘Thinkers’ have value and add value to our communities.

When I started with this ‘project’ in April 2018, I didn’t have a clue where this journey would take me.

In May 2018 I presented my verbal submission ‘You Are Here’ to the Christchurch City Council’s 2018 Long Term Plan, for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, to create a multi-cultural centre as a ‘Gateway to the East.’

Afterwards I went to the Christchurch Art Gallery for the first time.
I walked through the exhibitions admiring all the artworks, and then I found ‘Our Collection: 19th and 20th Century New Zealand Art’.
The saying goes ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, but standing in front of the Māori portraits, the 3 words that came into my mind were: ‘Tell Our Stories’.

I had been given a map of the Art Gallery, and as I was looking for the name of the Māori portraits exhibition, another name jumped out at me ‘You Are Here’.
It took me awhile to find this in the Outer Spaces. It is a signpost.
“- looking at the influences these artists had drawn on
– related to distance/directions from these artworks to this location
– how isolated we are in NZ and how we draw on influences from outside
– you are here, and what are you going to do about it?
– a challenge to the people of Christchurch post earthquakes”

Christchurch, The Garden City, known for its English heritage, Avon River, Botanic Gardens, Christchurch Cathedral…
“The city suffered a series of earthquakes between September 2010 and early 2012, with the most destructive of them occurring at 12.51 p.m. on Tuesday, 22 February 2011, in which 185 people were killed and thousands of buildings across the city collapsed or suffered severe damage. By late 2013, 1,500 buildings in the city had been demolished, leading to an ongoing recovery and rebuilding project.”

Post earthquakes the people in the East have been waiting/fighting for repairs/rebuilds, our footpaths/roads are ‘munted’, some of our schools have been closed/relocated, and our mental health/well-being has suffered.

The quintessential photo Hila captured of the girls dressed in kilts, walking to school through the trees and daffodils, had me thinking.
– Why was this image important?
– How many of us have driven passed the same scene and thought nothing of it?
– Did you notice their school uniforms? How are they designed?
– Are the girls just talking? Or are they making connections that will last them a lifetime?

Hila is right, we need to start appreciating what we do have.
We need to reframe some of the stories we have been telling ourselves.
Yes the earthquakes happened in Christchurch, we can learn from them and share our learning with others around the world, but they aren’t our identity.

Christchurch is still ‘The Garden City’.
How many photos did you see on social media this weekend, of people admiring the cherry blossom trees in full bloom around Hagley Park?

Yes we are explorers, it is in our DNA, and in our school uniforms (logos, kilts, Māori designs).
Our roots go back to the brave explorers, our Māori people and those who travelled on the First Four Ships. They went on a journey to discover the unknown, to learn more about the world and the new lands they would find.

Standing in the foyer during the break at this event, I was reminded again as we introduced ourselves, a person’s identity in Christchurch is connected to ‘what school did you go to?’

Learning is part of our Christchurch identity.
Our communities are centered around our schools.
Our education connects us to social networks/employment.
We value learning and the places it can take us.
“The MORE that you READ. The more THINGS you will KNOW. The MORE you LEARN. The more PLACES you’ll GO!” – Dr. Seuss

Q. Why is identity, well-being and learning important for our people?
A. When we know who we are (identity), what we need to be healthy (well-being), and the importance of a growth mindset (learning), this causes a positive ripple effect in our businesses, communities and economy.

Through my research I realised the ideas I had created, had a common theme: learning.
Shirley Community Centre: library with learning spaces available for anyone in the community to use
Sutton’s Place: arts/crafts community with learning spaces for local/overseas teachers to provide classes/workshops/retreats, opportunity to learn about W. A. (Bill) Sutton and his teaching/artworks and house/garden
Māori Heritage Park: indoor/outdoor learning spaces for Māori architecture/arts/crafts, opportunities to learn about the Māori language/culture/stories/legends
River Bank Centre: research/design/technology hub with learning spaces to inspire/educate with STEAM, opportunity to see startup/innovation businesses and to learn about Richard Bedward Owen and why he was called ‘River Bank’ Owen.

Q. Why do we need these types of learning facilities in the East?
To inspire/educate the children/teenagers living in the East, who now have fewer options for schools, and limited access to continued learning outside of the schools.
We need to open the eyes of every child in Christchurch to what is possible through learning.
In the south of Christchurch, children/teenagers see those attending Ara Institute of Canterbury.
In the west of Christchurch, children/teenagers see those attending the University of Canterbury.

Our access to knowledge and where our locals have gathered since the earthquakes, is currently hidden in the car park of The Palms, as our Shirley Library.
I see the 10 Shirley Road site (opposite Shirley Primary School) for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, as an opportunity to show our children/teenagers that continued learning is possible once they leave school, and to inspire them to become ‘explorers’ and pursue their dreams.
The rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre represents laying a new foundation stone as the ‘Gateway to the East’, that says ‘we value our children and we value their learning’.
Hila Oren is right ‘it starts with our children’.

“Tangata ako ana i te kāenga, te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana.
A person nurtured in the community contributes strongly to society.”

We do need to ‘reframe our mindset’. We don’t need to rebuild our communities back to what they were pre earthquakes.
Post earthquakes we have the opportunity to tell the unique stories of our local people, to inspire/educate a new generation, leave a legacy for the generations to come, and to create new spaces/places/attractions, for the local/New Zealand/overseas ‘explorers’.

We need to move forward from ‘Think: Christchurch’ to ‘Get Creative Christchurch’!

“Think: Christchurch with Hila Oren” Post | Links Building Knowledge | Speaker Series 2017/18 Christchurch on progressive path ‘Let it go’, global thinker tells Christchurch

“Get Creative Christchurch” Website

Welcome to my “Get Creative Christchurch” website:

Our People
Identity | Well-being | Learning | Business | Community | Economy

Our Places | Shirley Community Centre
Creative Books | Learning Spaces

Our Places | Rise Up Richmond
Street Art | Sutton’s Place | Māori Heritage Park | River Bank Centre
Kai Town | River Road Park | Retreat Road Park

– April 2018: I started with this ‘project’
I created, to collate my ideas/research for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, as part of my submission to the Christchurch City Council 2018 Long Term Plan.

– May 2018: Presented my verbal submission to the Christchurch City Council’s 2018 Long Term Plan, for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, to create a multi-cultural centre as a “Gateway to the East.”
Mayor Lianne Dalziel said “Are you saying that rather than just building back a community centre, that actually we should look at the whole of the area, and look at the whole of the needs.
So maybe what we need to be considering for the Long Term Plan is a budget that would enable a full needs analysis, and to look at what the different options are.”

– June 2018: I began to look around at our Richmond suburb, and my ideas/research became my “Rise Up Richmond” website

– July 2018: Regenerate Christchurch asked for feedback on their Red Zone Futures Exhibition:
Created, for my Red Zone Futures ideas.
Created, for my Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor feedback:

– August 2018: “Help develop the draft Arts Strategy for Ōtautahi Christchurch.
Have Your Say on the draft Christchurch City Council Arts Strategy 2018.”

The rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre ( was my starting point, but through my research/community mapping, I realised that there was a need for more in our communities, more opportunities for everyone to find their space/place, and to create a new identity (after the earthquakes) for our communities through creative placemaking (

We need to “Get Creative” in our placemaking and storytelling of our unique Māori heritage and the Christchurch earthquakes, as we invite people from throughout NZ and all the world to come and see Creative Christchurch.

Joanna Gould |
Facebook Page | Get Creative Christchurch
Facebook Group | Get Creative Christchurch Group