“Where is our Community Centre” Petition

“Our communities lost our well used and well loved community centre at 10 Shirley Rd, following the February 2011 earthquake. We need a new community facility to serve the wider communities of North Richmond, Shirley, Mairehau, Edgeware and St Albans east of Cranford Street. We the undersigned, request that Christchurch City Council work with us to rebuild our beloved community centre as soon as possible.”

Please sign/share this petition to ask the Christchurch City Council, for a new community facility to be built at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, Christchurch. Thanks for your support!


Below are the comments from supporters, sharing why signing this petition is important to them:

– “These places are hubs for community activities, and communities are so much stronger with them. Its such a shame this hasn’t been rebuilt.” Robyn W.

– “This is a important asset to the Eastern Communities” Roger E.

– “A Community Centre is a truly under estimated asset to any community. They become a major part of the community and used by many different groups. This type of centre impacts many different groups positively so to have our community centre back is a necessity to our area.” Rachael D.

– “This used to be a great facility when I had my first child…would love other young parents to enjoy it as well.” Muz M.

– “I live in Mairehau and think we need this community centre.” Rachel S.

– “Richmond lost a lot of amenities after the quakes. There appears to be no intention by the CCC to invest in our suburb to bring back what we have lost. Please reconsider bringing back our community centre.” Laura M.

– “We need our Community Centre back which will make our area feel like a community again.” Fione N.

– “We were promised a replacement facility and this has not happened while other areas have had their centres built. What has happened to the insurance money from this facility? Many groups are missing out while we wait.” Sue L.

– “Community is the core to our Society, it was a priority Ten Years ago, it’s now the Priority…” Dorothy B.

– “Christchurch needs to look after its own.” Lyn S.

– “Loss of community hubs stripped the heart from us, let’s put one back.” Matthew H.

– “This use to be my community and others have their community centres re built.” Tiffani F.

– “It’s needed. Please rebuild.” Maree B.

– “Community centre is the hub of the area. Plse fix the centre/ heart of the area.” Lorraine H.

– “This is defiantly needed community place for all and a great location we need this for the community.” Tracey N.

– “I’m signing because I believe community centres are so necessary in having and maintaining a core community. I went to many courses in this centre, and it easy dearly missed.” Amanda H.

– “We need to have more centers like this to help people not swimming pools.” Paula S.

– “I feel this is important for the community.” Sharon C.

– “use to live near this as a child and had great days playing at the park near this what a shame to pull it down.” Tracie J.

– “I totally agree with the need for a new community centre for this area.” Alison F.

– “The community needs a hub. So much has been taken from us and not replaced.” Susan G.

– “The community needs this back!” Debbi F.

– “The old community centre was well used and has been missed by the locals.” Marina P.

– “Every suburb needs a community centre. I have good memories of this building when it hosted weight watchers.” Rose M.

– “This needs to be replaced for the Community.” Alison P.

– “A community Centre for North Richmond, Shirley, Mairehau, Edgewater & St. Albans East!” Shannon W.

– “I’m signing this because its what the community wants.” Justin M.

– “Shirley is a valuable community and has lost so much throughout the earthquakes and needs a community building. Its sad that they have reneged on the replacement building. Its time they showed the people in this area that they aren’t forgotten and do matter. A community building would be a valuable asset for the area with a multitude of uses and it has been sorely missed.” Selina K.

– “This community centre was a great resource for my child, pre 2011 earthquake. We went to music sessions & other parent/child centred sessions held here with the parent centre. I would like other local families to have same.” Charlotte P.

– “This community center was a well used, well lived asset to the community, it should be replaced if anything it’s needed more than ever with all the infill housing in the area.” Christine M.

– “No community should be stripped of essential services. Especially when the demand for these services is on the increase due to the direction NZ is going.
Accessibility to mental health services is critical and it only takes a walk through this suburb to see how many people here would be in need of this community center.
The sheer thought that this has not been prioritized over the likes of the copious amounts of bike lanes in Christchurch is beyond me. Very sad!” Sophia N.

– “Our communities require somewhere anyone can go for support with many issues and not feel judged or looked down upon. This is incredibly important especially in these hard times.” Monica G.

– “Having a centre would be a wonderful addition to the community.” Jo H.

– “Because this area sorely need a new community centre, preferably similar to the previous one, which had facilities for learning pottery & other arts & crafts, plus various other activities. There is nowhere locally suitable at present.” Sue W.

– “In support of a re- build or new community centre to be built. Come on Christchurch City Council. How about the CEO and city councillors taking a salary cut to get projects like this one off the ground?” Karilyn B.

– “We need somewhere local for everyone to meet up and enjoy each others company.” Judy K.

– “Come on CCC you said you would do this, please do the honorable thing and follow through.” Meredyth A.

– “Valuable community asset.” Helen C.

– “The community need their centre rebuilt, it is the Hub for many organisations and helps so many people. Health, welfare, mental well-being is so important. Too many have been affected and suffered due to the Earthquake and now COVID. Please listen to the people.” Miriam G.

– “We need community… So Where’s our community centre!?” Anneke M.

– “Very important for the welfare of all residents.” Donald K.

– “You said you would rebuild this centre; keep your promises. Building ridiculous memorials that we didn’t vote for will not appease those of us who suffered through all the earthquakes.” Nola R.

– “Our suburb has been asset stripped by CCC.” Jacqueline T.

– “Used to be Centre Coordinator at SCC and later organised and attended Adult Education classes there through SBHS. Our community needs this facility back.” Fiona B.

– “Don’t you think our communities have lost enough? Christchurch almost lost it’s identity, but the communities held us together. It’s getting harder and harder to do as the years drag on. We all need some semblance of normality back to grow strong again.” Jennifer P.

– “I’m signing in because I think the City Council Staff and elected members need to place more value on community engagement as to what the residents of the communities actually want in their neighbourhoods. Greater engagement will foster greater buy in for new projects, rather than force feeding initiatives and reports written by Council “experts” who don’t actually live in the neighbourhoods, and without actually canvasing the residents. It boils down to democracy and basic manners.” Greg P.

– “I believe in this.” Naohmi C.

– “Every community need a hub.” Penny M.

– “We need a new community center around here. I miss the pottery classes.” Jackie C.

– “I’m signing because our kids need more access to community ventures in our area. I’m signing because every community needs a hub.” Milly S.

– “I live just few doors down from where the Community Hall was…we lost SBHS where there were community classes…we need a community hall to bring a sense of neighborhood…& classes…” Hester de T.

– “Communities require hubs. Communities must develop an identity, without our own culture we are not enhancing our personal and community well-being along with community safety.” Sue P.

– “I would like to see the Community Centre reinstated for the benefit of the local Residents. A facility which encourages local participation and engagement would be warmly embraced in this resource depleted area.” Shirley S.

– “The centre used to be so busy before the quakes and shows that the community still needs a space.” Lucinda L.

– “It has been 8 and a half years since our community centre was destroyed in the February 2011 earthquake. It’s unbelievable that there are no plans to rebuild this once vibrant and well used centre. I am frustrated by the lack of priority given to repairing assets this area and the inequity in funding across the city.” Jane H.

– “Every community needs a Community centre. Shirley has lost so much, please reinstate our hub.” Susan G.

– “I am a resident of Richmond.” Benjamin E.

– “The community needs this back. This us a big loss to community groups in the area.” Tania M.

– “I grew up in this area and walked passed that community centre everyday on my way to school, I attend numerous activities within its walls over the years and I do believe my Grandfather attended primary school there before it was a community centre. Having a community centre is valuable for the residing residents.” Roxy T.

– “This community centre is much needed.” Mandi S.

– “I was a resident of the Shirley area and often used the Community Centre. A lot has changed since then and a new community centre would give back some much needed community spirit!” Anne M.

– “Having grown up in this area, I can only support these communities in their endeavor to heighten wellbeing and resilience though meeting and activity space. Kia kaha” Rik T.

– “I’m signing because we have lost our community amenities almost entirely since the quakes, with no hope of regaining them either, so i know how bad it is to be without them.” Alma R.

– “When I lived in Avonside til EQS used to go there all the time as our Canterbury Branch Family History centre was there.” Yvonne H.

– “Community centres are essential. Our area needs to be looked after.” Georgina C.

– “Shirley Community Centre (former Shirley Primary School) was built in 1915, and it became a place for: Cultural, Educational and Recreational Activities. Since the earthquakes we have seen our schools closed, rebuilt and relocated. We have seen the demolition of the original Shirley Community Centre in 2012, and our community has become disconnected and displaced. We need a new Centre built at 10 Shirley Road.” Joanna G.

– “I’m signing because community facilities are an essential part of building healthy supportive community groups and would like to point out that this type community rebuilding asset is the kind of thing that post-quake donations were intended for – not for shifting the Christchurch cenotaph.” Patricia W.

– “Reinstatement of this community hub is vital to the mental and physical health of the community.” Judith H.

– “We have lost so many amenities in our area since the earthquakes. We don’t need to lose our community centre as well. Our community centre needs to be reinstated.” Margaret S.

– “This area lost so much in the Earthquake and after the Earthquake. We want our community centre back.” Jennifer D.

CCC Draft Annual Plan 2019

My submission is in support of building/requesting funding for a new community facility/citizen hub at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, Christchurch.
Shirley Centre, opposite Shirley Primary School. New Inclusive Centre with: Shirley Library | Learning Spaces | Service Centre. Supporting our communities: Identity | Well-being | Learning.

Christchurch City Council Draft Annual Plan 2019 – Joanna Gould

https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2019/04/CAPL_20190430_AGN_3710_AT.PDF, Pages 202-230

CCC Draft Annual Plan 2019 | Submission .pdfs by Joanna Gould
Update for the Christchurch City Council Draft Annual Plan 2019-2020.
Feasibility Study for Shirley Community Centre & Community Facilities Network Plan.

CCC Draft Annual Plan 2019 | Ali Jones, Papanui-Innes Community Board
https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2019/04/CAPL_20190430_AGN_3710_AT.PDF, Pages 47-51
https://www.ccc.govt.nz/assets/Documents/The-Council/Community-Boards/Plans/Papanui-Innes-Community-Board-Plan.pdf, 2017-2019

Christchurch City Council Draft Annual Plan 2019
Ali Jones, Papanui-Innes Community Board, 10 Shirley Road @ 11:00 minutes

CCC Shirley Community Reserve Feedback


Do you support the landscape plan for the Shirley Community Reserve pump track and multi-use concrete table?: No
Do you have any comments on the plan?: I do support Shannon’s request for a permanent pump track to be located within MacFarlane Park, which is why I got involved and emailed the Papanui-Innes Community Board.
I do not support the landscape plan or the proposed temporary “modular” pump track being purchased/installed on 10 Shirley Road.

Petition: Shirley Primary School students asked for a skate park in MacFarlane Park, not Richmond. Shirley residents have been asking the Papanui-Innes Board since 2001 for this facility, and up until now their requests have been ignored.
After the Board’s decision to accept the Council report, the student who presented the petition was quoted in the local newspaper: “temporary [modular] pump track is not the option he wants”.

Consultation: This consultation does not address the issue: that Shirley will still have no local skate facilities, for local children who are unable to travel outside of their neighbourhood. (1)
The consultation info asks two leading questions for a desired outcome, and doesn’t include any info regarding the actual location (Shirley Community Reserve = 10 Shirley Road, former Shirley Community Centre), costs, or noise/safety issues, so residents can make an informed decision.

Location: Shirley Community Reserve is in Richmond. The reserve does not have toilets. The closest toilets are at Jebson Street, by the flying fox at MacFarlane Park South Playground. This location is also where I suggested a permanent track could be made by adapting the path that goes around the flying fox. It is also the location of the Shirley Community Garden, and the main thoroughfare for Shirley children walking to and from Shirley Primary School. (2)

Type of Track: “Project Brief: Tracks can be permanent or modular design. In this case a modular design is preferred allowing for future relocation.” (3)
The Board has the opportunity to finally provide Shirley children with a permanent skate facility in their local MacFarlane Park, but the original Council report was based on a “modular” pump track design only.
“A location near Jebson Street beside the flying fox, toilets and Shirley Community Gardens was also considered, however, this has a separation of 25m between residents and the [modular] pump track. Further noise information would be required if this site was preferred over the site near Emmett Street.” (4)

Noise Issues: “The Environmental Health team have recommended that Council engage an independent noise engineer to test a modular pump track at Burwood and use readings to suggest a suitable distance [40m] between the proposed [modular] pump track and residents to ensure compliance with the District Plan.” (3)
I accept that the proposed “modular” pump track cannot be located in MacFarlane Park, Shirley, due to the above noise issues/setback required, relating to the 11 modular track section joins.
But a permanent track is basically a very bumpy asphalt footpath and wouldn’t have the same restrictions/setback requirements. Noise from the flying fox hasn’t been an issue, so why would there be a problem with noise from a permanent track?

Safety Issues: “Motorists running red lights on a signalised pedestrian crossing Shirley Rd [between Shirley Community Reserve and Shirley Primary School] have posed a major threat to pupils.” (5)
The Board has been aware of safety issues with the lights/crossing on Shirley Road since 2017, when I emailed my concerns/suggestions (which included delaying the pedestrian crossing signal change phase).
Local children in Shirley know there is an “invisible boundary line”, they are free to play unsupervised, as long as they don’t cross the major roads and stay within MacFarlane Park.
The proposed pump track will be mainly used after school and on the weekends, when the crossing lights (red light runners) from Shirley Primary to 10 Shirley Road, will not be supervised by a teacher.
If the proposed location is approved by the Board, Shirley children will be forced to cross a busy main road, Shirley Road, with known safety issues.

Environmental Issues: “[Christchurch City Council] have declared climate change emergencies and pledged to take urgent action to reduce their carbon emissions.” (6)
The Board is considering purchasing a “modular” pump track which is imported from overseas. The local businesses that created the #detour Gap Filler project on Manchester Street, could create a permanent skate track in MacFarlane Park, less expensive and less carbon emissions.

Shirley Community: “An east Christchurch suburb overlooked since the earthquakes is close to breaking point, community leaders say. Papanui-Innes Community Board chairwoman Ali Jones told a council submissions hearing on Monday Shirley was in dire need of new community facilities, but had been largely left out of the Christchurch City Council’s draft 10-year budget. “Our ward has been forgotten in many ways, particularly the Shirley area – an area that is in the east but not in the east we hear so much about.” “The community is close to breaking point. They need a place to meet, to gather, to mend.” (7) 30th April 2018

Papanui-Innes Community Board Plan 2017-2019:
“Strong Communities | Board Priorities: (for the next two years) Develop a ten year plan for the area at 10 Shirley Road for community use. The plan will be considered in the Long Term Plan. The rebuild of a community centre on the land at 10 Shirley Road is designed and commenced.
Strong Communities | We will measure our success by: Development of a ten year plan for the area at 10 Shirley Road and consideration in the Long Term Plan. This may include, among other items, a children’s playground, community gardens and a community centre. A community board community working party commencing to work with technical staff to design and begin the rebuild of a community facility at 10 Shirley Road.
Prosperous economy | Board Priorities: (for the next two years) Successful rebuild of the 10 Shirley Road.
Prosperous economy | We will measure our success by: Commencement of the rebuild of the 10 Shirley Road Community Centre.” (8)

As a community we need to ask ourselves whether we want temporary facilities as part of our children’s childhood memories?
Or whether we should be investing in building permanent facilities? Facilities that enliven our community, and rise up a sense of identity and well-being through the memories created, when our children connect with our community spaces.

(1) http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/AK0303/S00015/new-skate-facility-planned-for-mcfarlane-park.htm
(2) MacFarlane Park South Playground https://goo.gl/maps/gGXTAKXf5hmvJrwy7
(3) 2018/19 Capital Endowment Fund Application Decision Matrix: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2019/03/CNCL_20190328_AGN_3367_AT.htm#PDF3_Attachment_22966_2
(4) Modular Pump Track Shirley Report: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2018/12/PICB_20181207_AGN_2446_AT.htm
(5) https://www.star.kiwi/2017/08/red-light-runners-thwarted-by-signal-phase-change/
(6) https://www.ccc.govt.nz/news-and-events/newsline/show/3614
(7) https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/103484014/christchurch-suburb-overlooked-since-the-earthquakes-community-leaders-say
(8) https://www.ccc.govt.nz/assets/Documents/The-Council/Community-Boards/Plans/Papanui-Innes-Community-Board-Plan.pdf

Where would you prefer the multi-use table to be located?: Other location (please describe below)
Comments – Please be as specific as possible: There has been much debate online and in the local papers questioning the cost and safety issues (concrete table near playground, wayward ping pong balls near a busy main road) of this proposed multi-use table.
Since these debates, a wooden picnic table has been anonymously placed in the Shirley Community Reserve.
The seating/picnic table that the resident original asked the Board for, has been kindly donated by someone in our community.
There is no need to purchase this concrete multi-use table and concrete seating.

CCC Shirley Community Reserve Consultation

Below are some key points regarding the CCC Shirley Community Reserve Consultation (modular pump track and multi-purpose concrete table/seating, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, former Shirley Community Centre site).
Children’s Petition:
– Thirty Shirley Primary School students signed/presented a petition to the Papanui-Innes Community Board to ask for a skate park in MacFarlane Park, Shirley. (August 2018)
– After the Board’s decision, the student who presented the petition was quoted in the local newspaper: “temporary [modular] pump track is not the option he wants”. (December 2018)
Council Report:
– “Project Brief: Tracks can be permanent or modular design. In this case a modular design is preferred allowing for future relocation.” (see ‘Funding’ Decision Matrix link below)
– Only a Modular track option was considered. A Permanent track option was not considered.
– “A location near Jebson Street beside the flying fox, toilets and Shirley Community Gardens was also considered, however, this has a separation of 25m between residents and the pump track. Further noise information would be required if this site was preferred over the site near Emmett Street.”
– “There is currently no funding available in the 2018 – 2028 Long Term Plan.”
– “There is a risk that if the Community Board decide to do nothing that the [Shirley] community will continue to demand this type of facility.”
– Council staff recommended a 2021 – 2031 Long Term Plan bid for funding.
– The Board “request that the Parks Team explore alternative funding to action the project within the financial year.”
– 2018/19 Capital Endowment Fund Application, Decision Matrix: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2019/03/CNCL_20190328_AGN_3367_AT.htm#PDF3_Attachment_22966_2
Proposed Location:
– Shirley Community Reserve, is at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, the site of the former Shirley Community Centre.
– The reserve does not have toilets. The closest toilets are at Jebson Street, https://goo.gl/maps/gGXTAKXf5hmvJrwy7, by the flying fox at MacFarlane Park South Playground.
– The Council/Board/staff are currently discussing future plans for the 10 Shirley Road site.
– The “Richmond Community Needs Analysis” has been received by the Board.
– The “Community Facilities Network Plan” has been received by the Council Committee, and is currently in ‘Public Excluded Items’.
Noise Issues:
– The Environmental Health team have recommended that Council engage an independent noise engineer to test a modular pump track at Burwood and use readings to suggest a suitable distance [40m] between the proposed [modular] pump track and residents to ensure compliance with the District Plan.
– The Modular pump track cannot be located in MacFarlane Park, Shirley, due to the above noise issues, relating to the 11 modular track section joins.
Safety Issues:
– “Motorists running red lights on a signalised pedestrian crossing Shirley Rd [between Shirley Community Reserve and Shirley Primary School] have posed a major threat to pupils.”
– The Board have been aware of safety issues with the lights/crossing on Shirley Road since 2017, when I emailed my concerns/suggestions (which included delaying the pedestrian crossing signal change phase).
Proposed Track:
– $81,000 Quadragon Modular Pump Track (48m track, 20.7m long, 10.3m wide, track width approx 1.2m)
– $1,050 Noise test of existing pump track at the corner of Brooker Avenue and New Brighton Road, Burwood (to ensure pump track proposed at Shirley Community Reserve complies with the noise standards of the District Plan)
– $5,000 Development of concept plan for community engagement and project management fees
– $200 per annum required for two years (monthly cleaning, maintenance and inspection)
– The pump track is imported from overseas, so exchange rates may result in an increase in cost.
– The expected life span of the modular pump track is 10 years.
– $16,400 for site works [same cost to relocate track to the next site], which includes temporary fencing, excavating 50mm of top surface, installing timber edging and peg’s, supply of geo-textile and compacted GAP20 (fine gravel). This is for an area of 209m2.
Proposed Table:
– Cost: $5,000 for concrete multi-purpose table. Extra cost for concrete seating/benches.
– “A resident from the Richmond area spoke to the Community Board regarding concerns over the condition of the 10 Shirley Road site. The resident felt the site was overgrown and untidy and that there was a lack of seating in the area.”
– John Stringer and Mike Davidson (Innes Ward) requested that their vote against the decision [to purchase a concrete multipurpose table] be recorded.
– There has been much debate online and in the local papers questioning the cost and safety issues (concrete table near playground, wayward ping pong balls near a busy main road).
– A table tennis table needs approx 2 metres behind each end of the table, and 1 metre each side of the table, to be able to play table tennis.
– Since the debate, a wooden picnic table has been anonymously placed in the Shirley Community Reserve.
– The seating/picnic table that the resident original asked the Board for, has been kindly donated by someone in our community.
Shirley Residents:
– Shirley Primary School students asked for a skate park in MacFarlane Park. Shirley residents have been asking the Board since 2001, and they still have no local skate facilities, for local children unable to travel outside of their neighbourhood.
– If the proposed location is approved by the Board, Shirley children will be forced to cross a busy main road, Shirley Road, with known safety issues.
– ‘Shirley Needs Analysis (2001)’, recommended the development of skateboard facilities in MacFarlane Park.
– In response to requests from Shirley residents, a skate path is being planned for MacFarlane Park next to the flying fox on Jebson St. (2003)
– “Other parks were also considered but are outside of the community focus area and would not cater for local children unable to travel outside of their [Shirley] neighbourhood.” (2004)
– ‘Shirley MacFarlane Park Community Concept Plan (2005-2008), recommended the development of skateboard facilities in MacFarlane Park.
– “Shannon’s question was ‘Do you want a Scooter, Skate and Bike Park for Shirley? We want to ask the Christchurch City Council if we can put one in at MacFarlane Park.’” (2018)
– I contacted the design/construction business involved with the Gap Filler #detour pump track on Manchester Street. A ballpark figure for a permanent track/path around the flying fox in MacFarlane Park/Jebson Street: “for the $71,000 for the modular pump track you will get a pretty good asphalt pump track, potentially up to 140 square metres worth maybe even more depending on how complex of a design you are looking at”.
Richmond Residents:
– There are noise issues related to this modular pump track design, see ‘Noise Issues’ above.
– The proposed pump track/multi purpose table location, is very visible from Shirley Road, and could attract anti-social behaviour into this area, especially at night.
– This is not a permanent facility. This is a temporary facility, to activate the 10 Shirley Road site, and then it will be relocated to another suburb.
– If you look at the Landscape Plan (on the left hand side), at the back of the Shirley Community Reserve, there are already existing ‘permanent asphalt’ paths running along in front of Dudley Creek.
St Albans Residents:
– Staff have received requests from youth previously around extending the [St Albans] skate park, including a request from youth in 2014 and a request in March 2017 for an extension of the [St Albans] skate park to include building a skate bowl.
– A group of 16 children from St Albans School presented their design ideas for a planned extension to the St Albans skate park to Council staff members who were invited to attend a meeting at the school. (May 2019)
– Community suggestions will soon be sent to the skate park designer. We hope to hold public consultation on a draft plan [St Albans Skate Park Extension] by November [2019].
Papanui Ward Residents:
– Community leaders are pushing for more facilities for young people in the Christchurch suburb of Papanui. ‘Both Papanui and Redwood are missing a good outdoor youth recreational facility and potentially we may need to look at two facilities in the Papanui ward.’ (2017)
– Sites in the Papanui Ward have been identified for a skate park but it could be up to 12 years before anyone gets to use it.
– No money was available for the project in the council budget, but the community board planned to lobby to get money included in the council’s 10-year budget, the Long Term Plan, to be considered next year [2018].

For more background information/research links/timeline:

Here is the link to the “Have Your Say” CCC Shirley Community Reserve Consultation:
Here is the link to the landscape plan for the Shirley Community Reserve pump track and multi-use concrete table:
Q. Do you support the landscape plan for the Shirley Community Reserve pump track and multi-use concrete table?
A. Yes, No, Do you have any comments on the plan?
Q. Where would you prefer the multi-use table to be located?
A. Location A, Location B, Other location (please describe below), Comments – Please be as specific as possible

Open for feedback: 1st July 2019 – 29th July 2019

Papanui-Innes Skate Facilities

This post is a timeline of the engagement and consultations, by the Papanui-Innes Community Board and Council staff, with the communities in the Papanui-Innes Ward, regarding skate path/park facilities in their neighbourhoods/suburbs.

In 2001:
– “Board members will recall that the ‘Shirley Needs Analysis (2001)’ identified a lack of teenage recreational opportunities in central Shirley and recommended the development of skateboard facilities in MacFarlane Park.”

In 2003:
– March 2003: “Shirley Research Update
The purpose of this report is to update Community Board members on the progress in relation to recommendations made in the Shirley research (“It’s a Lot of Little Things Happening That Will Make the Difference”).
Support For Youth: 1. The skateboard facility consultation is almost complete with site and designs ready for construction.”
– “Press Release: Christchurch City Council, Tuesday, 4 March 2003, ‘New skate facility planned for MacFarlane Park’
In response to requests from Shirley residents, a skate path is being planned for MacFarlane Park next to the flying fox on Jebson St. The path and obstacles have been designed with input from local young skateboarders, to provide a recreation asset for the local community.
Parks & Waterways Area Advocate Kirsty Patten said that several sites within the park has been investigated. ‘The Jebson Street site was selected as the best option because it is visible from the road, is co-located with another youth facility, has new toilets and a drinking fountain, and has plenty of space. The area will be landscaped and have seating provided for family and friends to come and watch the skateboarders,’ said Kirsty Patten. Comments on the proposal are currently being sought from local residents before the final plan is approved.”
– August 2003: Parks and Waterways Capital Programme 2003/04 – Shirley/Papanui Board, Recreational Facilities, MacFarlane Park Skateboard Facilities (CFWD), $46,583, Awaiting Consultation Outcome

In 2004:
– “MacFarlane Park – Proposed Skate Path. The purpose of this report is to seek a decision from the Board on the provision of a skate facility in MacFarlane Park.”
“Board members will recall that the ‘Shirley Needs Analysis (2001)’ identified a lack of teenage recreational opportunities in central Shirley and recommended the development of skateboard facilities in MacFarlane Park [Shirley]. The Board has allocated total funding of $45,000 since 2001/02 towards a skate facility.”
“Other parks were also considered but are outside of the community focus area and would not cater for local children unable to travel outside of their [Shirley] neighbourhood.”
“Staff Recommendation: 1. That a skate facility and youth recreation be included alongside wider issues to be investigated within the Acheson Avenue Urban Renewal Action Plan.”

In 2005-2008:
– “Shirley MacFarlane Park Community Concept Plan. Supported by the Shirley Inter-Agency Community Network. This is a community concept plan developed through a community planning process since 2005.
MacFarlane Park and the Acheson Ave shops are in the physical centre of the study area and are the focus of this community concept plan because community feedback from the Shine event 2007 identified this as the main community concern and focus of their suggestions on ways to improve the neighbourhood.”
(http://www.lucas-associates.co.nz/christchurch-banks-peninsula/shirley-concept-plan/) 101 Pages, with Skate Park facilities included.

In 2017:
– “Skate Park – Papanui. The purpose of this report is for the Papanui-Innes Community Board to be informed around the possibility of a new skate park in the Papanui Ward area.”
– “Christchurch Skate Park Overview Map, August 2017”
– “Papanui skate park sites identified, but could be years before built. Sites in the Papanui Ward have been identified for a skate park but it could be up to 12 years before anyone gets to use it.
City council staff narrowed the search for the suitable location for a park to Bridgewater Drainage Reserve, Craighead Reserve and Edgar Macintosh Park in Papanui or Owen Mitchell Park and Redwood Park in Redwood.
The Papanui-Innes Community Board is pitching the proposal for inclusion into the city council’s 2019-29 Long Term Plan. The report said Owen Mitchell Park on Grimseys Rd is the most suitable.”
– “Community leaders are pushing for more facilities for young people in the Christchurch suburb of Papanui.
Christchurch City Council’s Papanui ward councillor, Mike Davidson, said the skate park project came from a meeting with a group of young people from Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi, a community youth development agency based in Papanui.
‘Both Papanui and Redwood are missing a good outdoor youth recreational facility and potentially we may need to look at two facilities in the Papanui ward.'”

In 2018:
– “Shannon’s question was ‘Do you want a Scooter, Skate and Bike Park for Shirley? We want to ask the Christchurch City Council if we can put one in at MacFarlane Park.'”
“6.11 [Option 1 Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond] The location of the pump track allows space for a potential community centre rebuild onsite.”
(“If the base is 209m2, and the modular design needs a 40m separation from residents houses, there won’t be room for both the pump track and the new community centre to be built on this site at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond.
The modular pump track would then have to be moved out of Richmond to another suburb in the Papanui Ward, as there are no other suitable parks (due to size/restrictions) in Shirley or Richmond.” [Joanna Gould])
“6.16.1 Skateboarding, inline skating, and BMX cycling strategy 2004 (https://www.ccc.govt.nz/assets/Documents/The-Council/Plans-Strategies-Policies-Bylaws/Strategies/SkateboardingStrategy-docs.pdf)
The strategy mentions that demand was likely to be greatest in a few suburbs in Christchurch including Richmond-Shirley and that the construction of St Albans Skate facility has met much of the need.”
“6.7 [Option 1 Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond] There is no toilet on site.”
“7.2 There is a flying fox, toilet and the Shirley Community Garden located near Jebson Street.”
“7.9 Note: A location near Jebson Street beside the flying fox, toilets and Shirley Community Gardens was also considered, however, this has a separation of 25m between residents and the pump track. Further noise information would be required if this site was preferred over the site near Emmett Street.”
(“If the path around the flying fox was made into a permanent pump track similar to the Gap Filler project #detour in Manchester Street, the design wouldn’t have the same noise problems/required setback from residents houses, that the proposed modular pump track design has due to the joins in the pump track.” Joanna Gould)
“8.11 There is a risk that if the Community Board decide to do nothing that the [Shirley] community will continue to demand this type of facility.”
– “Shannon said he has ridden on temporary tracks in the past and “it wasn’t smooth and wasn’t that nice to ride on.”
(https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62281827/norwest-news-december-18-2018, Page 11)

In 2019:
– “School kids take lead in St Albans skate park upgrade. Creative local school children are carving out a welcome role in Christchurch City Council’s skate park revamp plans.
A group of 16 children from St Albans School presented their design ideas for a planned extension to the St Albans skate park to Council staff members who were invited to attend a meeting at the school.
St Albans School Teacher Niamh O’Connor says the kids are motivated and enjoying being part of a real-life design project.
‘The whole process is a fantastic opportunity for them. They’ve experienced how the Council consults with the public and to allow our student leaders to have a voice in the community is quite empowering.’
The Council hopes another local school will be keen to get involved and contribute ideas for Bishopdale Park’s skate area which is nearing the end of its lifespan. The skate area, which is part of Bishopdale Park, off Harewood Rd, is due for a full renewal.”
– Christchurch City Council, Agenda, Thursday 28 March 2019
2018/19 Capital Endowment Fund Applications: Living Springs, Shirley Pump Track, Botanic Delights
Capital Endowment Fund Decision Matrix – Shirley Pump Track
– “As a community we need to ask ourselves whether we want temporary facilities as part of our children’s childhood memories? Or whether we should be investing in building permanent facilities?
Facilities that enliven our community, and rise up a sense of identity and well-being through the memories created, when our children connect with our community spaces.” [Joanna Gould]