Shirley ‘What?’

1. Option A: Leave The Space
2. Option B: Recreation Space
3. Option C: Community ‘Hub’
4. Option D: Proposed Facility
5. Option E: ‘Shirley Centre’

1. Option A: Leave The Space
The site at 10 Shirley Road is not called ‘Shirley Park’.
It is called ‘Shirley Community Reserve’ for a reason.

“The land at 10 Shirley Rd is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held “in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)”.

That means the land could not be used for any other purpose than a community centre.

It also appears the land could not simply sit “vacant”, as that would also be inconsistent with the reserve purpose.”

‘Option A’ goes against the Reserve status requiring a building & would not support the current or future needs/wants of these communities around Shirley Road.

2. Option B: Recreation Space
‘Option B’ also goes against the Reserve status highlighted above.
In the 2023 consultation, this ‘Option B’ received 87 votes/comments of 205 (adjusted as ‘Option A’ votes invalid) = 42.44%

There is already a total of sixty seven recreation spaces (does not include our 7 community gardens) within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.

– There are 32 recreational facilities located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
– There are 17 playgrounds located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
– There are 18 parks located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve, not including the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.

3. Option C: Community ‘Hub’
‘Option C’ is for a building, a Citizen ‘Hub’, define in the 2023 Feasibility Study as:
“Co-locating multiple services the Council provides across the community in a common location, enabling the customer and community experience to be an integrated one…Shirley Library and Service Centre is an example.”

In the 2023 consultation, this ‘Option C’ received 118 votes/comments of 205 (adjusted as ‘Option A’ votes invalid) = 57.56%

The Board are aware of the different factions within the areas around Shirley Road, as highlighted in both the 2020 & 2023 Consultation votes/comments.
Reading the comments, you can see why some residents who voted for a ‘recreational space’, did so as they were against a ‘community hub’/new building.

Many residents are protective of their community centre in their suburb & purposely voted for any option that opposes a new ‘traditional’ community centre being built.

In the 2020 consultation, this is the information that was provided to residents:
“Due to Council’s financial situation it is not expected in the short term that funding will be available, however the Board would like to see the site being used by the community.”

This messaging led residents to believe that this consultation was about ‘short term’ activation ideas for the site, not whether in the ‘long term’ residents wanted a building back on site.

“We received 29 submissions supporting the replacement of the Community Centre at this location. A number of these submissions also asked that a library be included in the building.”
– For Centre: 36 submissions of 58 = 62.07%
– Against Centre*: 10 submissions of 58 = 17.24%
No Comment re Centre: 12 submissions of 58 = 20.69%
* Organisation & [Other Connections] information included in my Excel document.

4. Option D: Proposed Facility
‘Option D’ is suppose to be a combination of ‘Option B’: Recreation Space & ‘Option C’: Community ‘Hub’, is based on incorrect consultation feedback data analysis.

In the 2023 consultation, based on votes/comments received 24 votes/comments of 205 (adjusted as ‘Option A’ votes invalid) = 10.91% (suggesting they would be happy with both options)

‘Option B’: Recreation Space – Option C: Community ‘Hub’, received 28 votes/comments of 205 (adjusted as ‘Option A’ votes invalid) = 12.73% (against ‘Hub’ see Comment for their reason).

The ‘Proposed Facility’ is not ‘Option C’: Community ‘Hub’.

Build a 400m2 ‘traditional’ community centre.
“A small community building would include a meeting space and kitchenette with toilets that are accessed externally.”

The proposed building size is only 36.36%* of the original building/former Shirley Community Centre.

Update February 2025:
The original building/former Shirley Community Centre was 1,500m2.
*The proposed building size is only 26.67% of the original building/former Shirley Community Centre.
“Social and Community Development Committee – Public Excluded
06 September 2017
Current budget is $2,621,400 which is available in FY21 & FY22.
Contingency needs to be made for community expectations.
The current budget would only build back a facility of 447m2.
The size of the demolished building was 1,500m2.
If we were to build back to the same meterage we would need $8,250,000.
Have therefore put in a contingency to allow for a total facility cost of $5M.”

Interestingly 1,500 (original building) – 400 (proposed building) = 1,100…

The ’36 Marshland Road facility’ Shirley Library & Service Centre building is 1,100m2, similar in size to the original building/former Shirley Community Centre.
(Figure 1. 36 Marshland Road facility superimposed on Shirley Community Reserve, 2023 Feasibility Study)

This is not what the community have been asking for the last 12 years…
They have been asking for either a ‘replacement’ community centre or a citizen hub: library, service centre, learning spaces, meeting rooms & playground.

This ‘proposed community facility’ would not restore the Christchurch City Council community facilities levels to pre Christchurch Earthquakes & would not provide for the current/future population growth.

The Staff Report & 2023 Feasibility Study haven’t take into consideration:
– number of existing community centres & recreation spaces in the suburbs around Shirley Road.
– local knowledge of community issues within the areas around Shirley Road.
– local knowledge of the known factions within the different areas/community groups.
– governance of proposed community facility being ‘built & operated’ by one community group.
This goes against the 2019 Feasibility Study: “Unfavourable treatment of one Trust over others, Not one Trust that spans these neighbourhoods, That trust would not necessarily hold the vision for the whole area”.
lack of fairness & equity with ‘new’ community group being given a new $4 million dollar facility, while existing community groups in Richmond were ‘gifted’ a ‘Red Zone building’ & Shirley were ‘gifted’ a ‘prefab building’.
– existing community groups having to compete with another ‘new’ community group for contestable funding available through the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board.

“An on budget community building – the recommended option”, in my opinion is based on incorrect consultation feedback data analysis (ignores reserve status, different percentages, data skewed by questions/factions) &
doesn’t align with Libraries Network Plan 2015, CCC Citizen Hub Strategy, CCC Equity and Inclusion Policy, CCC Integrated Planning Guide or Intergenerational Design.
– ignores my research, 6 years from 2018 to today.
ignores the concerns highlighted in the 2019 Feasibility Study.
– ignores the ‘Shirley Road Central’ Group & ‘Where is our Community Centre?’ Petition (incorrect petition numbers quoted, only included the online petition, didn’t include the paper petition = approx 1,200 signatures).
– ignores the Letters of Support from Local Christchurch MPs.
– ignores the ‘Richmond Residents & Business Association/We are Richmond’ (previously both Hayley Guglietta & David Duffy supported the idea of relocating the Shirley Library).
– ignores the ‘Shirley Village Project’ Youth Friendly Spaces Audit of Shirley Library & 10 Shirley Road.
The 2023 Feasibility Study has incorrect information & is incomplete, yet has data & information that supports relocating the Shirley Library to 10 Shirley Road.

5. Option E: ‘Shirley Centre’
‘Option E’ is a Citizen ‘Hub’, define in the 2023 Feasibility Study as “Co-locating multiple services the Council provides across the community in a common location, enabling the customer and community experience to be an integrated one…Shirley Library and Service Centre is an example.”
‘Shirley Centre’: Library and Service Centre plus Learning Spaces, Meeting Rooms, Inclusive Accessible Playground & Recreation Space, with the existing Shirley Playcentre.

In the 2020 consultation, “We received 29 submissions supporting the replacement of the Community Centre at this location. A number of these submissions also asked that a library be included in the building.”
For Centre: 36 submissions of 58 = 62.07%

In the 2023 consultation, this ‘Option C’ received 118 votes/comments of 205 (adjusted as ‘Option A’ votes invalid) = 57.56%

“A ‘Community Focal Point’ (CFP) is a means of enhancing community life by providing a ‘heart’ in each neighbourhood.
The entire space is designed to enable and encourage community connections, in a relaxed, inclusive and welcoming environment that is enjoyable to be in.”
(Figure 1. Neighbourhood Focal Point Approach to Community Facility Provision, 2019 Feasibility Study)

– There are already 8 community centres located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
– “Community Provision (Non-Council): There seems a gap (or at least less provision) of non-Church community space across the Community Board, especially as we see the current range of facilities available is split between ‘Community’ and ‘Church-based’ Trusts.” (6.4.2, 2019 Feasibility Study)
“There is no direct provision of Council facilities within the defined facility catchment area (Shirley, Richmond, Edgeware and Mairehau) and much of what is provided is Church based, with the area being home to a number of strong Church based Trusts.” (Location of Provision, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– “Council Owned Community Facilities: This suggests current provision is lower than the city-wide average in terms of community facilities.” (6.4.1, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– “Governance Option ‘All comers’ Approach’: Perceived as fair & Council is not partisan.” (Table 9, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– “There does appear to be a gap in the area identified on the boundary of Shirley and Richmond.” (Location of Provision, 2019 Feasibility Study)
“Here we see Richmond South, Edgeware and Shirley have higher levels of deprivation (6 and above) as a percentage of total population, much higher than the Christchurch Average. These factors need to be considered in any analysis of the cost of access to community facilities.” (Table 4, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– “Lack of low cost, creative and fun activities for after-school and school holidays.” (7.3 Community Needs Analysis for Richmond, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– “Mental health needs: adults through to children identified as a gap.” (7.3 Community Needs Analysis for Richmond, 2019 Feasibility Study)

“Although there are some who would want permanent activities locked onto the site; given its proximity to transport and its high visibility it would be a shame for it to be locked into one type of use when it has opportunity to be a flexible and changing community space for the whole community and different interest groups at different times…Its high visibility is particularly attractive to young people.” (9. Fit with Christchurch City Council Network Plan, 2019 Feasibility Study)

The current Shirley Library doesn’t align with ‘Location Preferences’:
“malls and aquatic facilities not seen as highly desirable areas for co-location or as adjacent locations; co-location with a Council service centre favoured…
Therefore, library facilities are best located either close to a major destination within the city, such as a mall and/or a major transport junction, or at sites sufficiently attractive to draw visitors to them as standalone ‘destination locations’.” (Libraries Network Plan 2015)

There are zero suburban libraries in the Innes/Central Ward.
The 10 Shirley Road site/Shirley Community Reserve is on the border of both Wards.
Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board have 5 suburban libraries, including the Shirley Library.
– Shirley Library is the busiest suburban library in the Christchurch Libraries network. (2023 Feasibility Study)
– The current Shirley Library is the only location in our communities that is free, has WIFI access & you don’t have to make a purchase or participate in an activity/event in order to just be in this space.
– Shirley Library is hidden in The Palms carpark (vehicle access only through The Palms carpark, no dedicated car parking for library/service centre users), not easily visible from Marshland Road & has limited bus services at this location.
– “Outdoor environment important – need natural features and to be welcoming; clear signposting within and outside the building.” (Building Requirements, Libraries Network Plan 2015)
The current Shirley Library does not align with the new CCC Equity and Inclusion Policy. “Accessible buildings and facilities for people with disabilities.” (Building Requirements, Libraries Network Plan 2015)
– This location at 10 Shirley Road is accessible by public transport (7, 44, 100 & Orbiter) for residents in:
Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau
Plus: Citywide (Orbiter), Merivale, Parklands, Burwood & Avonside.
– The population density for the current Shirley Library (located next to The Palms commercial area & Christchurch Golf Club) is less than the current/future population density around 10 Shirley Road, due to infill/social housing increases as part of the Christchurch District Plan.
The current Shirley Library has a limited book selection/no room for more book shelves, no boardroom, meeting rooms or learning centre (flexible spaces) & didn’t rate well in the ‘Shirley Village’ Youth Audit.
– The current Shirley Library has a lack of “Spaciousness: room for quiet spaces away from the children’s area; generous space between book stack aisles to enable easy browsing by less nimble and multiple users at one time; plenty of chairs/ beanbags and desks at which to work/relax.” (Building Requirements, Libraries Network Plan 2015)
– The current Shirley Library has a lack of: “Whanau-friendly facilities, e.g. children’s areas, baby feeding/changing facilities.” There are no toilets available in the Library area. Toilets for the building are located in the corridor off the Main Entrance to the building. (Building Requirements, Libraries Network Plan 2015)
– “Use of PCs at Shirley Library is one of the highest rates in the network at 41.9%” (2023 Feasibility Study). Many residents are on low fixed incomes, internet at home and/or unlimited mobile data plans are seen as luxuries that they can’t afford.
– ‘Wā Pēpi: Babytimes’ has the highest attendance (2023 Feasibility Study). Yet there are no toilets in the Library area & no outdoor space or playgound at the current Shirley Library. Whereas relocating the Shirley Library to 10 Shirley Road, would help to form connections with the existing Shirley Playcentre already onsite, destination nature space with trees & Dudley Creek to explore, plus an upgraded fenced inclusive accessible playground so attendees can extend their stay & have the opportunity to form friendships naturally.
– “Providing access to places where children can access play independently is important for their physical and emotional development.” (Outdoor Recreation Space, 2023 Feasibility Study). This is unavailable for safety reasons at the current Shirley Library, situated in The Palms carpark.
– “Need for improved playground facilities across Richmond targeting pre-schoolers and small children.” (7.3 Community Needs Analysis for Richmond, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– “The current play provisions in this area are older and in need of refurbishment, namely the play space next to the Shirley Playcentre.” (Outdoor Recreation Space, 2023 Feasibility Study)
“There is an opportunity to provide for inclusive play as the [Shirley] Community Reserve is already currently fenced, which is rare in Christchurch, particularly in the area north of Bealey Avenue. With the addition of a couple of gates, this would enable the space to be a fenced playground, which is something the Disability community is advocating for more of, in particular the Autism community in Christchurch.” (Outdoor Recreation Space, 2023 Feasibility Study)
– There are 11 support providers located within a 3km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
– There are 14 schools, kindergartens & playcentres located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
– There are 7 community gardens located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
– With an aging population, it is important to also consider what has been lost that would be of value to older adults. (8. Need and Gap Assessment, 2019 Feasibility Study)
– Secular Bumping space (for casual interactions and cross-over between activities and areas) for adults like that provided in libraries. (8. Need and Gap Assessment, 2019 Feasibility Study)

“With the provision of the correct infrastructure this site could be reborn as a new interpretation of a contemporary community centre…the site could act as an extension location for other community bases spreading activity across the community…The location of 10 Shirley Road is perfect for this as there is no other Trust close by and yet the location is important to Shirley, Edgeware, Mairehau and Richmond.”
(Potential Activity for the 10 Shirley Road Site, 2019 Feasibility Study)

I still believe that Option E: ‘Shirley Centre’, is the best option for all residents in the communities around Shirley Road is to have this ‘proposed community facility’ at 10 Shirley Road be a Christchurch City Council owned/operated facility, so that the facility is truly inclusive & accessible to all residents & not controlled by one community group.

“The LTP budget for Shirley Community Centre would be insufficient to include the relocation of Shirley Library and a significant level of additional capital funding would be required.”

Isn’t now the time during the current Christchurch City Council LTP 2024-34 decision-making process, for the Board to advocate for all their residents in the Innes/Central areas, for Council to approve an appropriate new budget to build a new ‘Shirley Centre’/relocate Shirley Library & Service Centre, from the Burwood Ward to the Central Ward at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond?


Yesterday was Sunday 12th May, Mother’s Day.

For the last 4 years this day has been bittersweet.
While celebrating the joy of being a Mum to my son, Ben…

It is a reminder that my Mum, Marie Duggan is no longer with us. After a courageous journey living with terminal cancer for over two years, she passed away in November 2020.

“May your legacies far outlive your names.
May generations tell your stories.”
Danielle Coke Balfour

Her legacy lives on through me & through my son, Ben.
We regularly talk about her & imagine what she would say to us in different circumstances.
The impact she made in our lives is still felt today.

“But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story,
because hers is where yours begins.”
Mitch Albom, ‘For One More Day’

If I was to sum up my Mum in three words:
Faith, Family & Community.
I was blessed to be her daughter.
Much of who I am today is thanks to her.

My love for reading/learning is due to my Mum making sure we always had books in our house, with weekly visits with my four siblings to the Whanganui Library.

When I was 13, we shifted back to Christchurch. I followed in her footsteps & attended her old school: Villa Maria College, where faith & community service were part of our education.

“Have you ever thought about the legacy you’re leaving your family, your community, your world?
Most people never give it a second thought.
But a legacy is something you’re creating every day, whether you realize it or not.
What exactly is a legacy? Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘legacy’ as ‘something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.’”
Lisa Haisha

Today was the last day for the Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Hearing of Verbal Submissions.

I didn’t make a verbal submission this year. You can read about my ‘why’ here:

My written submission is here:

At the last Draft Long Term Plan, I was part of the newly formed ‘Shirley Road Central’ Incorporated group, that presented the ‘Where Is Our Community Centre?’ petition on 12th May 2021:

Over 1,200 residents signed the petition for a new building to be built at 10 Shirley Road.

A few days beforehand (my first Mother’s Day without my Mum), I was busy signing up committee members so our group would be seen as ‘official’ by Council staff (not just a Facebook group), then we would be given extra minutes for our verbal submission.

It was my way to honor my Mum & continue the fight to advocate for a new building at 10 Shirley Road.

Our connection to 10 Shirley Road is literally about births & deaths.
I attended antenatal classes at the Shirley Community Centre over 16 years ago.
My Mum attended the NZ Society of Genealogists – Canterbury Branch, where she spent many hours researching.

My love for research is thanks to watching/helping her search through documents in the Family History section of the old Central Library & seeing her sitting at our dining table trying to find the connections between family members.

At the beginning of 2021, my Dad gave me her original book on Charles Duggan, that we had worked together on over 30 years ago when I was a teenager.

I had forgotten his story, so I started rereading it & realised our Charles Duggan was the C. Duggan, Librarian, named in the time capsule.

“Celebrations as new community centre opens [April 2021] in St Albans…The original foundation stone that was salvaged when the original building on the site was demolished is featured in the community centre.
The contents of a time capsule unearthed during the demolition of the former building have also been placed on the site of the new facility.”

Listening to the then Mayor Lianne Dalziel speak about legacy, made me wonder what would Charles Duggan think, to know his legacy was still a part of St Albans.

A full circle moment for me as his descendant, advocating for a new centre/learning library at 10 Shirley Road:

Similar to his “St Albans Mutual Improvement Association” that focused on “The mutual mental improvement of its members. Classes for special studies of various subjects being formed, lectures on current topics, readings and discussions were also a part of the means devised for the advancement of culture and general knowledge.”

I like to think my Mum helped to remind me of Charles Duggan & find the rest of his story: his connection to St Albans & one of the earliest suburban library services in Christchurch.

She was my biggest supporter & sounding board for all my ideas.
As I grew up, she told me that I should become a librarian or a detective.

I sent her this song for one of her last Mother’s Day…
A Mother Like You by JJ Heller
“I know that it hasn’t been easy
I hope that I love like you do
‘Cause I know that this world would be better
If everyone had a mother like you”

For the last two years of her life, she listened & encouraged me to keep advocating for my ‘Shirley Centre’ idea.

Talking about 10 Shirley Road helped to distract us from the pain journeys we were both on & gave us something to focus on that we both knew could benefit the generations to come.

“Be a good ancestor. Stand for something bigger than yourself.
Add value to the Earth during your sojourn.”
Marian Wright Edelman

From 1915 (original Shirley School built) to 2012 (Shirley Community Centre demolished), this site at 10 Shirley Road has historically been a ‘place of learning’ in our communities, for our residents.

When will it be our year to establish a new building, a new legacy for the generations to come?

Before my Mum passed away she told me to forget about trying to change the Community Board/Council’s mind & just focus on doing my research.

But she also knew I was persistent, like her.
My ‘why’ I was advocating for a new Centre, was never just about me…
It was about all the people in our communities that would benefit from this space now & in the future.

One of my Mum’s favourite prayers was:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Which reminds me of the ‘Volunteering Canterbury’ Facebook Post, 13th March 2024
– What is it that YOU wonder about?
– What do you wish ‘somebody’ would do something about?
– Could you be that ‘somebody’?
“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realised I was somebody.”
Lily Tomlin

Recently Ben & I were talking about my Mum’s legacy in our lives. I wondered out loud “What will be mine?”
Ben straight away said “Shirley Centre.”
I laughed at the time & said “but it may never get built.”

I’ve been thinking about our ‘legacy’ conversation since then & this quote comes to mind:
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ben was 10 years old when I first presented my ‘Shirley Centre’ idea to Council in 2018:

He has grown up listening to my research/ideas, been involved in collecting signatures for the petition, helped to ‘activate’ the site through ‘Skip Day’ & watched as I’ve presented to our Community Board/Council over the last 6 years.

Whether a building is built or not, this is a part of our family’s story/legacy.
From Charles Duggan, to my Mum – Marie Duggan, to me – Joanna Gould (Duggan) & to my son – Ben Gould…

“May your legacies far outlive your names.
May generations tell your stories.”

Location Location Location

In real estate ‘location’ is key. Properties can be bought & sold based on ‘location’.

In urban planning & placemaking ‘location’ is also key.
“Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.”

The Shirley Community Reserve, located at 10 Shirley Road, is a ‘high profile, prime location, well situated with convenient access to local schools & transport routes’ in real estate terms.

Originally Shirley Road started at Westminster Street (now Aylesford Street), before crossing over Hills Road to Marshland Road.

Original Shirley Road, Christchurch City Libraries Map 1903?

This location has been part of our communities ‘local identity’ & ‘a place of learning’ since the original Shirley Primary School building was built on this site in 1915.

In our newly adopted Christchurch City Council ‘Equity & Inclusion Policy’, children/parents/residents/ratepayers aren’t suppose to be discriminated against or penalised by where they can afford to live.
“Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.
Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”
People should have equity, regardless of age*, gender, disability*, ethnicity, culture, faiths, geographical location*, sexual orientation, neurodiversity* or socio-economic status.*
* age: see ‘Shirley Centre | Education Proivders’
* disability & neurodiversity: see ‘Shirley Centre | Support Providers’
* geographical location: see ‘Shirley Cenre | Libraries’
* geographical location & socio-economic status:
See images below: CCC District Plan Zones & StatsNZ Deprivation Score for the areas around the Shirley Community Reserve.
Also see:

Christchurch City Council District Plan: Zones
H5: Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond
Residential Suburban Density Transition (West) & Residential Medium Density Zone (East)
Christchurch City Council District Plan: Notations
H5: Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond
Community Housing Redevelopment (North) & Dudley Character Area (South)
StatsNZ Deprivation Score (2018)
Blue Marker: Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond

Yet we have no suburban library in either the Innes or Central Ward?
Shirley Road is on the border of the Innes & Central Ward, since the Ward boundary & Community Board changes in 2022. Page 21 & 23 StatsNZ Population

Christchurch City Libraries by Community Board/Ward
See ‘Shirley Centre | Libraries’:
1. Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board
(5 suburban libraries)
– Coastal: 3. Parklands Library & 5. New Brighton Library
– Burwood: 1. Shirley Library | The Palms Mall & 4. Aranui Library
– Linwood: 6. Linwood Library | Eastgate Mall
2. Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board
(2 suburban libraries)
– Fendalton: 13. Fendalton Library
– Waimairi:
– Harewood: 14. Ōrauwhata Bishopdale Library and Community Centre
3. Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board
(3 suburban libraries)
– Halswell: 10. Te Hāpua Halswell Centre
– Hornby: 11. Matatiki Hornby Centre
– Riccarton: 12. Upper Riccarton Library
4. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board
(2 suburban libraries & Tūranga)
– Papanui: 2. Papanui Library & 15. Redwood Library
– Innes:
– Central: 16. Tūranga (Metropolitan)
5. Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board
(3 suburban libraries)
– Spreydon: 9. Spreydon Library
– Cashmere: 8. South Library
Heathcote: 7. Matuku Takotako Sumner Centre
6. Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board
(4 libraries)
Diamond Harbour, Little River, Akaroa & Lyttelton

From Papanui Road (Papanui Library/Papanui Ward) to Marshland Road (Shirley Library/Burwood Ward), children/residents/visitors are without access to a local suburban sized library.

The current (2nd) Shirley Library* is located on the edge of the Burwood Ward & has a limited book selection, no board room, meeting rooms or learning centre (flexible spaces) & didn’t rate well in the Youth Audit.

* There are no toilets available in the Library area.
Toilets for the building are located in the corridor off the Main Entrance to the building.
Why is this an issue?:
– you have to leave unissued books in the library, due to security gates as you leave the Library area or take issued books into the Toilets.
– you can’t see the Toilets from the Library area:
a. Young children left unsupervised, could leave via the Main Entrance doors by the carpark.
b. If you have more than one child you can’t see them in the library, while attending to another child wanting to go to the toilet.
c. These toilets don’t align with the new ‘CCC Equity and Inclusion Policy’

“Shirley Library [1st] opened in July 1981 on a site now covered by The Palms.
Its’ approximate location was where the fruit and vegetable section of Woolworth’s supermarket now stands.”
“In January 29 1996 the new library [2nd] opened in a purpose-built building shared with the Christchurch City Council Shirley Service Centre.
The building included a boardroom* for the community board.”

* In the Shirley Libary (2nd) original plan: 1995, the Boardroom (which no longer exists) was located North off the Main Entrance.
The Shirley Service Centre was located right off the Main Entrance.

Today the Shirley Service Centre & NZ Post are located left off the Main Entrance, in the Library area.
The Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board Governance Team are located right off the Main Entrance, in the former Shirley Service Centre area.

Shirley Library (2nd) Original Plan: 1995

“The new library, which more than doubles the previous library, features an activities room for class visits, story times, senior citizens guest speaker programmes and other activities.
The building, designed by Ian Krause Architects Ltd and built by Fletcher Construction, was provided by the developers* of the new Shirley Shopping Centre – to be know as The Palms – to allow for expansion of the shopping centre and carpark over the previous library and service centre land.
The Christchurch City Council provided the fit out costs for the building.”
* See ‘The Palms Mall’

Christchurch City Council & Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board, why are we still waiting?
– Why isn’t there already a suburban sized local library in the Innes/Central Ward?
– Why after reading all this info/research, are we not bringing funding forward to plan/build a new suburban sized local library at the Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, where the Innes/Central Ward boundaries connect?

Other relevant Blog Posts:
‘New Shirley Centre | Ideas & Research’:

Shirley Centre Transport

Modes of transport to 10 Shirley Road & new resources available at Shirley Community Reserve:
1. Shirley Community Reserve Location
2. Driving: Off Street & Street Parking
3. Public Transport: Buses
4. Bikes & Scooters
5. Walking
– 1.1 Water Fountain, 1.2 Information Board & Interpretation Board(s)
– 5.1 Dudley Creek Walking Track & 5.1.2. MacFarlane Park Birdsong Trail
From the North in Shirley, through Shirley Primary School grounds, crossing over Shirley Road to the Shirley Community Reserve, South through Richmond, to connect up with the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.
– 5.1.3 StoryWalk®, 5.1.4 Dewey Decimal Trail & 5.1.5 Footpath Obstacle Course

1. Shirley Community Reserve Location
The Shirley Community Reserve is situated at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, Christchurch.
Originally Shirley Road started at Westminster Street (now Aylesford Street), before crossing over Hills Road to Marshland Road.
10 Shirley Road is located between two main intersections/arterial roads:
– Shirley Road / Marshland Road / New Brighton Road / North Parade &
– Shirley Road / Hills Road / Warrington Street intersection
“The youth auditors really liked how the space is well connected within Shirley. 10 Shirley Road is right in the middle of other spaces local young people would access and is surrounded by bus stops connected to the central network. They enjoy using the space as it is easily accessible and its activities give them something to do, while making them feel like they belong. The areas young people thought could be improved on were the lack of basic amenities in the space and the underutilisation of the space. The space would benefit from having a toilet, water fountain*, and lighting as these facilities would make it more practical and safe for youth.”
– 1.1. Water Fountain
* There are no water fountains available along Shirley Road.
– 1.2. Information Board
“Another idea the auditors raised was to add an information board which includes youth-focused information and advertising.
It should also include contacts to youth services and providers, in both Shirley and neighbouring areas. This will help young people feel comfortable with accessing support and could possibly introduce them to new groups and clubs.”
New Signage: Interpretation Board(s)
“These would tell the stories of both local and city-wide significance; original school heritage buildings, community centre and its role in the community, historic domestic buildings adjacent to the park, and Dudley Creek remediation.”

Shirley Community Centre Rebuild
“The site at 10 Shirley Road is 9042 square metres more or less and is owned by the Council and is held in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre).
The site is bordered by Shirley Road, Chancellor Street, Slater Street and Dudley Creek.
The local [Shirley] Playcentre holds a separate lease (approximately 769m2).
[See Shirley Centre Map, Shirley Centre | Education Providers, 14. Shirley Playcentre]
10 Shirley Road has the advantage of a generous ground area and is designated specifically for the purpose of community facilities.”, Page 52

2. Driving: Off Street Parking
See Shirley Centre Map, Shirley Centre | Transport
New carpark behind the new Centre building (Shirley Community Reserve, South End), using existing Main Entrance off Slater Street.
– 2.a Disabled Parking
– 2.b. EV Charging Stations (available at suburban Christchurch City Council libraries through Orion).

2. Driving: Street Parking
– 2.1. Shirley Road
– 2.2. Slater Street
– 2.3. Chancellor Street (North)
– 2.4. Julius Terrace
– 2.4.a Footbridge from Julius Terrace to Stapletons Road
– 2.5. Chancellor Street (South)
– 2.5.a Footbridge from Chancellor Street (South) to Chancellor Street (North)
– 2.6. Warden Street
– 2.7. Stapletons Road

3. Public Transport: Buses
Metro Bus Routes Network Map
Metro Bus Timetables
Christchurch City Council SmartView Bus Network Map

See Shirley Centre Map, Shirley Centre | Transport
3.1. Metro Bus Stop 39710
Shirley Rd near Slater St (South side of Shirley Road) for 100, 7 & Orbiter
3.2. Metro Bus Stop 39625
Shirley Rd near Slater St (North side of Shirley Road) for 100, 7 & Orbiter
3.3. Metro Bus Stop 24345
Emmett St near Shirley Rd (heading North on Emmett St) for 44
3.4. Metro Bus Stop 38420
Shirley Rd near Stapletons Rd (heading East on Shirley Road) for 44

This location at 10 Shirley Road is accessible by public transport for residents in:
Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau
Plus: Citywide (Orbiter), Merivale, Parklands, Burwood & Avonside.

Metro Bus Timetables for 7, 44, 100 & Orbiter
Metro Bus Route 7 Halswell to Queenspark Timetable
Parklands, Burwood, Dallington, Edgeware & Richmond residents
Metro Bus Route 44 Shirley to Westmorland Timetable
Dallington, Shirley, Mairehau & Edgeware residents
Metro Bus Route 100 Halswell & Wigram to The Palms Timetable
Shirley, Edgeware, St Albans & Merivale residents
Metro Bus Route Orbiter Timetable
citywide loop which includes Mairehau, Shirley, Richmond & Avonside residents

4. Bikes & Scooters
Christchurch City Council SmartView Cycle Routes Network Map
Christchurch City Council SmartView Scooters & eBikes (Hire) Location Map
Christchurch City Council City to Sea Pathway
New Road Crossings for the City to Sea Pathway

See Shirley Centre Map, Shirley Centre | Transport
New Bike & Scooter Racks located near Shirley Road, by the Half Basketball Court.
New Bike Repair Station located near Shirley Road, by the Half Basketball Court.
Easy to access for those travelling through the suburbs & the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.
– 4.1. Bike & Scooter Racks
– 4.1.a Locky Docks
“Using your Metrocard with Locky Docks: Locky Docks are free, secure locking stations for bikes, e-bikes and scooters, and can be accessed with your Metrocard. There are Locky Docks around the CBD with CCTV cameras and built-in alarms.
Locky Docks locations:
Click on ‘Layers’ & select ‘Cycle stands’. Locky Docks are the pink pins on the map.
How to use Locky Docks:
Tap your Metrocard to lock and unlock. Any bike, e-bike or scooter will fit. There is no fee to use a Locky Dock so nothing will be charged to your Metrocard.”
– 4.2. Bike Repair Station

5. Walking
see Shirley Centre Map, Shirley Centre | Transport
– 1.1 Water Fountain, 1.2 Information Board & Interpretation Board(s)
– 5.1 Dudley Creek Walking Track & 5.1.2. MacFarlane Park Birdsong Trail
From the North in Shirley, through Shirley Primary School grounds, crossing over Shirley Road to the Shirley Community Reserve, South through Richmond, to connect up with the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.
– 5.1.3 StoryWalk®, 5.1.4 Dewey Decimal Trail & 5.1.5 Footpath Obstacle Course

– 5.1 Dudley Creek Walking Track
See ‘Dudley Creek Flood Remediation’ &
Bring residents out into their local communities to appreciate the existing tree canopy while walking along Dudley Creek & finding information about local birds/sites/Dudley Creek Flood Remediation.
The landscaping work that was done, as part of the ‘Dudley Creek Flood Remediation’, has created a picturesque ‘inviting and accessible waterway corridor’.
This track starts in the Shirley Shopping Centre, located at the corner of Hills & Shirley Road & ends at the Petrie Street ‘Dudley Creek Flood Remediation’ intake structure.
5.1.a. Shirley Shopping Centre Carpark (corner of Hills & Shirley Road)
5.1.b. Dudley Creek Esplande (9. ‘Shirley Centre | Parks’): 159 Slater Street, Richmond (path from Slater Street to Shirley Shopping Centre)
5.1.c. Shirley Community Reserve path (South End of the Reserve)
5.1.d. Julius Terrace path (across 2.4.a Footbridge ‘Shirley Centre | Transport’)
5.1.e. Along Stapletons Road
5.1.f. Past Petrie Park (8. Petrie Park ‘Shirley Centre | Parks’)
5.1.g. Along to 72 Stapletons Road (path on the left hand side, next to the bridge)
5.1.h. Along path to 65 Petrie Street, Richmond (path from Stapletons Road to Petrie Street)

– 5.1.1. The Green Lab Richmond Community Wayfinding
“Richmond Community Wayfinding is the first phase of a wayfinding route through Richmond and the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor. The project began in conversation in late 2019, and was designed and built with community members in 2020.”

Richmond Wayfinding & Parklet Project Ideas by Joanna Gould, July 2020
“Build Bird Houses & Feeders. Low cost project, great way to involve children & families. (* Trail based on
This area is already home to many different birds, adding a bird house brings the birds down closer to the people using the trail & adding a bird feeder is an interactive way people can help increase the bird population.
Add info about each NZ bird species to a different bird house/feeder, link to the Department of Conservation website: (info about each bird/sound recordings/habitat etc).”

– 5.1.2. MacFarlane Park Birdsong Trail
“MacFarlane Park is at the heart of a densely populated state housing area.
Thanks to the Shirley Community Trust…As part of a series of initiatives to increase pride in the park, the Birdsong Trails aim to create liveable spaces for the winged members of the Shirley community.
Several urban corridors run through Macfarlane Park connecting schools, housing and two community centres. Children and parents walk along these pathways on the way to school and to the community gardens every day. To make the walk more attractive, The Trust had the vision of planting the corridors with native trees and shrubs. This would thereby attract the birds and create opportunities for future education initiatives.
The long term goals of the Birdsong Trails include working with the schools to build bird houses and bird feeder stands, provide education about bird life and improve the ecosystems for native wildlife.”

– 5.1.3 StoryWalk®
“StoryWalk® programs – promoting literacy, reading, health, exercise, and movement in communities and neighborhoods across the United States and the world…Typically, pages from a children’s book are installed along a path. As you stroll along the path, you’re directed to the next page in the story. Pages frequently are accompanied by activities or information.”

– 5.1.4 Dewey Decimal Trail
“The Dewey Decimal Trail, nestled within the library’s beautifully landscaped surroundings, features 10 distinct pictorial guideposts, each corresponding to the 10 subject areas of the renowned Dewey Decimal System. This unique feature allows visitors to not only enjoy a leisurely stroll, but also to gain insight into the various disciplines that contribute to the vast world of knowledge encompassed by the library’s collection…The Dewey Decimal Trail is not only a wonderful destination for individuals and families seeking a peaceful outdoor experience, but also an ideal spot for school group visits.”

– 5.1.5 Footpath Obstacle Course
Painted gross motor skills movements/exercises on footpaths going through the Shirley Community Reserve.
“Edge Line Marking [North Canterbury] specialise in creating diverse and interactive markings to encourage outdoor play.”

– 5.2 Shirley Road Pedestrian Signalised Crossing
This is located outside the Shirley Primary School & crosses over to the Shirley Community Reserve.

– 5.3 Pedestrian Entrances to the Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road
5.3.a. Shirley Road Entrance (connects to 5.2 Shirley Road Pedestrian Signalised Crossing)
5.3.b. Chancellor Street Entrance (North, by the Half Basketball Court)
5.3.c. Chancellor Street Entrance (South, behind the Shirley Playcentre)
5.3.d. Slater Street Entrance (South, Main Entrance to the new carpark, behind the new Centre building)
5.3.e. Slater Street Entrance (North)

Shirley Centre Funding

Q. How do we fund a new building & redevelopment of the Shirley Community Reserve?
A. Through donations, sponsorships & grants, by involving:
– the local communities around Shirley Road, Christchurch
Suburbs: Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau
– the owners of The Palms Mall (see: * Update: 12th June 2024)
– the wider community: Christchurch residents
– Christchurch City Council, Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board & Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board
– New Zealand Government: relevant Ministries & Departments
– Local/National Funding Organisations
– International Community: expats now living overseas & visitors
– The Christchurch Foundation
– Past Connections: People/Businesses/Organisations who have a past connection to this site/former building
& by providing other Fundraising Opportunities

1. The Palms Mall
2. Christchurch City Council
3. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board
4. Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board
5. New Zealand Government
6. Local/National Funding Organisations
7. International Community: expats now living overseas & visitors
8. The Christchurch Foundation
9. Past Connections
10. Fundraising Opportunities

1. The Palms Mall
The current Shirley Library & Service Centre building is located in The Palms car park, at 36 Marshland Road:

Sell the land/buildings that are owned by the Christchurch City Council to The Palms*, to help with their redevelopment project.

A new building/development at 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve will draw residents from around the city (like the previous centre did) to the Shirley Road area.

During peak times on Hills Road & Marshland Road, it would be convenient for ‘Shirley Centre’ users to also stop off at The Palms while in the area, to stop & eat at the food court, pick up groceries on the way home & avoid the traffic.
Shirley Road / Marshland Road / New Brighton Road / North Parade intersection
Shirley Road / Hills Road / Warrington Street intersection

“A block of 27 council flats, the Shirley library and service centre, and a Resene paint store separate The Palms from some of AMP Capital’s residential properties.”
(The Palms has been sold again since this article & now has new owners.)*
$3,790,000 RV (2022)
$2,800,000 RV (2022)
$3,703,366, Christchurch City Council LTP Budget: 20053 – Shirley Community Centre
Total = $10,293,366 (CCC LTP budget + Alma Place RV + Shirley Library & Service Centre RV)

* Update: 12th June 2024
The Council owned properties (Shirley Library & Service Centre, Alma Place social housing) are now designated “Commercial Core Zone” in the current Christchurch District Plan.
The “Commercial Core Zone” extends to 50 Marshland Road & 55 Golf Links Road.
Currently The Palms mall covers the block from New Brighton Road to Hercules Street & Marshland Road to Golf Links Road.
Three properties that are adjacent to the Council owned properties are currently up for ‘Deadline Sale’.
– 43 Golf Links Road
This is the path/parklet next to the lane, if you are using the Golf Links Road entrance to The Palms carpark.
If this section is sold to developers, it will affect access for users of the ‘Shirley Library & Service’ building during construction & potentially afterwards.
– 45 Golf Links Road
– 47 Golf Links Road
If the ‘new owner’ of 43/45/47 Golf Links Road also purchased the Council land, this would be approximately 10,000m2 “Commercial Core Zone” land (including Shirley Library & Service Centre, Alma Place social housing*).

* Alma Place social housing
– Alma Place social housing sold, on the condition that residents are rehoused in new social housing already/being developed in the Shirley & Richmond areas.
– Residents have no street view, neither to Marshland Road or Gold Links Road.
– Residents are already overlooked by The Palms two storey carparking building.
– The current houses at 43/45/47 Golf Links Road are single storey.
If the properties are sold to a ‘townhouse property developer’, they will be replaced with multi storey residental buildings overlooking the social housing properties.
If the properties are sold to a ‘commerical business owner’, residents will be surrounded by commerical/retail businesses.
– “This complex built in 1963 has 24 single story units and is owned by Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust.Insulation is in the ceiling in all units. 4 units exempt from underfloor due to insufficient space to install (sighting H&S).”
– “8. Conclusions
The storage garages have a capacity of 39% NBS, as limited by the in-plane capacity of the reinforced concrete panels of the building.
The residential units have a capacity of 58% NBS, as limited by the in-plane shear capacity of the lined shear walls.
Both are deemed to be a ‘moderate risk’ building in a design seismic event
according to NZSEE guidelines.
9. Recommendations
It is recommended that: A strengthening works scheme be developed to increase the seismic capacity of all buildings to at least 67% NBS. This will need to consider compliance with accessibility and fire requirements.”

2. Christchurch City Council
– “Debt isn’t necessarily a bad thing! Without it, many communities would simply not be able to fund key infrastructure – like libraries.
It’s important to note that councils only borrow money for new assets that have long term benefits for the community, not for day-to-day operational costs.
What does this have to do with rates? Well, there’s a principle called inter-generational equity – which basically means that every generation that benefits from an investment, should contribute to the cost of it.
So while it’s easy to look debt and think your rates are just paying off old and potentially unnecessary spending, you’re actually helping pay off key investments that are crucial to your community, ones you might benefit from without even knowing it. And, crucially, the future generations that benefit from these assets pay their fair share too.”
Local Government NZ Facebook Post, 24th April 2024

– Insurance Payout for the original Shirley Community Centre building
“Community Facilities: Recommended Required Work: Replace. Section 38 (claim insured value)”

– “Better Off” support funding
“Better Off support funding will be used to contribute to our community’s wellbeing by prioritising things that communities have told us are important.”

– Capital Endowment Fund

– Place Partnership Fund
“The Place Partnership Fund supports those seeking to strengthen connections between communities and their places and spaces to foster inclusion, local identity, shared experience and stewardship.”
See the following blog posts:

– Strengthening Communities Fund

3. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board
– “Better Off” support funding
“Better Off support funding will be used to contribute to our community’s wellbeing by prioritising things that communities have told us are important.”

– Strengthening Communities Fund

“Funding of $2.57 million has been made available in the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan in the 2016/17 financial year for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre.”
8. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Area Update
2.2 Shirley Community Centre Rebuild

Item 12 Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild (2016)
“Request that the Community Board talk with staff around potential options for a regeneration plan in this area under the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016.”

“In 2021, the Council approved $3 million funding for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029/30 – FY2031/32 and requested an updated ‘feasibility study’ to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley library.”

4. Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board
Previously I also advocated for the Dallington Residents Association (Bebe Frayle) ‘Dallington/Burwood/Avondale Community Centre’ proposal. (2018)

– OARC Regeneration Plan Idea for Shirley/Richmond by Joanna Gould
“Shirley/Richmond, new Community Centre at 10 Shirley Road opposite Shirley Primary School, includes Shirley Library, Learning Spaces, Service Centre, sell Shirley Library building at The Palms.”

– OARC Regeneration Plan Idea for Dallington/Burwood/Avondale by Joanna Gould
“Dallington/Burwood/Avondale, new Community Centre at 255 New Brighton Road close to All Saints Church, includes [Waitai] Coastal-Burwood[-Linwood] Governance Unit more central to their residents [new boardroom for Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board meetings?], small Meeting/Learning spaces with kitchen, Service Centre, Volunteer Library similar to Redcliffs Village Library, sell Shirley Library building at The Palms.”

This location is the midway point of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, with the Avondale Road bridge giving access to both sides of the river.
The picturesque view from this location is amazing, overlooking the river with the Port Hills in the background.
This location is the perfect spot for an information centre/co location for Park Rangers & Māori Wardens to operate from.
A cafe/museum could also be integrated into this facility for visitors & users of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor: Cultural Trail.
– Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor: Cultural Trail
– Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor: ‘Our People, Our Places’ Park Rangers
– Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor: ‘Our People, Our Places’ Māori Wardens
– Draft OARC Regeneration Plan: Proposed Places/Visitor Experiences
– Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor: Visitor Demographics
Local History, Local People (Pre Earthquakes)
– John Deans (Pioneer, Riccarton House & Bush)
– Richard Bedward Owen (“River Bank” Owen, Businessman, Conservationist, Philanthropist, “a man of great vision”)
– William A. Sutton (Artist, Painter, Craftsman, Teacher)
– Elsie Locke (Writer, Historian, Activist)
– Rod Donald (Politician, Green Party co-leader)
– Alexander William Bickerton (First Professor of Chemistry at Canterbury College, taught Ernest Rutherford, Partial Impact Theory)
– James Arthur Flesher (Mayor of Christchurch (1923-1925), Politician, Solicitor, Barrister)
– Cora Wilding (Physiotherapist, Artist)

5. New Zealand Government
– Ministry of Education |
Shirley Primary School is directly across from 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
Pareawa Banks Avenue School is 1km away from 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve:
Shirley Intermediate School is 700m away from 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve:
Mairehau High School is 1.8km away from 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve:
Shirley Centre | Education Providers
“There are 14 schools, kindergartens & playcentres located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
This map does not include all early childhood education centres.”

– Ministry of Disabled People |
Shirley Centre | Support Providers
“Specialist Teaching: Seabrook McKenzie Centre, Ferndale Te Ahu School & The Champion Centre
Neurodiverse: Autism NZ (Canterbury & West Coast)
Adult Education: Hagley Adult Literacy Centre (Literacy & Numeracy, First Steps, Computer Skills, ESOL)
Intellectual Disabilities: Helen Anderson Trust & Delta Community Support Trust (Friendship Link)
Pain Management: Burwood Hospital Pain Management Centre
Brain Injury: Laura Fergusson Trust”

– Ministry of Social Development |
The Work and Income (WINZ) Shirley Centre is located at 203 Hills Road, Shirley.
280m walk from 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.

– Department of Internal Affairs |
The Department of Internal Affairs has a partnership with those working in Shirley & is also involved in funding projects in Richmond.

6. Local/National Funding Organisations
– Ngāi Tahu
Haea Te Awa – Regional Investment Fund

– Rātā Foundation

– The Tindall Foundation

7. International Community: expats now living overseas & visitors
If you look at the “Location” details of the “Where is our Community Centre?” online petition.
You will see Christchurch locals have signed this petition, as well as people from around NZ (Lower Hutt, Auckland, Ashburton, Hastings, Tauranga, Nelson, Blenheim, Porirua, Matamata, Alexandra, Waipapa, Hamilton, Rotorua, Wellington, Palmerston North, Papamoa, Kaitaia, Invercargill, Rangiora, Morrinsville, Dunedin) & overseas (Australia, USA, UK, Ireland)

8. The Christchurch Foundation
“For those who have dreams for our city, The Christchurch Foundation makes it easier for you to make a difference.”
Create a ‘Shirley Centre’ project, to invest in this legacy project/development:
& for those expats living overseas to become supporters.

9. Past Connections
– There are many local stories & connections, many family members of those who have already passed, that remember these stories & connections today & would like a way to be able to honor these for future generations.

– George Penlington (CEB Architect for Shirley Primary & Richmond Schools)
Ministry of Education

– Benjamin Oakes Moore (Contractor who helped build the former ‘Press’ building in Cathedral Square)
Built his home at 12 Julius Terrace, Richmond (rebuilt home current value is $2.22M)

– NZ Society of Genealogists – Canterbury Branch
“10 Shirley Road was the home for NZ Society of Genealogists – Canterbury Branch, for 21 years from February 1990 until the February 2011 earthquakes. We were hoping that a new Community Centre would be built on the same site to serve the local community in many ways, and possibly return ‘home’.”

– “The Christchurch Districts of Windsor and Shirley: A short history and reminiscences 1860-1960″ By Roger Allen

10. Fundraising Opportunities
– “Buy A Brick” for individuals/families to have their name on a brick, edging the pathways around the new Shirley Centre building.
“A group of residents who had formed the Pier and Foreshore Society to try to save the pier continued to campaign for a new pier (New Brighton Pier). Thirty years of lobbying and fundraising in the community saw almost $2 million raised from the community which was matched by a further $2 million from the Christchurch City Council and a new pier design was approved with a new library, a café and a restaurant at the landward end.”

– “Sponsor A Seat” for businesses/local property developers to have their name on a seat, added to the different outdoor spaces around the new Shirley Centre building.