CCC Citizen Hub Strategy

“The Christchurch City Council Citizen Hub Strategy is intended to:
– Identify how citizens and customers want to interact with Council regarding services, channel choice and community facilities
– Identify why citizen hubs may be best positioned to service and meet customer expectations
– Identify the current state and what changes are required to meet the future state implementation phases
– Provide a basis against which Council can measure success.

We currently operate a very “bricks and mortar” service arrangement, where different Council services have developed stand-alone service locations and approaches (often all in the same neighbourhood).
The review has found that this siloed legacy service model is no longer fit for purpose. Customers increasingly expect joined up services, easy one-stop transactions, and channel choice in how they engage with us.

We are proposing a shift to integrated service delivery arrangements whereby Council physical services are grouped together in convenient locations for citizens to access – a Citizen Hub with no wrong doors. This will be supplemented with an assisted-digital strategy whereby most simple Council service transactions can be automated, or completed on-line.

A set of design principles have been developed to guide improvement opportunities and the future state model. An implementation approach whereby council libraries will form the base for integrated, multi-discipline citizen hubs is proposed.”

Customer Experience for Integrated Service – Citizen Hub Strategy
(As at 30th October 2015. Endorsed by Council 30th November 2015)

“More and more I think libraries need to become community hubs and reflect the needs of the community.”
“More staff interaction, give people the choice between “automated self check out” and an old fashioned check out desk.”
(Source:, Page 11)

“There is a synergy between the information that libraries provide and the service that Citizens Advice Bureau provides to the community.”
(Long Term Plan 2015-2025 – Citizen Submissions/ Feedback, Submission # 12990, Page 11)

“There is a worldwide trend towards establishing community hubs – and Christchurch City Council has already signaled its intent to adopt this concept by the development of our first co-located services in Papanui, Shirley, Fendalton, South Library and now, more comprehensively, at Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre.
Hubbing enables the delivery of service outcomes from a common location, making it easier for the customer, as well as enabling the efficient use of Council resources.
A hub can be far more than a place from which service is delivered.
It can bring community services together, be a gathering place for the community to play, learn, and engage with each other.
The key is integration; this strategy will look at how and where Council services can become the platform for more deeply integrated citizen hubs.”
(Shared vision for hub services, Page 13)

“In February 2013, the Auckland Council Executive Leadership Team approved a human-centred design approach for their new service centre.
Human-Centred Design Approach:
1. Scope – create a service delivery framework that enables Council to deliver an integrated and relevant in-store experience
2. Look & Listen – a refreshing and insightful view of the world through the eyes of the customers
3. Understand – distilling observations into insights
4. Solve – involve the wider organisation and external participants
5. Build – make it happen!
A deliberate and conscious flow was created for citizens to:
– Enter
– Orientate
– Experience their first point of contact
– Interact
– Transact
– Exit & extend”
(Case Study: The Auckland Council In-Store Experience, Page 14)

“Each element of the future omni-channel strategy needs to be enabled by the right tools and capability. For citizen hubs, this means exemplary service standards, well trained staff to support our customer groups in one engagement, supported by a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
Christchurch City Libraries have already incorporated human-centred design principles in their facility design, fit-out, and service model.”
(What does a hub mean for Christchurch City Council?, Page 15)

“Integrated, multi-discipline hubs will be created where it makes sense, and will be the preferred future model:
– Customers can go to one location to meet their requirements
– Lower building maintenance costs
– More efficient use of staff through rostering
In the longer term hubs can become a gathering place for more community services
Facilities are fit for purpose for the community it serves:
– Reduction in costs to council
– Community continues to have pride in their facilities and maximise use
– Locations meet customer demand and are centrally located in our communities
– Higher return on investment in facilities”
(Hub Principles, Page 16)

“Integration of Community Hubs will occur at existing Library facilities:
– In many locations, service desks are already co-located with libraries and therefore optically it does not seem a big change for the community
– The older demographic, likely to be using assisted service channels, are assumed as visiting libraries more frequently than recreation centres, making the assisted service more accessible for these users
Existing recreation building facilities do not have space to house libraries:
– Geographic distance will continue to occur in existing facilities due to facility constraints (i.e. size) and type of utilization (e.g. recreation services and quiet break out spaces do not have natural synergies)
Consistency is valued and enables standardisation:
– By initially establishing all hubs as a library/service desk integration customers will be able to expect and have the same service experience at any community hub
– Cross skilling of these employees will enable them to cover other services as required providing more job variety”
(Hub Assumptions, Page 17)

“The future integrated hub model provides for council libraries to act as integrated, multi-discipline hubs, simplifying and streamlining the customer journey.
The future assisted service model delivers a number of financial and non-financial benefits:
– Integrated: One location for multiple transactions
– Tailored: A choice of either assisted or self-service options
– Cost Effective: Savings on travel costs for customers using the digital channel options or traveling to a single integrated hub instead of multiple locations.
There are also options to reduce the Council physical foot-print through decommissioning of existing end-of-life facilities, or siloed facilities in the same community.”
(Meeting Customer Expectations, Page 17)

– Libraries: Shirley (Burwood Ward, 5 Council libraries: Parklands, New Brighton, Aranui, Shirley, Linwood in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board area)
– Service Desks: Shirley (Burwood Ward, 2 Council service centres: Shirley, Linwood in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board area)
– Governance Services: Shirley (Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board)
There are 3 Christchurch City Council services co located in the Shirley Library and Service Centre building, located in The Palms carpark.*
But there is no suburban sized Library or Service Centre in the entire Innes Ward.
(Location map for Christchurch City Council Libraries, Service Desks and Recreation and Sports Centres, Page 19)

* For more info on the current Shirley Library and Service Centre:
Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee, 01 June 2022
“Joanna Gould spoke in regards to Item 10. South Library Te Kete Wānanga o Wai Mōkihi – Earthquake Repair Options.
Her deputation focused on Shirley Library and the former Shirley Community Centre. She questioned the priority on South Library, when Shirley Library has issues around variety of books available and capacity.
She also queried why the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre has been delayed until 2030/31, and whether this aligns with the Council’s policies on sustainability and environmental outcomes.”
Her presentation slides:
Shirley Library and Service Centre building plan/layout

“The founding principle of citizen hubs is to bring together the services council provides across the community in a common location, enabling the customer and community experience to be an integrated one.
Initially this includes libraries, and service desks.
Future builds of new citizen hubs should encompass all council facilities required by the community it serves, integrating recreation and sports, libraries, service desk and community governance services where it makes sense.
This will vary by community, depending on factors such as community demographics, land availability etc. and should be designed in conjunction with the community to ensure the hub is fit for individual community requirements (i.e. some of the new facilities in communities may not require all services).
As a result of the earthquakes there are a number of new community facilities and re-builds already underway.
The implementation plan will align with the Community Facilities Activity Management Plan and Community Facilities Network plan as well as the various facilities rebuild plans for the community facilities, libraries, and service desks.”

Facilities Rebuild Plans: Alignment = X, Most facilities have replaced ‘like for like’.*
Therefore, the integrated hub strategy has not been considered when deciding on the design and co-location of facilities.
(Interdependencies, Page 26)

* When I wrote in 2018, I saw the potential in this site at 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
At that time I hadn’t even read the ‘Christchurch City Council Citizen Hub Strategy’.
Since 2018 I have been advocating for a new ‘Citizen/Community Hub’ at 10 Shirley Road & the redevelopment of the Shirley Community Reserve:

The Shirley Community Centre, has not been ‘replaced’, not even ‘like for like’.
In 2015 when this Strategy was written, why wasn’t a new integrated service delivery Citizen Hub option considered, at 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve, site of the former Shirley Community Centre?
21: Shirley Community Centre, Replace. Section 38 (claim insured value).
26: Shirley Library, Cosmetic repairs.
Christchurch City Council Facilities Rebuild Plan – Tranche 1

Historic Landmark

Q. What is a ‘Historic Landmark’?
A. “Historic Landmark means any improvement, building or structure of particular historic or architectural significance to the Town relating to its heritage, cultural, social, economic or political history, or which exemplifies historic personages or important events in local, state or national history identified in the municipality’s comprehensive plan, which have been listed or are eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.”
“Historic Landmark means an historic resource of historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural importance or value which the City Council determines shall be protected, enhanced and preserved in the interest of the culture, prosperity, education and welfare of the people and which is so designated.”

Q. What is ‘Historic Heritage?’
A. “Historic heritage is those natural and physical resources that contribute to an understanding and appreciation of New Zealand’s history and cultures.
It includes historic sites, structures, places and areas, archaeological sites, site of significance to Māori, including wāhi tapu, and surroundings associated with the natural and physical resources.
Historic heritage has three key elements: a geographical place (e.g. a structure, house, site or area), associated heritage values and heritage significance, and associated connections with a person, group or community.”

1. Founding of Shirley
– “Subdivision started in the early 20th century, at which time the area was known as North Richmond. The name then changed to Windsor, until it was discussed at a meeting at the Windsor Wesleyan School that land agents indicated land sold better if the locality was called Shirley instead of Windsor.
The suburb spreads across wholly flat land which before the arrival of the first European colonists in the 1850s consisted of streams running into marshland between weathered and grassy sand dunes. Sheep and dairy cattle began to be grazed on the land within a few years of the colonists’ arrival, the area being part of the Sandhills station.
Land began to be bought by families of small farmers from 1863 onwards, and during the rest of the 19th century the future suburb was a district of market gardens, dairy farms and small grazing farms divided by hedgerows. A farmhouse and stables could be found along the roads every few hundred metres.
As more and more land was drained it was often highly productive. One large estate was established by the very wealthy Rhodes family who chose not to live on the land but instead resided in a very large mansion in Merivale. Their estate in the district was run by managers and overseers.
The district’s settlers were mostly English and Scottish, but some Irish families also settled, as well as – in the 1870s – a significant group of Poles from eastern Germany. A small village of shops and one or two churches had begun to grow up by that time along what would later become known as Shirley Road.”,_New_Zealand
– “When our First Four Ships arrived in Lyttelton late 1850, the area that was to become known as Shirley attracted the settlers immediately.
By 1863, after most of the marsh had been drained, the area experienced a boom of smaller dairy/grazing farms and market gardens opening.
One of the biggest land owners were the Rhodes family who leased their land out. They chose to live in their nearby home of Elmwood, now the site of Heaton Normal Int. School (named after Sir Heaton Rhodes) on Heaton Road.
At that time, the Rhodes Estate stretched across the suburbs of Marshlands (Rhodes Swamp), Mairehau (named after Rose Mariehau Rhodes), Shirley and Elmwood.
It is unclear where John and Susannah Buxton – saddlers – actually lived but their son Joseph (pictured) owned land that sat on what is now known as Quinn Street.
On Susannah’s death bed, she asked her son to gift his land to the community so a church could be built. Her wish was granted.
On the 10th April 1868, the Shirley Methodist Church opened its doors.
The community had decided to honor Susannah by naming the church after her in using her maiden name of Shirley. Slowly the name spread and influenced the rest of the community.”
– “Shirley. Named after Susannah Buxton, née Shirley, (1806?-1867). Mrs Buxton was the wife of John Buxton (1805?-1887), a saddler, and mother of Joseph Shirley Buxton (1833-1898), a gentleman of Merivale. Her son owned a large area of land on the corner of Quinn’s Road and St Albans Road.”, Page 70
– “Mr. Joseph Shirley Buxton, who was long a personality in Christchurch, and an old Colonist of over forty years’ standing, was born at Wootton, Bedfordshire, England, in 1833, served his apprenticeship as a saddler with his father, and came to Lyttelton in 1858 by the ship “Westminster.”
– “Shirley. Mr I. F. Buxton tells me that Shirley was named after his later father, Joseph Shirley Buxton, and was applied to a large area of land owned by him.
The area in question has recently been subdivided, but the name is now applied to a much larger district.
Such an explanation is most valuable, as the personal side of the matter would soon be forgotten. Shirley in this case may be a family name, or a reminiscence of a once-famous novel, or a place name in England – it is hard to say which.”
– “Shirley Road. Named because it runs through Shirley which, in turn, is named after Susannah Buxton, née Shirley, (1806?-1867). Shirley Road is first mentioned in the Star in 1873.”, Page 55
– Originally Shirley Road started at Westminster Street (now Aylesford Street), before crossing over Hills Road to Marshland Road.

2. Social Housing Heritage
– “In 1905 the government introduced the Workers Dwelling Act which would allow for the purchasing of land and the construction of affordable homes for workers at what was to be modest rents.
34 designs were selected from 130 submitted by architects throughout New Zealand. Some of these homes were built in poorly selected locations away from public transport and at rents beyond the reach of many.”
“Richard Seddon, concerned at the number of homeless and substandard conditions, decided that the State should play a larger part in housing. Seddon came from England and had seen for himself good quality council housing available to low income families.
These homes could be leased with the right of renewal or could be purchased outright with the proviso that upon the death of the owner, ownership would return to the State. Seddon said it would give relief from profit hungry landlords…”
“When this early experiment was finished, over 640 homes had been built throughout the country.
In Christchurch, some of these homes were designed by some prominent local architects including Hurst Segar, Cecil Wood, Barlow and England.
Three pockets of these homes were built in Christchurch in 1918 to 1920, one being in Chancellor Street. This small group of homes run between Julius Terrace and Shirley Road.”
“Of the three pockets of these homes built in Christchurch, little remains of the other two, so Chancellor Street is unique in the fact that they are all still there and are in good hands. It would be interesting to know how many of these original 640 homes still exist throughout the country.”
‘Chancellor Street Today’ by Alan Williamson, Richmond Community News, February 2009
– “Richard John Seddon (22 June 1845 – 10 June 1906) was a New Zealand politician who served as the 15th premier (prime minister) of New Zealand from 1893 until his death. In office for thirteen years, he is to date New Zealand’s longest-serving head of government.”
– “Dudley is identified in the Christchurch District Plan as a Character Area. It has qualities that make it distinctive and appealing resulting in an attractive and memorable area. The distinctiveness is created through the combination of the character of houses and their surroundings.”
“Dudley has city-wide significance as an intact residential neighbourhood, strong landscape features, consistent house sizes and styles.”
“The original subdivision was comprehensively developed as a result of the construction of the St Albans Park and North Beach tram routes. Many of the original houses date from the early 20th century and are single-storey wooden villas and bungalows.”
“While there was damage to the area as a result of the Canterbury Earthquakes, the original subdivision of Dudley is relatively intact. The majority of sections across the area have not been further subdivided, retaining large sections with mature trees that sets up a regular spacing and pattern of houses, fencing and front gardens along the street.”
“Dudley Creek is a defining feature and important open space for this Character Area. Extensive recent work along the banks of the waterways in Dudley have opened up spaces that contribute to the amenity and value of the area for the community and residents. A feature of Dudley is how existing sections engage with the waterways. Houses face Dudley Creek and tributaries, vegetation is low but extensive and bridges, both vehicle and pedestrian, span the creek creating a strong visual and physical connection.”
– “Interestingly this Dudley Character Area in Richmond, is in part thanks to Richard Seddon & “prominent local architects”: Hurst Segar, Cecil Wood, Barlow and England creating architectural designed social housing.
This Character Area is an important part of Richmond’s identity/heritage & should be protected, especially after so many buildings were lost after the earthquakes.”
Chancellor Street Heritage Houses
(overlooking Shirley Community Reserve)
“This former Workers’ Dwelling Act dwelling has historical and social significance as one of seven houses built on the east side of Chancellor Street in 1914 as part of the Chancellor Street Settlement under the Workers’ Dwellings Act 1905. The act and its successors established the first programme of public housing provision in New Zealand by central government.”
“New Zealand Premier ‘King’ Dick Seddon’s Liberal Government (1893-1906) wanted architectural variety, rather than uniformity, in the design of the workers’ dwellings. Local architects submitted entries to design competitions held throughout New Zealand and the dwellings were built by local contractors.”
“The Chancellor Street houses also form part of New Zealand’s heritage of state housing generally. The setting is the original 1914 rectangular land parcel with a small garden between the house and the roadway and a larger open space at the rear.”
– 72 Chancellor Street:

– 70 Chancellor Street:

– 66 Chancellor Street:

3. Former Shirley Primary School Building
– “The Shirley Primary School was erected in 1915 to the design of George Penlington, the Education Board Architect in Canterbury.
The foundation stone was laid on 16th June 1915.
Sympathetic additions were made to the school building in 1924 and were presumably to the design of Penlington also. This comprised the four east-facing classrooms. Other than these additions, the building appears largely unaltered.
Shirley Primary School was typical of education buildings of this era in both plan and the provision of large windows to each classroom, but has some regional rarity in that it is constructed of brick. The building is prominent within the local streetscape because of its corner site and spacious setting.”
Building Record Form for Shirley Community Centre, 10 Shirley Road, Christchurch
– “This building was built as Shirley Primary School in 1915 to the design of Education Board architect George Penlington. With its hipped roof and symmetry, the overall flavour of this school building is Georgian. Its U-shaped plan, and large and regular fenestration, together hint at the Jacobean influence which was to be developed in Penlington’s later work. In addition, it provides evidence of Penlington’s skill in polychromatic brick construction.”
Register Record for Shirley Community Centre, 10 Shirley Road, Christchurch
– “Originally entered in the List as a Category 2 historic place (#7117) – Demolished 2012. This building was constructed in 1915 as Shirley Primary School.
It was built to the design of Education Board architect George Penlington.
The building’s hipped roof and symmetry gave the building an overall Georgian air, whilst its U-shaped plan and large and regular fenestration hinted at the Jacobean influence which was to be developed in Penlington’s later work.”
Canterbury earthquakes: Christchurch Q to Z: Shirley Community Centre (former Shirley Primary School) 10 Shirley Road, Christchurch.
– George Penlington, Canterbury Education Board Architect, including Shirley Primary & Richmond School

– “Cantabrians have long been proud of the region’s education heritage, but they have extra reason to pay respect to the city’s remaining historic educational treasures…”We do tend to forget about our educational buildings. But it is so unusual to have such a concentration of our colonial beginnings in one small area and they tell us so much about our social history,” says Heritage consultant and chair of ICOMOS New Zealand Jenny May.
Some of the city’s foremost and celebrated colonial architects designed these institutional buildings: William Armson, Thomas Cane, Collins and Harman, Benjamin Mountfort, George Penlington, Samuel Hurst Seagar and Cecil Wood.
Although some of these buildings have been lost, they were a significant part of the city’s architectural as well as social heritage.”
– Building Yesterday’s Schools: An analysis of educational architectural design as practised by the Building Department of the Canterbury Education Board from 1916 – 1989, by Murray Noel Williams.
“One development, unique to Canterbury, was that for a short period, from 1924-29, a local pressure group, the Open Air Schools’ League became so powerful that it virtually dictated the CEB’s design policy until the Board architects George Penlington and John Alexander Bigg reassumed control by inflecting the open-air model into the much acclaimed veranda block.”

4. Former Shirley Community Centre
– “The Shirley Community Centre is located in a park like setting on the corner of Shirley Rd. In May 1977 the building and site became surplus to Ministry of Education requirements.
In October 1977 Christchurch City Council was appointed to control and manage the site pursuant to the Lands and Domains Act 1953.
The site was set aside for use as a Community Centre and the running of the Centre was handed over to the Shirley Community Centre Society, which had been established earlier in the year to lobby for the building to be used as a Community facility. The centre opened for hire in March 1978, as a ‘place for cultural, educational and recreational activities’.
Over the next almost 25 years funding from the City Council, fundraising and volunteer work from members of the Society and the local community have restored this building to a pleasant, well appointed Community Centre the local community can be proud of. It is well used by both local and citywide community groups, clubs and some commercial ventures, and is largely self-funding.”
– Christchurch City Libraries, Shirley Community Centre, Earthquake Damage Photos
Search = Shirley Community Centre, or try this link:
– The Shirley Community Centre building was a Category 2 historic place (#7117) & demolished in 2012, due to earthquake damage.
“Facilities Rebuild Tranche 1, 21. Shirley Community Centre. Replace. Section 38 (claim insured value).”
– Since 1915, this location at 10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve, has been an important part of our communities identity.
First as the original Shirley Primary School, then as the Shirley Community Centre, until the building was demolished in 2012, due to earthquake damage.
This historic landmark has been a ‘place of learning’ on Shirley Road for over 100 years & still is today with the Shirley Playcentre onsite.
Leaving it empty without a community building, is a constant reminder of what we have lost, that our communities have been forgotten & we have no community legacy for the future generations.
NZ Society of Genealogists, Canterbury Branch
– “10 Shirley Road was the home for NZ Society of Genealogists – Canterbury Branch, for 21 years from February 1990 until the February 2011 earthquakes. We were hoping that a new Community Centre would be built on the same site to serve the local community in many ways, and possibly return ‘home’.”
Fiona Lees, NZ Society of Genealogists – Canterbury Branch, Convenor
“Our city has special needs with what we have been through in the last decade, where the community have shown how strong they can be supporting each other, and desperately need safe and welcoming meeting places to suit all needs.”
Pages 61-62, Letter from Fiona Lees, Convenor
NZ Society of Genealogists, Canterbury Branch
Pages 63-70, NZSG Canterbury Branch, 50th Anniversary – February 2018, includes photos of Shirley Community Centre
– “Established in 1968, that makes the [NZ Society of Genealogists] Canterbury regional branch the oldest in New Zealand…For Lees, that passion was wanting to know more about where she came from and what influences made her the person she is today.”

5. Environment
Shirley Community Reserve
“The land at 10 Shirley Rd is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held “in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)”.
That means the land could not be used for any other purpose than a community centre unless and until the reserve classification is changed.
This involves a process set out in the Reserves Act 1977, providing for notification and objections by the public.
It also appears the land could not simply sit ‘vacant’ with the reserve stats unchanged, as that would also be inconsistent with the reserve purpose.”
9. ‘Shirley Community Facility Rebuild – 10 Shirley Road’ Report
5. Background (Page 19) & 9.9 Legal Implications (Page 27)
Significant Shirley Community Reserve Park Trees
There are 8 Significant Park Trees (Protected Vegetation) along the northern & eastern boundary of the Shirley Community Reserve.
Shirley Playcentre
Since 1915 this site has been a ‘place of learning’, as the original Shirley Primary School, then with the Shirley Community Centre & today the Shirley Playcentre is on this site (back left corner of the Reserve, from Shirley Road).
61 Chancellor Street:
“Shirley Playcentre operates under the guidance of the Canterbury Playcentre Association. The playcentre is a parent cooperative with parents encouraged to be involved in all aspects of the playcentre’s programme and management.
Shirley Playcentre is located in the Shirley Community Reserve.
The community has become increasingly transient and culturally diverse due to the changes in employment in the local area.
Since the 2012 ERO report, the playcentre’s main focus has been to upgrade the outdoor environment.
Parents have made links with the local community to extend children’s learning opportunities. Adults make good use of the community gardens and the local stream to support children’s learning in natural science.
The playcentre works closely with the nearby school. Children take part in school programmes and are regularly visited by groups from the school.”
Dudley Creek
– “Dudley Creek, which flows through Bishopdale, Papanui, Shirley and Richmond before entering the Avon River was named after him [Dr Charles Dudley 1810 – 1881].”
– Dudley Creek runs along the southern boundary of the Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road.
Dudley Creek Flood Remediation
– “Detailed flood modelling and in the upstream zones of Dudley Creek, waterway widening, silt removal and infrastructural remediation will improve the existing waterways. In addition to this ecological and landscape values will be enhanced, including improving in-creek eel and fish habitats, new riparian and tree planting and improved pedestrian pathways. These interventions are carefully designed not to inhibit flood capacity at times of peak flow, and simultaneously provide an inviting and accessible waterway corridor for local residents and visitors when the creek is at its natural low flow level.”
– ‘Getting All The Multidisciplinary Ducks In A Row – Stream Waterway Design’ by Murphy A (Beca), Smith I (Beca), McMurtrie S (EOS Ecology), Keesing V (Boffa Miskell)
Dudley Creek Esplanade Reserve
– Path from Slater Street to Shirley Shopping Centre (corner of Hills & Shirley Road).
– “I’m always amazed when I find little pockets of Christchurch that are wee gems like this – I think unless we live or work in an area we never really get to know other parts of the city all that well.”

Local Green Spaces

Residents have plenty of opportunities to connect with & utilise the existing local green spaces, through Christchurch City Council parks/walking trails/fruit trees, school grounds, community gardens, birdsong trails, Dudley Creek/Esplanade Reserve & the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.

Many residents are unaware of what is available in their ‘local backyard’, which is where the Christchurch City Council can help to inform & educate residents.
– Inform: through (Environment, Rec & Sport, Parks & Gardens, Council tabs), & Tree Planting Guide etc.
– Educate: through our local Christchurch City Libraries with the help of our local ‘information specialists’ librarians: learning spaces, guest speakers, park rangers, non fiction books, displays, landscape design, garden tours, seed libraries, plant swaps, ‘learning through action’ school programme etc.

This is one of the many reasons why a new ‘community hub’ (library/learning spaces/community centre) at the Shirley Community Reserve is important, to connect locals with the existing green spaces & facilities in their ‘local backyard’.

The Shirley Community Reserve is centrally located at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, connecting the communities around: Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau.

The land at 10 Shirley Rd is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held ‘in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)’. It also appears the land could not simply sit ‘vacant’ with the reserve status unchanged, as that would also be inconsistent with the reserve purpose.

Since 1915 when the original Shirley Primary School was built, the 10 Shirley Road site has historically been a ‘place of learning’ as a ‘place for cultural, educational and recreational activities’.

Community Education: “Climate Change 101”
Climate change is a big picture issue. How can we break it down into achievable practical day to day tasks/changes to the way we live in Christchurch?

“What if We Built Our Communities Around Places?
Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community.”
“Every place already has a story to tell — placemaking just brings that story forward.”

Landscape Ideas for the Shirley Community Reserve:
Natives Garden, Wellbeing Sensory Garden, Basketball Area & Playground

StoryWalk(R): Promoting literacy, reading, health, exercise, and movement in communities and neighbourhoods. Connecting books about trees/birds/climate change to local park trails.

Earlier this year the Christchurch City Council consulted on the ‘Ōtautahi Christchurch Urban Forest Plan’, which “provides a long-term vision and strategy to maximise the health and sustainability of the city’s urban trees and forests and the benefits we receive from them.”

My submission: #50581, Page 275-278:

1. Christchurch City Council Parks
In Richmond, we have access to the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, Avebury Park, Richmond Village Green, Richmond Park, Petrie Park, Dudley Creek Esplanade Reserve & the Shirley Community Reserve.
– Parks:,-43.50847,15
– Location Map:,-43.50847,15
– Accessible Parks:
– Sports Parks:
MacFarlane Park (Shirley),
Richmond Park (Richmond),
St Albans Park (St Albans),
Westminster Park (Mairehau),
Walter Park (Mairehau),
– Basketball Courts:
Shirley Community Reserve, Richmond (Half Court),
Avon Hub, Richmond (Full Indoor Court),
MacFarlane Park, Shirley (Full Outdoor Court),

2. Christchurch City Council Walking Trails
– There is a CCC Walking Trail that starts in the Shirley Shopping Centre, located at the corner of Hills & Shirley Road.
– Through the Dudley Creek Esplanade Reserve: 159 Slater Street, Richmond, path from Slater Street to Shirley Shopping Centre (corner of Hills & Shirley Road).
– Then follows the Dudley Creek through the back of the Shirley Community Reserve, along Julius Terrace, across a footbridge to Stapletons Road.
– The landscaping work that was done, as part of the Dudley Creek Flood Remediation, has created a picturesque ‘inviting and accessible waterway corridor’.
(See ‘Dudley Creek Flood Remediation’ &,-43.50847,15

3. Christchurch City Council Fruit Trees
Fruit Trees:,-43.50847,15
Location Map:,-43.50847,15

4. School Grounds
“The Shirley Community Reserve is central to our 14 local education providers, all are within 3km of the 10 Shirley Road site.”
Collaborate with the Ministry of Education, to add trees to school fields as protection from weather & fruit trees for children/local community to eat.
“Enviroschools is an environmental action based programme where young people are empowered to design and lead sustainability projects in their schools, neighbourhoods and country.”

5. Community Gardens
– MacFarlane Park Community Garden, Shirley
– Dallington Community Garden
– Delta Community Garden, Richmond
– Richmond Community Garden
– Packe Street Park and Community Garden, Edgeware
– St Albans Community Garden

6. Birdsong Trails
– Dudley Creek Trail, Richmond (2018)
“Bring residents out into their local communities to appreciate the existing tree canopy while walking along Dudley Creek & finding information about local birds/sites/Dudley Creek Flood Remediation.”
– Richmond Wayfinding Signage Ideas (2020)
“‘Medium’ Ideas: Bird House & Bird Feeder on a post. Low cost project, great way to involve children & families. These could be painted so they are very visible & attract attention. Easy to identify the next stop on the trail.
This area is already home to many different birds, adding a bird house brings the birds down closer to the people using the trail & adding a bird feeder is an interactive way people can help increase the bird population.
Add info about each NZ bird species to a different bird house/feeder, link to the Department of Conservation website, info about each bird/sound recordings/habitat etc.”
The Green Lab Richmond Community Projects Joanna Gould, Page 1
– “Richmond Community Wayfinding is the first phase of a wayfinding route through Richmond and the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor. The project began in conversation in late 2019, and was designed and built with community members in 2020.”
“The route was determined by those with keen knowledge of local histories, and a later stage of creating QR codes linking to site information along the way is planned.”
– MacFarlane Park Trail, Shirley (2022)
“As part of a series of initiatives to increase pride in the park, the Birdsong Trails aim to create liveable spaces for the winged members of the Shirley community.
Several urban corridors run through MacFarlane Park connecting schools, housing and two community centres. Children and parents walk along these pathways on the way to school and to the community gardens every day. To make the walk more attractive, The [Shirley Community] Trust had the vision of planting the corridors with native trees and shrubs. This would thereby attract the birds and create opportunities for future education initiatives.
The long term goals of the Birdsong Trails include working with the schools to build bird houses and bird feeder stands, provide education about bird life and improve the ecosystems for native wildlife.
Already looking to extend the Birdsong Trail, the Trust is working with some experts from Lincoln University who could plant five varieties of harakeke. These will provide food for the birds and in time, could be used for teaching weaving and tikanga classes.”

7. Dudley Creek
– “Landscape and natural features: Dudley Creek is a defining feature and important open space for this Character Area. Extensive recent work along the banks of the waterways in Dudley have opened up spaces that contribute to the amenity and value of the area for the community and residents.”
Christchurch City Council Character Area Dudley Design Guide (2019), Page 2
– Dudley Creek Esplanade Reserve: 159 Slater Street, Richmond, path from Slater Street to Shirley Shopping Centre (corner of Hills & Shirley Road).
– “I’m always amazed when I find little pockets of Christchurch that are wee gems like this – I think unless we live or work in an area we never really get to know other parts of the city all that well.”

8. Dudley Character Area
“Vegetation and street amenity: Established vegetation including trees, shrubs, hedging and lawns within front and rear gardens are a feature of Dudley.
Mature street trees especially on Dudley Street and along the waterways contribute significantly to the Character Area by creating micro-climates, shade and an attractive appearance.”
“Generally an intact original subdivision with generous section sizes and a general spaciousness.”
“Balance of house and garden size: A feature of Dudley is the consistent balance between house and garden size…with modest house footprints, generous separation between houses and gardens that contain substantial vegetation.”
Christchurch City Council Character Area Dudley Design Guide (2019), Page 2 & 3

9. Dudley Street Trees
“Dudley Street Oak: The trees are Quercus x heterophylla, aka Bartrams oak, which are rare in both the Christchurch and NZ context. Arguably, they also constitute the single most significant feature in the Dudley Street Character Area.”

10. Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor

You Are Here: A Place To Be

On a map, the ‘You Are Here’ icon is a reminder of your location.
‘You Are Here’ locators are usually to help tourists or those new to an area, find their bearings again & see which way they need to go.

Currently ‘You Are Here’, in these communities surrounding 10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve:
Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau.

“Our communities are ethnically and socially diverse.
We have areas of social deprivation, and others of relative well being.
We have increased social housing, and increased high density, infill housing. As our population grows, the demand for community facilities grows also.
Church facilities can be a barrier for some of our secular community members. School facilities are often limited in the times they are available. Private venues are too expensive.”

Whether you have just arrived in this country, recently moved into these communities, here temporarily (renting) or permanently (bought a house), while ‘you are here’ welcome to the Shirley Centre, ‘a place to be’, within our local communities.

The 10 Shirley Road site/Shirley Community Reserve is a destination greenspace, a historic landmark within our local communities, located near Hills Road, with our main bus routes traveling through this area & bus stops on either side of Shirley Road.

The original Shirley Primary School was built on this 10 Shirley Road site in 1915.
In May 1977, the building and site became surplus to the Ministry of Education requirements.
In March 1978, Shirley Community Centre opened as a ‘place for cultural, educational and recreational activities’.
The land at 10 Shirley Rd is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held ‘in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)’.

Q. What is the definition of a community centre?
A. “Community centres are public locations where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes. They may sometimes be open for the whole community or for a specialized group within the greater community.”

The 10 Shirley Road site is central to our 14 local education providers, all are within 3km of the 10 Shirley Road site:

There are currently no local ‘suburban’ sized Christchurch City Libraries in the Innes Ward.

The current Shirley Library is located in the carpark of The Palms (Burwood Ward).

By relocating the current Shirley Library onto the 10 Shirley Road site, it will be easier to find, with better parking & access to public transport, a central location to connect residents from the surrounding communities, with the existing local community centres & facilities.

The Shirley Centre is ‘a’ place to be, not ‘the’ place to be, as there are a variety of different community facilities in these communities:,-43.50796,14

The difference is access to the Shirley Centre wouldn’t be restricted, based on whether you fit the criteria/demographics, for the provided activities/events.
‘You Are Here’ where you can just ‘be’, you’re not required to ‘do’ anything.

Our local communities don’t need another ‘traditional’ community centre, we need a ‘future focused’ community centre…
The Shirley Centre/Citizen Hub would be a ‘fit for purpose’ building with more floor space, flexible spaces & a bigger selection of books in the new Learning Library.

Learning Library: ‘a place to be’, inclusive, accessible, intergenerational, third place, bumping spaces, within our local communities.

Q. What is a library?
A. “1% building with books…
99% the social and cultural infrastructure of a community.”

Libraries are ‘third places (social)’ the ‘living room’ of society in our communities.
We have many in our communities who don’t have a ‘second place (work)’: stay at home parents, caregivers, retirees, unemployed, people working from home etc. Some due to their circumstances don’t feel like they have a safe and relaxing ‘first place (home)’.
This is why it is so important that our ‘third places (social)’ are welcoming and inclusive for everyone in our communities.

“Libraries are one of the few public spaces left in our society where you’re allowed to exist without the expectation of spending money.”
Amanda Killian

Mental health & wellbeing literacy/education needs to be in our local communities, in our free inclusive accessible safe civic places: our local suburban Christchurch City Libraries with our ‘information specialists’ librarians.

We teach our children from an early age, if you have a question or need help, that it’s ok to ask our librarians.

“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.”
Laura Bush

Our librarians can direct us to the ‘right info at the right time’, whether it be connecting you with a book, news article, community education, support service, community facility, community group…

Outreach opportunities for local & central Government, NGOS, & support services in our local suburban library learning spaces:
‘Participate, Engage, Observe’

‘You Are Here’, this is a safe place to be, for whatever you are going through. Take what you need to find your bearings again, before you see which way you need to go.

“Everyone of us needs help at some point in our life. And, the more that we can lift up those who need it the most in our community, the more the community itself betters.”
John Rivers

“Tangata ako ana i te kāenga, te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana.
A person nurtured in the community contributes strongly to society.”

In a world that is constantly telling us to ‘do’…
the key to wellbeing is found within the actual word: wellBEing.

“I am a human BEing, not a human DOing.
Don’t equate your self-worth with how well you ‘do’ things in life.
You aren’t what you ‘do’. If you are what you ‘do’, then when you don’t…you aren’t.”
Wayne Dyer

Hence, what we really need in this world, is more of this:
Welcome, ‘You Are Here’ & you have ‘A Place To BE’, within our local communities.

CCC Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 Presentation

On Friday, 28th April 2023, I presented my submission to the Christchurch City Council’s Draft Annual Plan 2023/24.

Five minutes for the fifth year in a row & 15 pages, advocating for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre & redevelopment of the Shirley Community Reserve, at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond.

Written Submission:, Page 127-143
Blog Post:

“The 10 Shirley Road site has historically been a ‘place of learning’ since 1915 when the original Shirley Primary School was built.
The foundation stone was laid on 16th June 1915.

In May 1977, the building and site became surplus to the Ministry of Education requirements.
In March 1978, Shirley Community Centre opened as a ‘place for cultural, educational and recreational activities’.
It was a Category 2 historic place (#7117) & demolished in 2012, due to earthquake damage.

To be honest, after 5 years advocating for this site, I didn’t know what more I could say in my submission this year.

It wasn’t until I started trying to condense my research into the 15 pages you have before you, that I reread the 2015 Shirley Community Facility Rebuild report., Page 17-32

Well done, if you clicked on all the links in my written submission, you deserve a gold star!

The key point I would like to highlight today is found in:
Option 4 – Do not build a Community Facility at 10 Shirley Road.

In the ‘Legal Implications’ section: The land at 10 Shirley Rd is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held ‘in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)’.

That means the land could not be used for any other purpose than a community centre unless and until the reserve classification is changed.

It also appears the land could not simply sit ‘vacant’ with the reserve status unchanged, as that would also be inconsistent with the reserve purpose.

Option 4: Does not restore the service available pre-earthquake on what was a popular, heavily used site.
Unlikely to be acceptable to the Community.

Eight years after this report was written, residents have seen no further progress to reinstate their local community facility & the land has been left vacant.

The current 2030-31 funding time frame, does not align with the purpose of the reserve status & legal implications, or the District Plan changes where housing intensification has already exceed predicted population density in the suburbs surrounding the reserve.

Our demographics have changed, our rates have increased by 59%, we have a climate change emergency, yet we can’t ‘live local & go local’, when we have no ‘suburban’ sized libraries in the Innes Ward.

For the last 5 years I have been highlighting why this site is so important to our communities wellbeing.

A draft concept plan needs to be created & costed now, before a detailed budget can be presented to Council for approval.

We have been waiting for a rebuild since 2012.
Council doesn’t have to buy the land, or have an existing building demolished.
So let’s get on with it…”

Q. “Is there access to the [Shirley Primary] school across the road for community events and also with the North [Avon] hub just down the road on North Parade, has that changed your expectations?”
Kelly Barber, Councillor for Burwood Ward

A. “What I’ve presented from the beginning, since 2018, is not just a standard traditional community centre.
It’s a Learning Library, which involves putting a community centre building, that has the resources that a library has, with learning spaces, flexible spaces, meeting rooms.
All that we don’t have in our Innes Ward, and the closest option is the Shirley Library, which isn’t fit for purpose. It isn’t big enough, it doesn’t have those facilities available, so our communities are missing out or having to travel to other libraries.”

A. 1 | Shirley Primary School
11 Shirley Road, Shirley,

The 10 Shirley Road site is central to our 14 local education providers, all are within 3km of the 10 Shirley Road site, Shirley Community Reserve.

Since the redevelopment of our local schools, after the earthquakes, our children now have access during the school day to new learning spaces, school halls, sports fields & playgrounds.

But our preschoolers, ‘home school’ children, ‘correspondence school’ children & children after school/during the school holidays, living in the communities surrounding 10 Shirley Road (Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau), don’t have access to learning spaces/books/resources, as there is no ‘suburban’ sized library in the Innes Ward & the Shirley Library has limited books/resources/seating & doesn’t have any learning spaces.

A. 2 | Avon Hub
77 North Parade, Pricing varies based on availability
Indoors: Full sized Basketball Gym with wooden floor – gym is 30m long x 21m wide.
Outdoors: 3/4 sized hockey turf which can be played as 3 futsal/korfball turf with sand based astro surface LED lights for night use.

While we have indoor & outdoor sports facilities/parks in our communities, they are aimed at ‘teams’, not ‘individuals’ & there are financial costs (hire costs, club fees, uniform etc) associated with participating in these sports, which can exclude residents on a low income.
Most sports are played after school, at night or during the weekend.
We have a lack of opportunities for those who are available during the daytime.

Our residents have plenty of opportunities to access greenspaces in their local communities:
– Sports Park, Local/Community Park, Garden & Heritage Park & Residential Red Zone:,-43.50686,15
– Sports Park:
MacFarlane Park (Shirley),
Richmond Park (Richmond),
St Albans Park (St Albans),
Westminster Park (Mairehau),
Walter Park (Mairehau),

We don’t have a lack of school facilities in our local communities.
We don’t have a lack of greenspaces in our local communities.
We don’t have a lack of community centres in our local communities.
What we do have is a lack of Christchurch City Council ‘suburban’ sized libraries in our local communities.
What we do have is a lack of places we can ‘be’ during the day in our local communities.

Christchurch City Council Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 Presentation
Waiapapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board

Chairperson Emma Norrish and Deputy Chairperson Simon Britten

“Placemaking and greenspace shaping from Innes to Central
Shirley Community Reserve
Community conversations to realise the vision for the future of the reserve.”

Written Submission:, Page 43-52
Page 45: 1.9 Capital Programme
i. Project 20053 (‘Shirley Community Centre’) – noting that though this is what this line item is labelled as, it is requested that this be re-labeled as a ‘community facility’ to more broadly reflect the consultation to be undertaken with this community on what is preferred for this site).