
Yesterday was Sunday 12th May, Mother’s Day.

For the last 4 years this day has been bittersweet.
While celebrating the joy of being a Mum to my son, Ben…

It is a reminder that my Mum, Marie Duggan is no longer with us. After a courageous journey living with terminal cancer for over two years, she passed away in November 2020.

“May your legacies far outlive your names.
May generations tell your stories.”
Danielle Coke Balfour

Her legacy lives on through me & through my son, Ben.
We regularly talk about her & imagine what she would say to us in different circumstances.
The impact she made in our lives is still felt today.

“But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story,
because hers is where yours begins.”
Mitch Albom, ‘For One More Day’

If I was to sum up my Mum in three words:
Faith, Family & Community.
I was blessed to be her daughter.
Much of who I am today is thanks to her.

My love for reading/learning is due to my Mum making sure we always had books in our house, with weekly visits with my four siblings to the Whanganui Library.

When I was 13, we shifted back to Christchurch. I followed in her footsteps & attended her old school: Villa Maria College, where faith & community service were part of our education.

“Have you ever thought about the legacy you’re leaving your family, your community, your world?
Most people never give it a second thought.
But a legacy is something you’re creating every day, whether you realize it or not.
What exactly is a legacy? Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘legacy’ as ‘something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.’”
Lisa Haisha

Today was the last day for the Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Hearing of Verbal Submissions.

I didn’t make a verbal submission this year. You can read about my ‘why’ here:

My written submission is here:

At the last Draft Long Term Plan, I was part of the newly formed ‘Shirley Road Central’ Incorporated group, that presented the ‘Where Is Our Community Centre?’ petition on 12th May 2021:

Over 1,200 residents signed the petition for a new building to be built at 10 Shirley Road.

A few days beforehand (my first Mother’s Day without my Mum), I was busy signing up committee members so our group would be seen as ‘official’ by Council staff (not just a Facebook group), then we would be given extra minutes for our verbal submission.

It was my way to honor my Mum & continue the fight to advocate for a new building at 10 Shirley Road.

Our connection to 10 Shirley Road is literally about births & deaths.
I attended antenatal classes at the Shirley Community Centre over 16 years ago.
My Mum attended the NZ Society of Genealogists – Canterbury Branch, where she spent many hours researching.

My love for research is thanks to watching/helping her search through documents in the Family History section of the old Central Library & seeing her sitting at our dining table trying to find the connections between family members.

At the beginning of 2021, my Dad gave me her original book on Charles Duggan, that we had worked together on over 30 years ago when I was a teenager.

I had forgotten his story, so I started rereading it & realised our Charles Duggan was the C. Duggan, Librarian, named in the time capsule.

“Celebrations as new community centre opens [April 2021] in St Albans…The original foundation stone that was salvaged when the original building on the site was demolished is featured in the community centre.
The contents of a time capsule unearthed during the demolition of the former building have also been placed on the site of the new facility.”

Listening to the then Mayor Lianne Dalziel speak about legacy, made me wonder what would Charles Duggan think, to know his legacy was still a part of St Albans.

A full circle moment for me as his descendant, advocating for a new centre/learning library at 10 Shirley Road:

Similar to his “St Albans Mutual Improvement Association” that focused on “The mutual mental improvement of its members. Classes for special studies of various subjects being formed, lectures on current topics, readings and discussions were also a part of the means devised for the advancement of culture and general knowledge.”

I like to think my Mum helped to remind me of Charles Duggan & find the rest of his story: his connection to St Albans & one of the earliest suburban library services in Christchurch.

She was my biggest supporter & sounding board for all my ideas.
As I grew up, she told me that I should become a librarian or a detective.

I sent her this song for one of her last Mother’s Day…
A Mother Like You by JJ Heller
“I know that it hasn’t been easy
I hope that I love like you do
‘Cause I know that this world would be better
If everyone had a mother like you”

For the last two years of her life, she listened & encouraged me to keep advocating for my ‘Shirley Centre’ idea.

Talking about 10 Shirley Road helped to distract us from the pain journeys we were both on & gave us something to focus on that we both knew could benefit the generations to come.

“Be a good ancestor. Stand for something bigger than yourself.
Add value to the Earth during your sojourn.”
Marian Wright Edelman

From 1915 (original Shirley School built) to 2012 (Shirley Community Centre demolished), this site at 10 Shirley Road has historically been a ‘place of learning’ in our communities, for our residents.

When will it be our year to establish a new building, a new legacy for the generations to come?

Before my Mum passed away she told me to forget about trying to change the Community Board/Council’s mind & just focus on doing my research.

But she also knew I was persistent, like her.
My ‘why’ I was advocating for a new Centre, was never just about me…
It was about all the people in our communities that would benefit from this space now & in the future.

One of my Mum’s favourite prayers was:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Which reminds me of the ‘Volunteering Canterbury’ Facebook Post, 13th March 2024
– What is it that YOU wonder about?
– What do you wish ‘somebody’ would do something about?
– Could you be that ‘somebody’?
“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realised I was somebody.”
Lily Tomlin

Recently Ben & I were talking about my Mum’s legacy in our lives. I wondered out loud “What will be mine?”
Ben straight away said “Shirley Centre.”
I laughed at the time & said “but it may never get built.”

I’ve been thinking about our ‘legacy’ conversation since then & this quote comes to mind:
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ben was 10 years old when I first presented my ‘Shirley Centre’ idea to Council in 2018:

He has grown up listening to my research/ideas, been involved in collecting signatures for the petition, helped to ‘activate’ the site through ‘Skip Day’ & watched as I’ve presented to our Community Board/Council over the last 6 years.

Whether a building is built or not, this is a part of our family’s story/legacy.
From Charles Duggan, to my Mum – Marie Duggan, to me – Joanna Gould (Duggan) & to my son – Ben Gould…

“May your legacies far outlive your names.
May generations tell your stories.”

Location Location Location

In real estate ‘location’ is key. Properties can be bought & sold based on ‘location’.

In urban planning & placemaking ‘location’ is also key.
“Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.”

The Shirley Community Reserve, located at 10 Shirley Road, is a ‘high profile, prime location, well situated with convenient access to local schools & transport routes’ in real estate terms.

Originally Shirley Road started at Westminster Street (now Aylesford Street), before crossing over Hills Road to Marshland Road.

Original Shirley Road, Christchurch City Libraries Map 1903?

This location has been part of our communities ‘local identity’ & ‘a place of learning’ since the original Shirley Primary School building was built on this site in 1915.

In our newly adopted Christchurch City Council ‘Equity & Inclusion Policy’, children/parents/residents/ratepayers aren’t suppose to be discriminated against or penalised by where they can afford to live.
“Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.
Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”
People should have equity, regardless of age*, gender, disability*, ethnicity, culture, faiths, geographical location*, sexual orientation, neurodiversity* or socio-economic status.*
* age: see ‘Shirley Centre | Education Proivders’
* disability & neurodiversity: see ‘Shirley Centre | Support Providers’
* geographical location: see ‘Shirley Cenre | Libraries’
* geographical location & socio-economic status:
See images below: CCC District Plan Zones & StatsNZ Deprivation Score for the areas around the Shirley Community Reserve.
Also see: https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/shirley-centre-transport/

Christchurch City Council District Plan: Zones
H5: Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond
Residential Suburban Density Transition (West) & Residential Medium Density Zone (East)
Christchurch City Council District Plan: Notations
H5: Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond
Community Housing Redevelopment (North) & Dudley Character Area (South)
StatsNZ Deprivation Score (2018)
Blue Marker: Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond

Yet we have no suburban library in either the Innes or Central Ward?
Shirley Road is on the border of the Innes & Central Ward, since the Ward boundary & Community Board changes in 2022.
https://ccc.govt.nz/assets/Documents/The-Council/How-the-Council-works/2022-election/Maps/Christchurch-City-Council-Representation-Review-2021-Final-determination-amended-June-2022.pdf Page 21 & 23 StatsNZ Population

Christchurch City Libraries by Community Board/Ward
See ‘Shirley Centre | Libraries’: https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/shirley-centre-map/
1. Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board
(5 suburban libraries)
– Coastal: 3. Parklands Library & 5. New Brighton Library
– Burwood: 1. Shirley Library | The Palms Mall & 4. Aranui Library
– Linwood: 6. Linwood Library | Eastgate Mall
2. Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board
(2 suburban libraries)
– Fendalton: 13. Fendalton Library
– Waimairi:
– Harewood: 14. Ōrauwhata Bishopdale Library and Community Centre
3. Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board
(3 suburban libraries)
– Halswell: 10. Te Hāpua Halswell Centre
– Hornby: 11. Matatiki Hornby Centre
– Riccarton: 12. Upper Riccarton Library
4. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board
(2 suburban libraries & Tūranga)
– Papanui: 2. Papanui Library & 15. Redwood Library
– Innes:
– Central: 16. Tūranga (Metropolitan)
5. Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board
(3 suburban libraries)
– Spreydon: 9. Spreydon Library
– Cashmere: 8. South Library
Heathcote: 7. Matuku Takotako Sumner Centre
6. Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board
(4 libraries)
Diamond Harbour, Little River, Akaroa & Lyttelton

From Papanui Road (Papanui Library/Papanui Ward) to Marshland Road (Shirley Library/Burwood Ward), children/residents/visitors are without access to a local suburban sized library.

The current (2nd) Shirley Library* is located on the edge of the Burwood Ward & has a limited book selection, no board room, meeting rooms or learning centre (flexible spaces) & didn’t rate well in the Youth Audit.

* There are no toilets available in the Library area.
Toilets for the building are located in the corridor off the Main Entrance to the building.
Why is this an issue?:
– you have to leave unissued books in the library, due to security gates as you leave the Library area or take issued books into the Toilets.
– you can’t see the Toilets from the Library area:
a. Young children left unsupervised, could leave via the Main Entrance doors by the carpark.
b. If you have more than one child you can’t see them in the library, while attending to another child wanting to go to the toilet.
c. These toilets don’t align with the new ‘CCC Equity and Inclusion Policy’

“Shirley Library [1st] opened in July 1981 on a site now covered by The Palms.
Its’ approximate location was where the fruit and vegetable section of Woolworth’s supermarket now stands.”
“In January 29 1996 the new library [2nd] opened in a purpose-built building shared with the Christchurch City Council Shirley Service Centre.
The building included a boardroom* for the community board.”

* In the Shirley Libary (2nd) original plan: 1995, the Boardroom (which no longer exists) was located North off the Main Entrance.
The Shirley Service Centre was located right off the Main Entrance.

Today the Shirley Service Centre & NZ Post are located left off the Main Entrance, in the Library area.
The Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board Governance Team are located right off the Main Entrance, in the former Shirley Service Centre area.

Shirley Library (2nd) Original Plan: 1995

“The new library, which more than doubles the previous library, features an activities room for class visits, story times, senior citizens guest speaker programmes and other activities.
The building, designed by Ian Krause Architects Ltd and built by Fletcher Construction, was provided by the developers* of the new Shirley Shopping Centre – to be know as The Palms – to allow for expansion of the shopping centre and carpark over the previous library and service centre land.
The Christchurch City Council provided the fit out costs for the building.”
* See ‘The Palms Mall’ https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/shirley-centre-funding/

Christchurch City Council & Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board, why are we still waiting?
– Why isn’t there already a suburban sized local library in the Innes/Central Ward?
– Why after reading all this info/research, are we not bringing funding forward to plan/build a new suburban sized local library at the Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, where the Innes/Central Ward boundaries connect?

Other relevant Blog Posts:
‘New Shirley Centre | Ideas & Research’:

Shirley Centre Positives

Shirley Community Reserve: Positives to Participation

1. Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study (2019)
2. Christchurch City Council Equity and Inclusion Policy
3. Shirley Centre/Shirley Community Reserve Redevelopment Ideas
4. Other relevant Blog Posts

1. Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study (2019)
7.3 Community Needs Analysis for Richmond
– Lack of low cost, creative and fun activities for after-school and school holidays.
– Mental health needs (adults through to children identified as a gap).
– Need for improved playground facilities across Richmond targeting pre-schoolers and small children.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 22)
8. Need and Gap Assessment, Summary of Need
– With an aging population, it is important to also consider what has been lost that would be of value to older adults.
– Secular Bumping space (for casual interactions and cross-over between activities and areas) for adults like that provided in libraries.
– With increases in younger populations in some areas continued and increased provision could include:
School and pre-school age play, game and playground area space, linked in particular to young people population growth mainly in Shirley and Edgeware.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 24)
9. Discussion, Fit with Christchurch City Council Network Plan
Providing hubs and focal points are important network plan outcomes.
9. Discussion, Breaking out of the box
– They make the point that often open space becomes a location for community centres (of a single-use type) and not a multi-use type.
– The space at 10 Shirley Road is an ideal location to consider in this way…it has a rich history of provision of community services, firstly as a school then as a community facility.
– Its high visibility is particularly attractive to young people.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 26)
Potential Activity for the 10 Shirley Road Site
– With the provision of the correct infrastructure this site could be reborn as a new interpretation of a contemporary community centre.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 27)
11. Ownership, Governance and Management Review, Governance and Trusts as vehicles to drive Community Outcomes
– One key issue is how to gain a level of co-ordination of efforts across these neighbourhoods.
– Each Trust and its umbrella collectives in the area has a limited reach that naturally extends to the boundary of the neighbourhood they serve…
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 31)
Table 9. Governance options toward increased activation of 10 Shirley Road
Option ‘Support an existing Trust’, Negatives of approach:
– Unfavourable treatment of one Trust over others
– Not one Trust that spans these two neighbourhoods
– Would be either Church or Non-church aligned
– That trust would not necessarily hold the vision (Community Plan) for the whole area
Option ‘All comers’ Approach’, Positives of approach:
– Perceived as fair
– Council is not partisan
Option ‘All comers’ Approach’, Negatives of approach:
– Council will need to manage the community planning process on behalf of community groups
– Councils role does not cover Welfare, Crime, Social and Housing areas directly
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 33)

2. Christchurch City Council Equity and Inclusion Policy
“While school was a ‘safe’ place, any outings in the community felt like an obstacle course. With many barriers (known/unknown) to engagement/participation & concern over what would be the triggers in the environment today, that could/would create a sensory overload & lead to a meltdown/shutdown…
While out in the community, I feel like I’m ‘Secret Service for a VIP’ (very vigilant & observant of our surroundings) when I’m in ‘mum mode’, especially when my son was younger & I was just learning about sensory processing & what triggers him.
Outings to new places/events require preparation & become a research project: ‘The 5 W questions: Who, What, When, Why and Where’, interior/exterior photos, location, map route, car parking, costs involved, food options, what we need to take etc…During the outing, you are scanning the environment, making a mental memory map of layout/exits, tagging potential barriers/triggers, rerouting when required, answering questions, thinking of distraction tactics, exit strategies etc all the while trying to enjoy the outing, as you get live updates of sensory overload levels & whether a meltdown/shutdown is imminent…
When I wrote this post: https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/imagine/ & started advocating for a new Centre to be built, for me it was never about just building a replacement centre. After living in both Shirley & Richmond, I was very aware of the different groups of people living in these suburbs & what their needs were after observing in them in the school & community environments.
At the time, the school had families who spoke over 20 different languages & it made me realise how do you communicate/connect with someone who doesn’t speak or understand English very well?
What if we had a library with learning spaces across the road, easy instructions on how to get to it & computers with internet access, so we could use English translation websites to communicate/connect & give them the opportunity to attend ESOL programmes to help them improve their English skills, while their children were learning at school.
For those children like my neurodiverse child, where do they learn & have the opportunity to develop their social skills, outside of their school environment?
Where could their parents go to get the education/help/support they need to parent a neurodiverse child, before their child is diagnosed & afterwards?
I recently had a meeting with an AutismNZ Outreach Coordinator, I said ‘it shouldn’t be this hard to find/access resources to help you parent your child & support for the parent/caregiver.’ Most of the resources available are targeted at helping the child.
So where do you go as a parent/caregiver? I shared my vision for the Shirley Centre & she loved the idea ‘it would be so beneficial for so many families.'”
https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/CCCHaveYourSayDraftEquityandInclusion2023JoannaGould.pdf , Page 2

3. Shirley Centre/Shirley Community Reserve Redevelopment Ideas
Shirley Centre: Identity | Well-being | Learning
“You Are Here”: a place to be, in our communities.
Community Education & Support Services in Learning Libraries

The building of a new Centre & redevelopment of the Shirley Community Reserve, could include the following:
1. ‘Suburban’ Library
2. Christchurch City Council Service Centre
3. Learning Spaces
4. Meeting Rooms
5. NZ/Genealogy Area
6. Internal Courtyard
7. Indoor/Outdoor Seating Options
8. Natives Garden (Dudley Creek)
9. Wellbeing Sensory Garden
10. Events/Market Space (Carpark)
11. Inclusive Accessible Playground
12. Basketball Court/Youth Area
13. Shirley Playcentre
14. StoryWalk
15. Dudley Creek Trail

4. Other relevant Blog Posts

Shirley Community Reserve Feedback

Christchurch City Council
Waipapa Papanui Innes Central Community Board
Shirley Community Reserve Consultation
Open for feedback from 17 July to 14 August 2023

“Earlier this year, the Waipapa Papanui Innes Central Community Board made the Shirley Community Reserve a key priority in their community board plan. Together, we want to develop a meaningful, dynamic and fun space for everyone, so that the reserve becomes a destination of choice for the community – a safe space, a place that enhances wellbeing, and provides a place for social connection.

The options that we’ve developed take into consideration feedback received by the Shirley community in 2020, as well as what we’ve seen works well around Ōtautahi Christchurch.
– Option 1. Leaving the space as it is.
– Option 2. A recreation space with a full basketball court, renewed playground, planting, a picnic and BBQ area, a community garden and a walkway.
– Option 3. Creating a community hub that’s open to partnerships with local organisations.”

My ‘Shirley Community Reserve Consultation’ feedback:

Rank the options that best capture your ideal community reserve:
1. A community hub
2. A recreation and play space
3. Keep the space as it is

Based on your selection, tell us what’s important to you, for us to consider:
Option 1. Leaving the space as it is.
No. Why?
The land at 10 Shirley Road is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held “in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)”.
“That means the land could not be used for any other purpose than a community centre…It also appears the land could not simply sit ‘vacant’.”
Does not restore the service available pre-earthquake on what was a popular, heavily used site.
Unlikely to be acceptable to the Community.
9. Shirley Community Facility Rebuild – 10 Shirley Road (2015)
5. Background (Page 19) & 9.9 Legal Implications (Page 27)

Option 2. A recreation space with a full basketball court, renewed playground, planting, a picnic and BBQ area, a community garden and a walkway.
No. Why?
Most of these suggested ‘additions’/activities already exist at the Shirley Community Reserve, or in nearby suburbs.

– Residents have plenty of opportunities to connect with & utilise the existing local green spaces, through Christchurch City Council parks/walking trails/fruit trees, school grounds, community gardens, birdsong trails, Dudley Creek/Esplanade Reserve & the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.

– Full Basketball Court: there is already a half basketball court on site.
1. Shirley Community Reserve, Richmond (Half Court)
2. Avon Hub, Richmond (Full Indoor Court)
3. MacFarlane Park, Shirley (Full Outdoor Court)

– Community Garden: there are already well established local community gardens in the surrounding suburbs.
1. MacFarlane Park Community Garden, Shirley
2. Dallington Community Garden
3. Delta Community Garden, Richmond
4. Richmond Community Garden
5. Packe Street Park and Community Garden, Edgeware
6. St Albans Community Garden

– Walkway: there is already a CCC Walking Trail located at the back of the Shirley Community Reserve, that starts in the Shirley Shopping Centre, located at the corner of Hills & Shirley Road.

Option 3. Creating a community hub that’s open to partnerships with local organisations.
Yes. Why?
– Community Hub Support
What is in a community hub?
“A community hub is a building or space that is: open and accessible to the local community & providing services that the local community wants and needs.”
1. ‘Shirley Road Central’ Group & ‘Where is our Community Centre?’ Petition
2. Letters of Support from Local Christchurch MPs
3. Richmond Residents & Business Association/We are Richmond
4. Shirley Village Project
5. Christchurch City Council Citizen Hub Strategy
6. Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study
7. Local Government New Zealand

– Christchurch City Council Citizen Hub Strategy
– Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study
– Christchurch City Council Community Facilities Network Plan
– Third Place | https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/third-place/
– Bumping Spaces | https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/bumping-spaces/
– Placemaking | https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/placemaking/
– Shirley Centre Concept | https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/shirley-centre-overview/

Community Hub Support

What is in a community hub?
“A community hub is a building or space that is: open and accessible to the local community & providing services that the local community wants and needs.”

What is the role of a community hub?
“Community hubs are opportunities to create lively spaces and deliver often missing critical social infrastructure…When developed correctly, they can serve as a place to bring people and ideas together under one roof…The reach of these community hubs extends beyond the structural walls of the buildings; they can reconnect people with their neighborhoods by creating spaces that integrate social and functional needs.”

‘Shirley Road Central’ Group & ‘Where is our Community Centre?’ Petition
– Why ‘Shirley Road Central’? 10 Shirley Road is central to connecting communities in Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau.
Why the suburbs of Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau? When you draw a 2km radius from 10 Shirley Road, these are the suburbs included in this area.
– “Our communities lost our well used and well loved community centre at 10 Shirley Rd, following the February 2011 earthquake. We need a new community facility to serve the wider communities of North Richmond, Shirley, Mairehau, Edgeware and St Albans east of Cranford Street. We the undersigned, request that Christchurch City Council work with us to rebuild our beloved community centre as soon as possible.”
‘Shirley Road Central’ group members collected signatures/comments through an online ‘Change’ petition & in person via door knocking, outside local schools & onsite at ‘activation’ events like ‘Skip Day’, held at 10 Shirley Road.
– “The library at the Palms is outdated and too small, it lacks meeting spaces and is not central to all local schools and bus routes.
Our communities are ethnically and socially diverse. We have areas of social deprivation, and others of relative well being. We have increased social housing, and increased high density, infill housing. As our population grows, the demand for community facilities grows also. Church facilities can be a barrier for some of our secular community members. School facilities are often limited in the times they are available. Private venues are too expensive.
– ‘Pop up’ activities to ‘activate’ the 10 Shirley Road site have had little success. Events like ‘Skip Day’ & the ‘Car Boot Sale’ organised by the ‘Shirley Road Central’ group, required many people to be involved in the planning & running of these events. More hours were invested in planning/meetings, than the actual duration of the event. Events had to be postponed or cancelled due to the weather.
– “Today at the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan submissions hearing, Shirley Road Central Incorporated, presented their verbal submission advocating for a new civic centre to be built on 10 Shirley Road.
The ‘Where is Our Community Centre?’ petition was presented to Council, with over 1,200 signatures.
Letters of Support from Poto Williams, MP for Christchurch East & Duncan Webb Labour MP for Christchurch Central.”
‘Shirley Road Central’ group, 12th May 2021

Letters of Support from Local Christchurch MPs
– “The Richmond, Avonside, Dallington and Shirley Locals have a brilliant concept in their application to provide a Library and Education space and this new Community Centre could also provide a range of opportunities for the locals…A space for after school activities and holiday programmes and possibly a venue for hire.
The Community Centre could also house NGO’s as well as drop in sessions for local organisations who could provide advice and assistance to those in need including Wellbeing/Health and Youth Clinics.
A Community Centre is a place where you are bringing everyone in the community together of all ethnicities and therefore I fully support this application.”
Hon Poto Williams, Member of Parliament for Christchurch East
– “I write in support of further exploration of the community centre concept proposed for 10 Shirley Road.
While this is not in my electorate the area serviced by such a centre would cross into Christchurch Central and benefit my constituents.
I have read the support letter provided by MP for Christchurch East, Hon Poto Williams, and I am happy to add my support to her views and encourage council to consider exploring the idea further, such as commissioning a feasibility study for full review including the future of the current Shirley Library.”
Dr Duncan Webb, Member of Parliament for Christchurch Central

Richmond Residents & Business Association/We are Richmond
– “The current library is situated inside the Burwood/Pegasus ward outside of Innes and Central although it is seen as a Shirley Richmond Amenity.
A large sector of our community wants this relocated to 10 Shirley Road as a true public non partisan community facility we do not want nor need another community organisation or church based facility.
We need a place that ALL people feel free to come to and be part of and a library/service centre is the best example of this.
Our community needs the type of facility that Halswell and Sumner do more than they do, but yet we are left with a building shoved in the back of a mall requiring a full time security guard, not delivering the services other libraries do because they do not have the space.
We as a community are fully prepared to take what money there currently is and fund raise for more money to situ a modern, exciting, community focused facility at 10 Shirley Road to replace the number of amenities that we have been stripped of.
A citizen lead hub facility incorporating the library and service centre would support/inform/direct people out into the activities in the community and current community lead facilities (Avebury, Richmond Community Garden, Delta, Shirley Trust, etc etc).
We need to get people out of their houses and engaging with others in the community.”
Hayley Guglietta (Email from Hayley to Ali Jones, former Papanui-Innes Community Board Chairperson, 4th April 2019)
– “There is much debate about the need for a Community Centre as we knew it pre-earthquake. Some of the services provided at the old centre have been absorbed by other agencies and do not need replicating at a new amenity. There have been reviews and reports presented to Council discussing the amenities we have and those we need. Although these have not been released to the general public as yet, one would assume that these include social, recreation, pastoral care elements and take into account the composition of the population.
There is a groundswell of support for a (new) library to provide an amenity that would serve the Richmond/Shirley communities. Libraries have changed markedly in the last decade and now provide opportunities for interaction amongst age groups, ethnic groups, interest groups, etc through the way they are designed and staffed. While they still address their original core function of providing information and leisure reading opportunities, modern technological developments have had a major impact on how libraries achieve that core function.
Perhaps it is time for the Richmond Community to come together and discuss the needs and determine some action so that, eventually, we get an amenity at 10 Shirley Road which recognizes the past but focuses on our needs in the future.”
David Duffy (current Chairperson), 22nd May 2019

Shirley Village Project
– Shirley Village Project Feasibility Report and Implementation Plan
5th February 2018, Steve Jones-Poole, Shirley Community Trust
– Youth Audit 10 Shirley Road
“10 Shirley Road performed averagely in the Youth Friendly Spaces Audit, scoring a total of 42% and received a poor Net Promoter Score of -37.5.”
– Youth Audit Shirley Library
“The Shirley Library performed below average, in the Youth Friendly Spaces Audit, scoring a total of 64.5% and producing a Net Promoter Score of -50.”
– Youth Audit MacFarlane Park
“The MacFarlane Park Basketball Court performed averagely in the Youth Friendly Spaces Audit, scoring a total of 59.5% and producing a Net Promoter Score of 0.”
– “Many of the issues identified in the Youth Audits for Shirley Library & 10 Shirley Road, could be addressed by creating a new central ‘Community Hub’ at the Shirley Community Reserve, that would complement the existing community facilities in MacFarlane Park & surrounding suburbs.
More youth living in the suburbs surrounding Shirley Road: Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau, could benefit from the positive aspects of the 10 Shirley Road site highlighted in the Youth Audit above.”
– Community Led Development Plan for Shirley
“The needs and wishes of Shirley residents have been recorded in various surveys and events over many years. We’ve looked back as far as 2000 at existing reports, surveyed residents in 2018 and 2021, and collected feedback at various community events in 2022 and 2023.”

CCC Citizen Hub Strategy
– “We currently operate a very “bricks and mortar” service arrangement, where different Council services have developed stand-alone service locations and approaches (often all in the same neighbourhood).
– The review has found that this siloed legacy service model is no longer fit for purpose. Customers increasingly expect joined up services, easy one-stop transactions, and channel choice in how they engage with us.
– We are proposing a shift to integrated service delivery arrangements whereby Council physical services are grouped together in convenient locations for citizens to access – a Citizen Hub with no wrong doors.
– A set of design principles have been developed to guide improvement opportunities and the future state model. An implementation approach whereby council libraries will form the base for integrated, multi-discipline citizen hubs is proposed.”
– Libraries: Shirley (Burwood Ward, 5 Council libraries: Parklands, New Brighton, Aranui, Shirley, Linwood in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board area)
Service Desks: Shirley (Burwood Ward, 2 Council service centres: Shirley, Linwood in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board area)
Governance Services: Shirley (Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board)
(Location map for Christchurch City Council Libraries, Service Desks and Recreation and Sports Centres, Page 19)
– There are 3 Christchurch City Council services (Library, Service Centre & Governance) co located in the Shirley Library and Service Centre building, located in The Palms carpark.
But there is no suburban sized Library or Service Centre in the entire Innes Ward.
(Location map for Christchurch City Council Libraries, Service Desks and Recreation and Sports Centres, Page 19)
– The Shirley Community Centre, has not been ‘replaced’, not even ‘like for like’.
In 2015 when this Strategy was written, why wasn’t a new integrated service delivery Citizen Hub option considered, at 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve, site of the former Shirley Community Centre?
21: Shirley Community Centre, Replace. Section 38 (claim insured value).
26: Shirley Library, Cosmetic repairs.
Christchurch City Council Facilities Rebuild Plan – Tranche 1

Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study
“As a result of the 2011 earthquakes there was a community groundswell to reinstate the destroyed Shirley Community Centre.
The Community Facility at 10 Shirley Road was a significant provider of a range of community activity and had been for a long time.
The way it did this and the range of groups based there was a credit to community development and initiative in the area.
On this basis, there was a logic in considering a replacement and updated facility.”
“- Table 4. Deprivation by Area Units (6 and above): Here we see Richmond South, Edgeware and Shirley have higher levels of deprivation (6 and above) as a percentage of total population, much higher than the Christchurch Average.
– Location of Provision: There is no direct provision of Council facilities within the defined facility catchment area (Shirley, Richmond, Edgeware and Mairehau) and much of what is provided is Church based, with the area being home to a number of strong Church based Trusts. There does appear to be a gap in the area identified on the boundary of Shirley and Richmond.
– 6.4.1 Asset data Across Council Owned Community Facilities: This suggests current provision is lower than the city-wide average in terms of community facilities.
– 6.4.2 Community Provision (Non-Council): There seems a gap (or at least less provision) of non-Church community space across the Community Board, especially as we see the current range of facilities available is split between ‘Community’ and ‘Church-based’ Trusts.
– 7.3 Community Needs Analysis for Richmond: Lack of low cost, creative and fun activities for after-school and school holidays. Mental health needs (adults through to children identified as a gap). Need for improved playground facilities across Richmond targeting pre-schoolers and small children.
– 8. Need and Gap Assessment, Summary of Need: With an aging population, it is important to also consider what has been lost that would be of value to older adults.
Secular Bumping space (for casual interactions and cross-over between activities and areas) for adults like that provided in libraries.
– 9. Discussion, Fit with Christchurch City Council Network Plan: Providing hubs and focal points are important network plan outcomes.
– Potential Activity for the 10 Shirley Road Site: With the provision of the correct infrastructure this site could be reborn as a new interpretation of a contemporary community centre. The location of 10 Shirley Road is perfect for this as there is no other Trust close by and yet the location is important to Shirley, Edgeware, Mairehau and Richmond.
– 10. Options: An important consideration in this options analysis is how to achieve a sustainable outcome, not just for the community but for Council. One other factor is how to ensure any provision aligns with what is currently and likely to happen in the foreseeable future.
– Table 9. Governance options toward increased activation of 10 Shirley Road: Unfavourable treatment of one Trust over others, Not one Trust that spans these two neighbourhoods, Would be either Church or Non-church aligned, That trust would not necessarily hold the vision (Community Plan) for the whole area.

Local Government New Zealand
“How much is your library worth to your community?
We’re delighted to share with you new research we’ve undertaken with FrankAdvice on the value of public libraries. The report explores both the role of libraries as community hubs, their value as a vehicle for public service delivery, and their contribution to community wellbeing.
Public libraries are vibrant community hubs that enhance community wellbeing and social cohesion.
They’re also important places where local government and central government can deliver key local services – ones specific to their communities needs and wants.
The findings paint a clear picture that councils need more support to deliver the services that central government increasingly relies on public libraries to provide. The report also showcases great examples of services libraries across the motu provide to enhance community wellbeing.
We’ll encourage councils to consider how they can enable and resource public libraries to evolve their services and better enhance community wellbeing.
And we’ll use this research to engage with the Government on ways it can better support public libraries to deliver value to communities.”
Summary: https://www.lgnz.co.nz/assets/PDFs/Value-of-public-libraries-executive-summary.pdf
Research Paper: https://www.lgnz.co.nz/assets/FFLG/Frank-Advice-Libraries-as-a-vehicle-for-service-delivery.pdf?vid=5