
CCC Equity and Inclusion Policy

The Equity and Inclusion Policy was adopted by the Council on 6 March 2024.
The Equity and Inclusion Policy describes our approach to enabling people from all communities and all areas of the city to have equitable access to our services.
It recognises the Council’s responsibility to ensure that decision-making reflects its commitment to fostering equity and inclusion for all Christchurch and Banks Peninsula residents.
The Council values the skills and strengths that all residents bring to our city and recognises that some of our residents may face disproportionate disadvantages in accessing Council services. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that equity and inclusion are embedded into everything we do.
The policy is intended to:
– Inform Council decision-making and investment, including grant funding and procurement.
– Apply an equity, access and inclusion lens over all Council services.

Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.
People should have equity, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, culture, faiths, geographical location, sexual orientation, neurodiversity or socio-economic status.
The practice or policy of providing equitable access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised, such as those who have physical, hidden, or mental disabilities and members of other minority and disadvantaged groups.
People have equitable access to the physical environment, information, communication, participation and Council services.

– Hearing Panel’s report to the Council on the proposed Equity and Inclusion Policy
– Panel’s questions and Officers’ responses
– Panel’s recommended changes to draft Equity and Inclusion Policy

My thanks to the Hearing Panel for including ‘neurodiversity’ in this policy.
Since then I’ve read “Notes for Neuro Navigators” by Jolene Stockman.
“Neurodiversity is a biological characteristic of human beings. Coined by Judy Singer [in 1998], it describes the diversity of brain function across all people. Neurodiversity includes being neurotypical.” Page 138
“Neurodiversity is some people running on Linux, other people on Windows, some on Mac, others using a combination of systems, and still others programming completely new systems from scratch. We are all neurodiverse.” Page 23
“Neurodiversity is biological, natural, and more than that: valuable. Harnessing the skills and energy of neurodiversity is the key to innovation, to greater empathy and understanding. Understanding neurodiversity is key to the new world.” Page 24

Hearings Panel Recommendations:
– 4. Prioritises an assessment of public Community Board and Council meeting rooms and processes to identify barriers to inclusion and participation, and reports to the Council by 30 June 2024 with recommendations.
– 5. Notes the concerns raised in submissions around engagement and access to Council information and considers whether additional budget is needed in the Long Term Plan to enable participation.

Re: Recommendation 4.
I would have also included ‘Christchurch City Libraries’ in this assessment.
I am currently researching/developing a ‘Designing for Differences’ Framework/Audit Tool, that could be used in the initial planning/development stages of every new Civic building/facility (libraries, community hubs, playgrounds, swimming pools) & as an audit/assessment tool when redeveloping existing Civic building/facility.
Similar to the ‘Youth Audit Tool’, but with more detailed specifications/observations/accommodations for differences:
– Architectural Design, Environmental Design, Landscape Design, Biophilic Design, Cultural Design, Universal Design
– Interior Design, Colour Scheme, Lighting, Heating, Ventilation, Acoustics, Furniture, Fixtures, Furnishings
– Spatial Design, Layout, Zones (Entrance/Exit, Transition, Landing, Activity & Observation), Wayfinding & Signage

Re: Recommendation 5.
Residents in the Innes Ward don’t have a suburban library to ‘access Council information’ & engage with staff/elected members to make their submission.
While residents in the Central Ward have access to Tūranga, there is no free car parking available (free car parking is available at all our suburban libraries).

Below I’ve included parts of my written submission for the CCC Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy:

This draft ‘Equity and Inclusion’ Policy is one of the most important for Council, as how this policy is implemented in practical ways, will affect every Christchurch resident & visitor experience in Christchurch.

How this policy is implemented in real life, doesn’t just affected an individual, it also affects their parents/caregivers, immediate/extended family & community.
It’s not just about ‘reducing barriers’ and ‘enabling participation’, this policy could be the difference between residents/visitors feeling socially connected or social isolation, especially for someone with ‘visible’ or ‘hidden’ differences.

There are two key areas for this Christchurch City Council Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy are: Environments & Information.
– 1. Environments (Christchurch City Council Building, Libraries, Community Boards, Community Facilities & Community Events)
– 2. Information (Christchurch City Council Building, Libraries, Website, Social Media, Consultations, Community Boards, Community Facilities & Community Events)

Residents need better access to local civic inclusive accessible ‘safe’ spaces, information & resources in their local communities: Community Education & Support Services in Learning Libraries.
Every Ward should have a ‘suburban’ sized Christchurch City Library.

Q. How does the Christchurch City Council provide information in a way that is inclusive & accessible to all residents/visitors?
A. By thinking like a resident/visitor.
– What information does each group need?
– How do they need it provided to them?
– Is information: written, verbal, visual, graphics, photos, video, interactive, maps, virtual tours?
– If they have a ‘visible or hidden’ difference are we making it as simple & easy for them to process the information?

Further information covered in my .pdf:
– 1. Christchurch City Council | Building
– 2. Christchurch City Council | Libraries
– 3. Christchurch City Council | Website
– 4. Christchurch City Council | Social Media
– 5. Christchurch City Council | Consultations
– 6. Christchurch City Council | Community Boards
– 7. Christchurch City Council | Community Facilities
– 8. Christchurch City Council | Community Events

Why Are We Still Waiting?

After advocating for a new Shirley Centre (since 2018) & doing 4 verbal submissions (3-5 mins each year for LTP or Annual plan), plus researching & writing submissions for 6 different Council/Community Board consultations over the last 12 months, I’m tired & frustrated…

While participating in the Christchurch City Council “Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy” Hearing Panel meetings, I realised that the verbal submission process at any Council/Community Board meeting (whether it be public forum, deputation or LTP/Annual) is not equitable or inclusive for every resident in Christchurch.

Christchurch City Council Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy
The Equity and Inclusion Policy was adopted by the Council on 6 March 2024.
“The Equity and Inclusion Policy describes our approach to enabling people from all communities and all areas of the city to have equitable access to our services.
It recognises the Council’s responsibility to ensure that decision-making reflects its commitment to fostering equity and inclusion for all Christchurch and Banks Peninsula residents.”
“Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.
Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”
People should have equity, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, culture, faiths, geographical location, sexual orientation, neurodiversity or socio-economic status.

There are physical, mental & financial barriers for some residents to participate & engage in Council/Community Board meetings.
I currently have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) & Chronic Pain, an increase in my symptoms can be triggered by anxiety & stress.
I am affected by sensory processing through: how environments are designed & how information is provided.
I am on a fixed low income & parking in the CBD costs me at least $10 each time I attend a Council meeting.

The effort & cost required to get to the Council building to make my verbal submission, feels like a waste of my time after all these years.
The verbal submissions hearing format is like a one sided conversation with no ability to have a real discussion, before the alarm blasts & you are given the standard ‘thank you for coming’.

So this year I have decided not to make a verbal submission.
The below statements were going to be part of my verbal submission to the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2024.

These five statements have been given to me, as reasons for why funding hasn’t been brought forward to design/plan/build a new Shirley Centre.

1. “You have to show there is a need…”
– Christchurch’s Forgotten Suburb?
– Shirley Centre Q & A (2019)
– Shirley Centre Research (2019)
– Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study
– Shirley Community Reserve Memo (2022)
“4.3 A feasibility study is currently underway to estimate the construction costs for four potential options for a new community facility.
– 1. Mixed use hub incorporating a library, service centre, and community operated community space,
– 2. Community operated large community facilities building,
– 3. Community operated small community facilities building,
– 4. Outdoor options similar to Dallington landing.”
4.24 After discussion with representatives from the Shirley Road Central group it was agreed the Visitor Experience Team would also investigate developing one or two interpretation boards.
These would tell the stories of both local and city-wide significance; original school heritage buildings, community centre and its role in the community, historic domestic buildings adjacent to the park, and Dudley Creek remediation.
4.36 The results from the Youth Audit identified that the space is not currently used to its full potential.
4.44 Reserve Planning: Ad hoc piecemeal development is to be avoided, a plan for the whole site will achieve the best outcome.”
– Shirley Centre Map
“There is no local suburban sized library within the Innes & Central Wards.
10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve is in Richmond & with the Ward boundary changes, it is now located in the Central Ward.
From Papanui Road (Papanui Library) to Marshland Road (Shirley Library), residents/visitors are without access to a local suburban sized library.
There are 14 schools, kindergartens & playcentres located within a 3km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
There are 11 support providers located in the North East of Christchurch.”
– Christchurch District Plan
Type: 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, into the search bar
The suburbs around 10 Shirley Road have increased Infill Housing & Social Housing.
Residential Medium Density Zone & Residential Suburban Density Transition Zone.
The ‘Dudley Character Area’ protects most of North Richmond.
Most of Shirley around MacFarlane Park has ‘Community Housing Redevelopment Mechanism’.

2. “You have to show there is support…”

– “Where is our Community Centre” Petition
– “LTP 2021-2031 Petition from Shirley Road Central:
This petition was submitted to Council at the Long Term Plan (2021 to 2031) meeting in 2021 from the Shirley Road Central group.
The petition contains signatures [633 online & over 500+ on paper] in support of a new community facility on the Shirley Community Reserve.” (Online Petition) (Online Comments)
– Poto Williams Support Letter
– Duncan Webb Support Letter
– Community Hub Support
– CCC Citizen Hub Strategy
– CCC Integrated Planning Guide

3. “You have to wait for this report…”
– “Council Long Term Plan 2018-2028
8a. Funding new and existing community facilities: That the Council requests staff to complete the Community Facilities Network Plan as soon as practicable; and approves an additional $170,000 operational expenditure in 2018/19 to expedite this, inform next year’s and future years’ annual plans. Potential developments include but are not limited to; the Shirley Community Centre…”
– Waipapa Papanui Innes Central “Shirley Community Reserve” Consultation
“People were able to provide feedback from 17 July to 14 August 2023.
You will be able to read their feedback and the staff recommendation once an agenda is available for the Waipapa Papanui Innes Central Community Board meeting, which we expect to be in March 2024.”
[This consultation feedback, staff report/recommendations & new feasibility study was not in the Board’s agenda for March or April 2024.]
– “Why are we talking to you about this reserve again?
In 2021, the Council approved $3 million funding for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029/30 – FY2031/32 and requested an updated ‘feasibility study’ to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley Library.”
– “Engage with the community to determine and realise the vision for the future of Shirley Community Reserve:
The Board was briefed in December 2023, where the engagement results were presented to the Board, along with the feasibility study. Answers to the Board’s questions from the briefing were supplied by way of memo.”
– The ‘Shirley Community Reserve Feasibility Study’ was not included in the Board meeting agenda for March or April 2024. But included in the agenda under:
12. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Area Report – March 2024
4.4 Memoranda
CCC: Shirley Community Reserve Feasibility Study (circulated 23 February 2024)

4. “You have to wait for this project to be finished…”
– Crossway Community Church Proposal (15 August 2013 & 16 August 2013)
“What options have been considered?
From 2012 to 2016, staff explored options for a third-party funded and managed facility. A proposal explored for this area was rejected in favour of a new site on North Avon Road in Richmond.”
“A second connected Stage 2 building by Crossway Community Church was completed in early 2021. Together the two buildings are now known as the North Avon Community Centre at 101 North Avon Road and operate as one facility.”
– Kohinga St Albans Community Centre
“The striking new Kohinga St Albans Community Centre was officially opened at the weekend – the first permanent facility on its Colombo Street site for a decade…Mayor Dalziel says it is wonderful to see a permanent facility on the site again after the earthquake-damaged St Albans Resource Centre was demolished in July 2011.”
– Te Pou Toetoe Linwood Pool
“The multimillon-dollar Te Pou Toetoe, Linwood Pool was unveiled by mayor Lianne Dalziel on Friday afternoon, to the delight of local schools and community groups.
The Christchurch City Council has been praised by local school heads for listening to the community’s input and making it ‘more than just a pool’.”
– Matatiki Hornby Centre
“Residents have been waiting almost 20 years for a pool complex on the southwest side of Christchurch, and were delighted to see the project come to life on Friday, as the new library, pool and service centre was officially opened.”
– Ōmōkihi South Library
“The old facility was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake and, while it has been temporarily strengthened and is safe to occupy, it is experiencing issues with things such as heating and weather tightness.
In October, councillors approved a new $32 million facility to be rebuilt at the riverside site on Colombo St.”
“Joanna Gould spoke in regards to Item 10. South Library Te Kete Wānanga o Wai Mōkihi – Earthquake Repair Options.
Her deputation focused on Shirley Library and the former Shirley Community Centre. She questioned the priority on South Library, when Shirley Library has issues around variety of books available and capacity. She also queried why the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre has been delayed until 2030/31, and whether this aligns with the Council’s policies on sustainability and environmental outcomes.”

5. “You have to wait for funding, Council…”
– “But Christchurch City Council’s Long Term Plan (2021), approved last month, allocates $3 million towards a centre rebuild in the 2031-2032 financial year.
It also budgets $35,000 for a feasibility study to take place in the 2021-2022 financial year.
Innes Ward city councillor Pauline Cotter said the future of the project is in the hands of the community. “It’s now with the community, they’re going to have to drive that. It is possible the $3 million funding could be brought forward if a building plan was ready and viable.”
– “Advocate for funding to be brought forward in the LTP if appropriate
The Board supported in its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023-24 funding relating to Shirley Community Reserve retaining priority.
The Board Chair in the LTP briefing to Council in October 2023 highlighted priority to retain funding.”
– “The new community centre at 10 Shirley Rd is already in the LTP for 2031, however we can commence design and build earlier if that budget is made available from 2025…”
Deputy Mayor & Councillor for Innes Pauline Cotter
St Albans News, March 2024, Page 3,
– “Q. How do we fund a new building & redevelopment of the Shirley Community Reserve?
A. Through donations, sponsorships & grants, by involving:
– the local communities around Shirley Road, Christchurch
Suburbs: Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau
– the owners of The Palms Mall
– the wider community: Christchurch residents
– Christchurch City Council & Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board
– NZ Government: relevant Ministries & Departments
– Local/National Funding Organisations
– International Community: expats now living overseas & visitors
– The Christchurch Foundation
– Past Connections: People/Businesses/Organisations who have a past connection to this site/former building & by providing other Fundraising Opportunities”

CCC Long Term Plan 2024 Submission

As part of my submission I have created the following blog posts:
CCC Equity and Inclusion Policy
Shirley Centre Map *
Shirley Centre Positives
Shirley Centre Questions
Shirley Centre Funding
Why Are We Still Waiting?

* Since I uploaded my written submission, my ‘Shirley Centre Map’ has been updated to include another blog post:
Shirley Centre Transport

New Blog Post: Location Location Location
Christchurch City Council & Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board, why are we still waiting?
– Why isn’t there already a suburban sized local library in the Innes/Central Ward?
– Why after reading all this info/research, are we not bringing funding forward to plan/build a new suburban sized local library at the Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, where the Innes/Central Ward boundaries connect?

My Written Submission .pdf for the CCC Long Term Plan 2024:

“Before the Canterbury earthquakes, the facility was Shirley Primary School (1916-1977) and Shirley Community Centre (1979-2011).
The facility was damaged in the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes and then demolished in 2012 after being classified as unsafe for use.
The building was home to a number of community organisations and programmes which enriched Shirley [& surrounding suburbs] and helped people to connect with each other.
After the earthquakes, many members from the Shirley [Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau] community raised concerns that not replacing community hub in the reserve would mean that social isolation and lack of community collaboration would become worse.”

“Why are we talking to you about this reserve again?
In 2021, the Council approved $3 million funding for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029/30 – FY2031/32 and requested an updated ‘feasibility study’ to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley Library.”

2.2 Shirley Community Centre Rebuild
“The Council has allocated funding of $2.57 million to cover the capital costs of the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre. This project is in Tranche 1 of the Community Facilities Rebuild Programme.
Information from the Project Manager indicates a timeframe of around 18-24 months from approval of the concept design through to the opening of the new facility plus the time needed for the consultation process.
The site at 10 Shirley Road is 9042 square metres more or less and is owned by the Council and is held in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre).
The site is shown below in Figure 1 and is bordered by Shirley Road, Chancellor Street, Slater Street and Dudley Creek.
The local Playcentre holds a separate lease over the area shown within the red border of approximately 769m2.
A geotechnical report has been produced and has been circulated separately for members’ information. The report provides recommendations for the foundations of a new structure.
A list of all Council owned properties within a 1.5km radius of 10 Shirley Road will be produced to identify any suitable alternative sites to enable a decision on the site for the new Community Centre to be made in the new term.
10 Shirley Road has the advantage of a generous ground area and is designated specifically for the purpose of community facilities.”

On the 22nd February 2024, I wrote the below post on my “Shirley Centre 10 Shirley Road” Facebook Page

Shirley Centre: Identity | Well-being | Learning
Community Education & Support Services in Learning Libraries
“You Are Here”: a place to be, within our communities.
Connecting Communities around Shirley Road: Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Edgeware, St Albans & Mairehau

Today marks the 13th Anniversary of the 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquakes.
People lost their lives, homes, businesses, schools, community facilities…
The Shirley Community Centre was severely damaged & demolished in 2012.

This wasn’t just a ‘building’.
It was a Heritage Listed building, a historic landmark, that had been part of our communities identity, a place for learning, connecting the communities around Shirley Road, since it was built in 1915.

The land at 10 Shirley Rd is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held ‘in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)’.

Since 2018 I’ve been advocating for a new building to be built at 10 Shirley Road, Richmond, Christchurch.

In ‘The Press’ article today, “It’s a shiny new city – with a few bald spots”, “Mayor Phil Mauger says people revisiting say “wow look at how much you’ve done”, but for residents here every day, things don’t happen fast enough.”

How long do residents in the areas around Shirley Road have to wait? (2018) (2023)

When will Wikipedia be able to add a new Shirley Community Centre photo to the ‘Shirley, New Zealand’ page?,_New_Zealand

When will our communities identity not be associated with all that we have lost since the Christchurch earthquakes?

“The new community centre at 10 Shirley Rd is already in the LTP for 2031, however we can commence design and build earlier if that budget is made available from 2025…”
Deputy Mayor & Councillor for Innes Pauline Cotter
St Albans News, March 2024, Page 3

Shirley Centre Questions

1. Q. Does the community support a new centre being built?
2. Q. Do we need another community centre?
3. Q. Who would run a new ‘traditional’ community centre?
4. Q. Why don’t we leave the Reserve as a green space?
5. Q. Why don’t we make the Reserve a food forest?
6. Q. Why move the Shirley Library to 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve?
7. Q. Why not relocate the Shirley Library to inside The Palms Mall?

1. Q. Does the community support a new centre being built?
A. Community Hub Support
1. ‘Shirley Road Central’ Group & ‘Where is our Community Centre?’ Petition
2. Letters of Support from Local Christchurch MPs
3. Richmond Residents & Business Association/We are Richmond
4. Shirley Village Project
5. Christchurch City Council Citizen Hub Strategy
6. Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study
7. Local Government New Zealand

2. Q. Do we need another community centre?
No, we don’t need another ‘traditional’ community centre, as we already have 7 community centres located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.
A ‘traditional’ community centre would add operational costs, which is why I have been proposing a community hub (library/service centre/learning spaces/meeting rooms/playground/recreation space).
“Integrated, multi-discipline hubs will be created where it makes sense, and will be the preferred future model:
– Customers can go to one location to meet their requirements
– Lower building maintenance costs
– More efficient use of staff through rostering
In the longer term hubs can become a gathering place for more community services
Facilities are fit for purpose for the community it serves:
– Reduction in costs to council
– Community continues to have pride in their facilities and maximise use
– Locations meet customer demand and are centrally located in our communities
– Higher return on investment in facilities”
(Hub Principles, Page 16)

3. Q. Who would run a new ‘traditional’ community centre?
A. “11. Ownership, Governance and Management Review, Governance and Trusts as vehicles to drive Community Outcomes
– One key issue is how to gain a level of co-ordination of efforts across these neighbourhoods.
– Each Trust and its umbrella collectives in the area has a limited reach that naturally extends to the boundary of the neighbourhood they serve…
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 31)
Table 9. Governance options toward increased activation of 10 Shirley Road
Option ‘Support an existing Trust’, Negatives of approach:
– Unfavourable treatment of one Trust over others
– Not one Trust that spans these two neighbourhoods
– Would be either Church or Non-church aligned
– That trust would not necessarily hold the vision (Community Plan) for the whole area
Option ‘All comers’ Approach’, Positives of approach:
– Perceived as fair
– Council is not partisan”
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 33)

4. Q. Why don’t we leave the Reserve as a green space?
A. The land at 10 Shirley Road is classified as reserve, vested in the Council by the Crown to be held “in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre)”.
“That means the land could not be used for any other purpose than a community centre…It also appears the land could not simply sit ‘vacant’.”
Does not restore the service available pre-earthquake on what was a popular, heavily used site. Unlikely to be acceptable to the Community.
9. Shirley Community Facility Rebuild – 10 Shirley Road (2015)
5. Background (Page 19) & 9.9 Legal Implications (Page 27)

5. Q. Why don’t we make the Reserve a food forest?
A. See above ‘4. Q. Why don’t we leave is as a green space?’
“There are 6 community gardens located within a 2km radius of the 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve.”

6. Q. Why move the Shirley Library to 10 Shirley Road, Shirley Community Reserve?
A. The current Shirley Library is located in the carpark of The Palms (Burwood Ward).
Shirley Library is considered a ‘suburban’ library, but there is a limited book selection, no board room, meeting rooms or learning centre (flexible spaces).
* There are no toilets available in the Library area.
Toilets for the building are located in the corridor off the main entrance to the building.

– ‘Suburban’ library: Catchment ranges from 1.5km to 3km radius; services population range from 15,000 – 40,000.
Services could include a variety of activities and flexible spaces.
UDS – Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy and Action Plan 2007.
– ‘Neighbourhood’ library: Catchment ranges from 1km to 1.5km radius; serves population from 10,000 to 12,000 people. Services could include small, broad-spanning collections and a range of activities.
“…(2015) Council/ECan planning with mall owners in Shirley, with a view to possible relocation and upgrade of this library as a ‘suburban’ library.”
This implies that the current Shirley Library is actually a ‘neighbourhood’ library.

The actual floor space allocated to the Shirley Library, is less than half of the current building. As the Service Centre (which includes NZ Post) & the Coastal-Burwood Governance Team are also located in this building.

There are currently no local ‘suburban’ Christchurch City Libraries in the Innes or Central Ward.
Innes Ward:
Central Ward:

Shirley Library is still considered the second busiest suburban library in Christchurch, even without dedicated learning spaces & meeting rooms.
“It [South] is the third-busiest suburban library, behind Fendalton and Shirley, with 4552 weekly visitors.”
Shirley Library has become our community centre by default, since the Shirley Community Centre was demolished in 2012, as our residents are continuing to ‘vote’ with their feet.

Youth Audit Tool (Page 13) & ReVision Youth Friendly Spaces Audit Report: Shirley Library (Page 20)
“The Youth Audit Tool is an asset created by the youth sector of Christchurch, and offers a low-cost, robust methodology for capturing youth voice in the development of places and spaces around the city.”
As a parent of a teenager (diagnosed with ADHD, Autism & Sensory Processing Order), I’m concerned that the ‘Canterbury Youth Audit Check Card’ (Page 18) doesn’t include youth who are neurodivergent or have disability issues.
6. ReVision Youth Audit Shirley Library, Page 6

7. Q. Why not relocate the Shirley Library to inside The Palms Mall?
A. “Libraries are one of the last non-commercial spaces we have where everyone is welcome.” Jenny Offill, Author
See: The Palms Mall
See: &
“Community Facilities need to be as unique in their design as their communities.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution recommended in the literature for the provision of Community Facilities, in fact, the literature supports the exact opposite, as Community Facilities need to reflect the unique needs of the communities they serve.
A ‘Community Focal Point’ (CFP) is a means of enhancing community life by providing a ‘heart’ in each neighbourhood.
The entire space is designed to enable and encourage community connections, in a relaxed, inclusive and welcoming environment that is enjoyable to be in.
Figure 1. Neighbourhood Focal Point Approach to Community Facility Provision” (Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 9)

Table 4. Deprivation by Area Units (6 and above)
Here we see Richmond South, Edgeware and Shirley have higher levels of deprivation (6 and above) as a percentage of total population, much higher than the Christchurch Average.
These factors need to be considered in any analysis of the cost of access to community facilities.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 16)

Location of Provision
There is no direct provision of Council facilities within the defined facility catchment area (Shirley, Richmond, Edgeware and Mairehau) and much of what is provided is Church based, with the area being home to a number of strong Church based Trusts.
There does appear to be a gap in the area identified on the boundary of Shirley and Richmond.

Shirley Centre Positives

Shirley Community Reserve: Positives to Participation

1. Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study (2019)
2. Christchurch City Council Equity and Inclusion Policy
3. Shirley Centre/Shirley Community Reserve Redevelopment Ideas
4. Other relevant Blog Posts

1. Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study (2019)
7.3 Community Needs Analysis for Richmond
– Lack of low cost, creative and fun activities for after-school and school holidays.
– Mental health needs (adults through to children identified as a gap).
– Need for improved playground facilities across Richmond targeting pre-schoolers and small children.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 22)
8. Need and Gap Assessment, Summary of Need
– With an aging population, it is important to also consider what has been lost that would be of value to older adults.
– Secular Bumping space (for casual interactions and cross-over between activities and areas) for adults like that provided in libraries.
– With increases in younger populations in some areas continued and increased provision could include:
School and pre-school age play, game and playground area space, linked in particular to young people population growth mainly in Shirley and Edgeware.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 24)
9. Discussion, Fit with Christchurch City Council Network Plan
Providing hubs and focal points are important network plan outcomes.
9. Discussion, Breaking out of the box
– They make the point that often open space becomes a location for community centres (of a single-use type) and not a multi-use type.
– The space at 10 Shirley Road is an ideal location to consider in this way…it has a rich history of provision of community services, firstly as a school then as a community facility.
– Its high visibility is particularly attractive to young people.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 26)
Potential Activity for the 10 Shirley Road Site
– With the provision of the correct infrastructure this site could be reborn as a new interpretation of a contemporary community centre.
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 27)
11. Ownership, Governance and Management Review, Governance and Trusts as vehicles to drive Community Outcomes
– One key issue is how to gain a level of co-ordination of efforts across these neighbourhoods.
– Each Trust and its umbrella collectives in the area has a limited reach that naturally extends to the boundary of the neighbourhood they serve…
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 31)
Table 9. Governance options toward increased activation of 10 Shirley Road
Option ‘Support an existing Trust’, Negatives of approach:
– Unfavourable treatment of one Trust over others
– Not one Trust that spans these two neighbourhoods
– Would be either Church or Non-church aligned
– That trust would not necessarily hold the vision (Community Plan) for the whole area
Option ‘All comers’ Approach’, Positives of approach:
– Perceived as fair
– Council is not partisan
Option ‘All comers’ Approach’, Negatives of approach:
– Council will need to manage the community planning process on behalf of community groups
– Councils role does not cover Welfare, Crime, Social and Housing areas directly
(Shirley Community Facility Feasibility Study, Page 33)

2. Christchurch City Council Equity and Inclusion Policy
“While school was a ‘safe’ place, any outings in the community felt like an obstacle course. With many barriers (known/unknown) to engagement/participation & concern over what would be the triggers in the environment today, that could/would create a sensory overload & lead to a meltdown/shutdown…
While out in the community, I feel like I’m ‘Secret Service for a VIP’ (very vigilant & observant of our surroundings) when I’m in ‘mum mode’, especially when my son was younger & I was just learning about sensory processing & what triggers him.
Outings to new places/events require preparation & become a research project: ‘The 5 W questions: Who, What, When, Why and Where’, interior/exterior photos, location, map route, car parking, costs involved, food options, what we need to take etc…During the outing, you are scanning the environment, making a mental memory map of layout/exits, tagging potential barriers/triggers, rerouting when required, answering questions, thinking of distraction tactics, exit strategies etc all the while trying to enjoy the outing, as you get live updates of sensory overload levels & whether a meltdown/shutdown is imminent…
When I wrote this post: & started advocating for a new Centre to be built, for me it was never about just building a replacement centre. After living in both Shirley & Richmond, I was very aware of the different groups of people living in these suburbs & what their needs were after observing in them in the school & community environments.
At the time, the school had families who spoke over 20 different languages & it made me realise how do you communicate/connect with someone who doesn’t speak or understand English very well?
What if we had a library with learning spaces across the road, easy instructions on how to get to it & computers with internet access, so we could use English translation websites to communicate/connect & give them the opportunity to attend ESOL programmes to help them improve their English skills, while their children were learning at school.
For those children like my neurodiverse child, where do they learn & have the opportunity to develop their social skills, outside of their school environment?
Where could their parents go to get the education/help/support they need to parent a neurodiverse child, before their child is diagnosed & afterwards?
I recently had a meeting with an AutismNZ Outreach Coordinator, I said ‘it shouldn’t be this hard to find/access resources to help you parent your child & support for the parent/caregiver.’ Most of the resources available are targeted at helping the child.
So where do you go as a parent/caregiver? I shared my vision for the Shirley Centre & she loved the idea ‘it would be so beneficial for so many families.'” , Page 2

3. Shirley Centre/Shirley Community Reserve Redevelopment Ideas
Shirley Centre: Identity | Well-being | Learning
“You Are Here”: a place to be, in our communities.
Community Education & Support Services in Learning Libraries
The building of a new Centre & redevelopment of the Shirley Community Reserve, could include the following:
1. ‘Suburban’ Library
2. Christchurch City Council Service Centre
3. Learning Spaces
4. Meeting Rooms
5. NZ/Genealogy Area
6. Internal Courtyard
7. Indoor/Outdoor Seating Options
8. Natives Garden (Dudley Creek)
9. Wellbeing Sensory Garden
10. Events/Market Space (Carpark)
11. Inclusive Accessible Playground
12. Basketball Court/Youth Area
13. Shirley Playcentre
14. StoryWalk
15. Dudley Creek Trail

4. Other relevant Blog Posts