Christchurch’s Forgotten Suburb?

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Is Shirley Christchurch’s forgotten suburb?
By Tina Law | May 04 2018

For years Shirley residents have watched as millions of dollars have been poured into other Christchurch suburbs to build community centres, new swimming pools and libraries.
Shirley’s much-loved and used community centre on Shirley Rd was demolished following the 2010-11 earthquakes and Christchurch City Council has no plans to rebuild it in the next 10 years.
Papanui Innes Community Board member Ali Jones described the area as the city’s forgotten suburb earlier this week as she lobbied the council for extra funding for the area and the wider Papanui Innes ward.
Shirley’s situation is unlikely to change any time soon as the suburb has once again been largely left out of the council’s 10-year budget, the 2018-2028 draft Long Term Plan.

Money has been spent in the area, but only on infrastructure work, like roading, flooding reduction programmes and cycleways. As Jones said: “No big pool complex or hot pools here.”
Sumner, Mt Pleasant, Heathcote, Aranui and St Martins are just a handful of the suburbs to get new council-funded community centres since the earthquakes. New Brighton has a new multi-million dollar seaside playground and hot pools are planned. Planning is underway for a new pool, service centre and library in Hornby and for a pool in Linwood.
Halswell is getting two new skate parks, while the basketball court at Shirley’s MacFarlane Park is cracked and its toilets are still damaged from a fire in November.
Shirley residents acknowledge their area was not as badly damaged as others in the earthquakes, and are not saying other areas do not deserve new facilities. They just want their community centre rebuilt and their footpaths and roads fixed.

Sitting inside the MacFarlane Park Neighbourhood Centre on Acheson Ave, Mary Duff, 71, is knitting, having a cuppa and a natter with friends.
She says she broke her arm last year after tripping on an uneven section of footpath in Acheson Ave near her home. She notified the council but the bump has yet to be repaired, 10 months later.
“We get lumps and bumps on the street and they do nothing about it. I think it’s because it’s Shirley.
“We are human beings. We live in this place too. We may not be rich people but we try and look after our houses.”
Duff has lived in Shirley for 40 years and she runs the Knit and Knatter Group based at the neighbourhood centre. The group knits garments and donates them to hospitals. It receives a $350 grant from the council.
Sitting across the table is Duff’s friend, Sharyn Burnett. She is a community worker for the Shirley Community Trust and says everyone should be on a level footing when it comes to council support.
“We don’t want big, fancy, high-costing things. We want to make sure the basics are covered.”
“We don’t have a lot of money and material things but the people are so generous in their hearts and their spirits.”

Burnett, who has lived in Shirley for 23 years, says the area is suffering from a lack of places to meet.
“We have lost lots. Lots of venues, churches, our community centre. Where else do groups go? The loss of buildings is a big thing.”
Some relief is on its way for the Shirley Community Trust, with the opening of a new used building behind the existing MacFarlane Park Neighbourhood Centre. The building was donated to the council by the Lions Club International after the earthquakes and was previously used as the St Albans Community Centre. The council is now leasing the building to the trust.
The existing centre is bursting at the seams after taking in groups who lost their facilities after the quakes. More than 20 projects operate there each week, including a volunteer-run cafe which offers hospitality training to help people to find work.
While the new building is welcome, residents say there is still a need for a bigger facility to replace the one the community lost at 10 Shirley Rd.
Shirley is about 3.5 kilometres from the central city and was developed in the early 20th century after being mostly used as farm land by early settlers. According to Christchurch City Library archives, Shirley was the maiden name of Susannah Buxton, the wife of property developer John Buxton. On her death bed she asked her son to give land to the Methodists to build a church. The Shirley Methodist Church was built and the suburb eventually became known as Shirley.
The suburb is well served when it comes to retail with The Palms shopping centre nearby and other small pockets of convenience and food stores dotted around, but it has been some years since the row of shops on Acheson Ave have been fully tenanted.

A sign on Hills Rd optimistically alerts motorists and pedestrians to a shopping centre on Acheson Ave, but on closer inspection, the 12 shop fronts remain mostly closed to the public with metal roller doors. The dairy is the only shop that appears open.
Duff can remember when the centre was a hive of activity with a doctor’s surgery, pharmacy, bank, post shop, Four Square supermarket and hairdressers. But once The Palms opened they eventually closed up shop, she says.
Rosene and Donald Cholmondely​, who are heading home after taking their dog for a walk, say they have heard a fish n’ chip shop is about to open after the previous one burnt down. They have heard the owner is waiting on consents from the council.
The Cholmondelys have lived in Shirley for 18 years, but Rosene is ready to move on. She is fed up. Her home has been burgled four times in 12 years. The last time was a week ago. She lost some jewellery.
“I’m a bit disillusioned by it.”
They had the Mongrel Mob living down the road at one point and Rosene says that was good because it kept the burglaries down.
Donald says he wants to see a new playground for the children and Rosene wants a community garden established.
“What can the council do? That is the thing.”

Jenna Huffam knows exactly what the council can do. It can fix the toilets at MacFarlane Park.
Huffam runs children’s touch rugby at the park during the summer. More than 600 kids were involved, yet the toilets were out of action, so the children were led across to the neighbourhood centre, which had the closest toilet.
“The park is really well used, but it has no toilets.”
Huffam also wants to see the basketball court repaired. It is also well used, but has a big crack right through the middle.
Shirley is a family-orientated suburb. Some 65 per cent of residents are families with children and about 21 per cent of its population is between 0 to 15. The city average is 17.8 per cent.
The number of children in the area is what 8-year-old Anastasia Monteath-Carr loves about Shirley.
“I have lots of friends here and they live near me.”

Her mum, Therese Monteath-Carr, says the community is a tight-knit one, but it is suffering without the community centre. She also wants to see improved playgrounds and the street flooding fixed.
“It doesn’t flood as badly as some other areas, but there are some pretty formidable puddles verging on lakes. I walk my daughter to school and kids end up at school soaking. It’s not good in the middle of winter.”
There are eight schools either in or very nearby. One of the three schools bearing the suburb’s name will move to Burwood and it is taking its zone with it. Shirley has been entirely left out of the school’s new zone. Roughly half the suburb is inside the existing zone.
There is anger in the community about this and some feel “abandoned” after supporting the broken schools through the post-quake years.

The community is fighting back over the school zone and the council’s unwillingness to replace its community centre.
Shirley resident Joanna Gould has come up with a plan to push for a new joint library, learning centre, service centre, playground and playcentre at the former community centre site. She has written a submission to the council’s LTP and created a website to detail the plans.
She says the existing library building at The Palms could be sold to the mall owners and the library should be incorporated in a new centre.
“Each day as I pass 10 Shirley Rd, it is a constant visual reminder to me and the locals/road users of Shirley Rd, that our community has been left behind, we haven’t rebuilt from the earthquakes.”

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Christchurch Suburb Overlooked

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“Christchurch suburb overlooked since the earthquakes, community leaders say”
By Tina Law | Apr 30 2018

An east Christchurch suburb overlooked since the earthquakes is close to breaking point, community leaders say.
Papanui Innes Community Board chairwoman Ali Jones told a council submissions hearing on Monday Shirley was in dire need of new community facilities, but had been largely left out of the Christchurch City Council’s draft 10-year budget.
“Our ward has been forgotten in many ways, particularly the Shirley area – an area that is in the east but not in the east we hear so much about. No big pool complex or hot pools here,” Jones said referring to facilities being built in neighbouring wards.
The council is spending money in the ward but almost entirely on infrastructure projects, including cycleways and land drainage work.
The Shirley Community Centre, once a busy focal point providing a home to many different groups, was demolished following the 2010/11 earthquakes and has yet to be rebuilt. No money has been allocated in the LTP to build a replacement facility.
Jones asked for $153,000 to be put back into the budget to begin consultation and design work on a new facility.

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Below is my post from the “Richmond Avonside Dallington Shirley Locals” Facebook page| Joanna Gould | April 2018
“I regularly go to the Shirley Library and after my visit today I made some observations to my husband. He suggested I fill in the Facebook survey for the new Central Library, which I did.
But then I thought…I most probably won’t get to use that library much, I wish we could upgrade the Shirley Library…
Wouldn’t it be a great community facility to have a library and learning centre like Upper Riccarton and South Libraries?
But where would we get the money to create this building?
Sell the existing Shirley Library to The Palms Shopping Centre, as they are planning to expand north of the centre, and have already bought houses on the other side of the library.
“A block of 27 council flats, the Shirley library and service centre, and a Resene paint store separate The Palms from some of AMP Capital’s residential properties.”
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But where could we build a new community facility/library/learning centre?

My son goes to Shirley Primary School, directly opposite 10 Shirley Road. Each day as I pass 10 Shirley Road, it is a constant visual reminder to me and the locals/road users of Shirley Road, that our community has been left behind, we haven’t rebuilt from the earthquakes.
What message is this also sending to the children at this school whose classrooms outlook is a “dump”, and what about all the children from other schools who walk/bus/drive past this area?
That it’s ok to treat your community spaces like a dump? That this area doesn’t have any pride and isn’t worth much? That there isn’t any community spirit? That it’s not a place you want to live?
Now imagine:
– a whole neighbourhood block dedicated to this community (new purpose built library/learning centre, beside newly landscaped Dudley stream with existing Shirley Playcentre and upgraded playground)
– established large trees with seating underneath, grass area for weekend outdoor market, seating under verandah of the new centre building
– library: with service centre, free wifi/internet access, wifi enabled printer, public computers, tables so you can bring your own device (iPad/Laptop), comfortable chairs by magazines/fiction
– learning centre: open glass space with sliding doors to create smaller rooms when needed for community groups, after school activities, holiday programs, classes for: job seekers, family history, self publishing etc.
– website and community noticeboard on the outside of the centre, listing all local community facilities/places to hire/groups/activites/contact details
– disability/sensory friendly playground so all children are included and enjoy this playground
– existing bus stops on either side of Shirley Road, onsite parking behind the centre, off street parking upgraded on Slater Street and Chancellor Street
This is what I would like and how the community could afford to create this place.
It won’t be the same as the previous Shirley Community Centre, but I believe it could be a place to bring the whole community together again, for all ages and stages of life.”

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