Q. What does “Toi Ōtautahi – Strategy for Arts and Creativity in Ōtautahi Christchurch” have to do with a new centre being built at 10 Shirley Road?
A. “In Christchurch, we have many different opportunities to ‘observe’ the arts/creativity, but few opportunities to ‘participate’ in the arts/creativity, for our identity, well-being & learning.
We need arts/creativity access for all ages and stages of life, for every resident and every visitor to Christchurch. Shirley Centre: inclusive centre, library with learning spaces, available for anyone in the community to use.”
Item 19. Toi Ōtautahi – Strategy for Arts and Creativity in Ōtautahi Christchurch
– Pages 201 to 209, Council Staff Report
– Pages 210 to 223, Toi Ōtautahi – Final
– Pages 224 to 264, Toi Ōtautahi – Submissions*
* My submission is on Pages 245 to 250.