– The evidence base linking individual and community health to where we live, work and play is strong and growing. We know that all plans, policies and developments can potentially affect the physical and psychological health of people for good or ill. (Page 6)
– The design of our environments can influence, directly and indirectly, the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. Investing in the health of the population will also lead to comprehensive benefits not only for individual wellbeing but for productivity, social connectedness and economic growth. (Page 12)
– Te Pae Māhutonga supports our vision of a thriving, prosperous community through the imagery of the Southern Cross, which represents the health promotion goals of environmental protection, healthy lifestyles, active participation in civil society and secure cultural identity. (Page 15)
– Equity: While equality is the effect of treating all people in the same way, equity refers to more than just equal access or support.
Equity recognises that people with different levels of advantage require different approaches and resources to get equitable (fair) outcomes. Equity is focused on ensuring that efforts and resources are used wisely to improve outcomes for those most in need.
Providing more opportunities for educational success, addressing income inequities and unemployment and improving housing standards are all measures that directly improve health outcomes. (Page 25)
– Community resilience: When communities are resilient, they gain benefits above and beyond disaster management, such as social capital and cohesion. Planning for resilience can also result in spaces for public use and environmental protections. (Page 26)
– Cultural diversity: A strong sense of cultural identity is recognised as a key factor supporting an individual’s health. Living in an environment of inclusion, acceptance and tolerance enhances mental health and promotes social cohesion between people within a multicultural community. (Page 28)
– Neighbourhood amenity: Well-designed public amenities encourage local residents to use them and increase social and emotional wellbeing and connection. How does the project/site connect with other nearby amenities?
Does the project respect and contribute to neighbourhood identity?
Does it maintain and future-proof any heritage features? (Page 29)
– Public services: Good-quality, accessible public services (particularly social, educational, recreational and health facilities) have a positive effect on wellbeing.
Does the project present opportunities to improve access to public services and facilities?
Does it present opportunities to co-locate community services, facilities and businesses?
How will the future housing stock affect infrastructure needs in the area?
How might this impact in turn affect long-term prioritisation of infrastructure? (Page 30)
– Community safety: Reducing crime rates can enhance people’s physical and mental wellbeing, as well as enhancing social cohesion.
Does the project present opportunities to use better planning to improve community safety?
Can you identify opportunities to enhance the design of streets and neighbourhoods through improving infrastructure? (Page 31)
– Active lifestyles: We know that the environment heavily influences a person’s lifestyle and activity levels. Ready access to open spaces and safe walking and cycling routes enables people to exercise regularly.
Does the project support active transport modes?
Are the spaces or sites accessible to all? Consider needs related to, for example, mobility scooters, prams, language, and visual and intellectual disabilities.
Does the project improve opportunities for play and exercise?
Is it easy to walk around a site or locality?
Are there direct, attractive walking routes to building entrances?
Are there clear links to public transport routes? (Page 32)
– Transport: Active transport options such as cycling and walking have a range of environmental benefits, including that they produce no air pollution, noise pollution or greenhouse gases.
Does the project make the most of opportunities to promote active and public
Have you considered accessibility for all (including people with disabilities, youth, older people, families with young children, and lower-income earners)? (Page 33)
– Housing stock: Housing that is affordable, secure, dry and warm is critical for ensuring good health outcomes. The housing options available in a community will also influence peoples’ economic opportunities, costs of living, and how much time they spend commuting each day.
Does the project support and promote universal design building that is affordable, energy efficient, sustainable and of high quality?
Will the project improve existing housing and living conditions? (Page 34)
– Natural capital: The natural resources, land and ecological systems that provide life-support services to society and all living things are our natural capital.
Does the project consider optimal ecological requirements for wildlife and maximise the experience of natural heritage in the region?
Does the project present opportunities to improve or increase access to recreational and natural areas and parks?
Does the project recognise the importance of the natural environment to Māori and other communities, such as kaitiakitanga principles?
How does the project improve the connection of residents and tourists with the natural environment? (Page 36)
– Resource sustainability: The quality of air, water and soil, and the productivity of land underpin the health and prosperity of our society. The quality of environmental and green space is positively associated with health.
How does the project promote sustainability best practice?
Does the project minimise the use of non-renewable resources and energy, encourage waste reduction and promote reuse and recycling?
Does the project optimise opportunities to improve air quality (e.g., through supporting residents to install modern heating, insulation, and solar and wind technologies)? (Page 38)
– Economic development: Prosperous businesses, good-quality employment and job security can increase health and wellbeing as well as making it easier to follow a healthier lifestyle.
Does the project present opportunities to encourage new businesses or ways of supporting existing businesses?
Does the project encourage business opportunities for residents and local businesses?
Can the project include opportunities for training and employment?
Can the project stimulate the local economy by giving preference to the use of local skills, materials and businesses?
Can you identify innovative business opportunities (e.g., products focused on resilience and sustainability such as water reuse and solar energy systems)?
How are you promoting the project or area (e.g., to residents and visitors; creatively using both traditional and social marketing; and linking to active and public transport routes)? (Page 39)