– Shirley Community Profile
– Community In Mind Strategy
– 10 Shirley Road Location
– Healthy Communities
Shirley Community Profile
“The closure of the Shirley Community Centre and the Ministry of Education’s proposed closure of schools have had a major effect on community morale.”
– Link: Shirley Community Profile – November 2014
Community In Mind Strategy
“…an important focus of recovery is the establishment of the basis for a new future. Recovery is, in the end, the resumption of a meaningful life: the life you want to lead.” Dr Rob Gordon
Community In Mind Strategy by Community & Public Health
– Link: Community In Mind Strategy – June 2014
10 Shirley Road Location
“The Project Manager has provided the following information regarding site selection for the proposed Shirley Community Centre.
The site at 10 Shirley Road is 9042 square metres more or less and is owned by the Council and is held in trust for local purpose (site for a community centre). The site is bordered by Shirley Road, Chancellor Street, Slater Street and Dudley Creek.
The local Playcentre holds a separate lease over an area of approximately 769m2.
The site is subject to Part 9 of the Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 (which provides for certain disposals relating to the land to which the certificate of title relates to be offered for purchase or lease to the Te Runanga O Ngai Tahu in certain circumstances).
A list of all Council owned properties within a 1.5km radius of 10 Shirley Road will be produced to identify any suitable alternative sites to enable a decision on the site for the new Community Centre to be made in the new term.
10 Shirley Road has the advantage of a generous ground area and is designated specifically for the purpose of community facilities.”
– Link: Shirley/Papanui Community Board Area Update | 31 August 2016
Healthy Communities
What makes a community healthy?
“Healthy Communities are based on the following principles:
– Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
– Social, environmental and economic factors are important determinants of human health and are inter-related.
– People cannot achieve their fullest potential unless they are able to take control of those things which determine their well-being.
– All sectors of the community are inter-related; sectors need to share their knowledge, expertise and perspectives and work together to create a healthy community.”
Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition
What does a healthy community look like?
“Qualities of a Healthy Community include:
– Clean and safe physical environment
– Peace, equity and social justice
– Adequate access to food, water, shelter, income, safety, work and recreation for all
– Adequate access to health care services
– Opportunities for learning and skill development
– Strong, mutually supportive relationships and networks
– Workplaces that are supportive of individual and family well-being
– Wide participation of residents in decision-making
– Strong local cultural and spiritual heritage
– Diverse and vital economy
– Protection of the natural environment
– Responsible use of resources to ensure long term sustainability”
Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition